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Flughafendesign Frage


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Wie kann ich zum Beispiel Zaeune oder anderes verändern / löschen um einen Flughafen weiter auszubauen ?

Dabei fehlt mir das ursprüngliche design Programm , mit dem der Flughafen erstellt wurde.

Beispiel ich arbeite mit ADE170 , der Flughafen den ich für mich verändern möchte wurde mit einem Designer Programm erstellt ?

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ADE (and Afcad) are basicaly only for editing airport ground scenery, AI ground routes, parking positions, etc. and as far as I know, definately not for removing/editing scenery objects like buildings, fences, etc. included in addon airport sceneries.

However, ADE does offer a number of possibilities for ADDING objects to existing airport sceneries and even for making your own airport.


For deleting scenery objects from existing addon sceneries, you will need to find the BGL file concerned, to de-compile it, to remove the coding for the object(s) concerned, to re-compile it and finally to replace the original BGL. Normally a very tedious and time consuming proces.


Good luck.



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Here is the English translation in case anyone else can help!


How can I, for example, change / delete fences or other things in order to expand an airport further?

I am missing the original design program with which the airport was created.

Example I work with ADE170, the airport that I would like to change for m

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ADE (and Afcad) are basicaly only for editing airport ground scenery, AI ground routes, parking positions, etc. and as far as I know, definately not for removing/editing scenery objects like buildings, fences, etc. included in addon airport sceneries.

Actually, ADE has the ability to put exclusions in the scenery, which can be used (carefully) to exclude existing objects, in addition to all the things it can add. It doesn't actually REMOVE these objects from the .bgl file, but rather hides them so you can display what you want in that area.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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If the original scenery is FS9 specific, that is to say compiled xml, SceneGenX will decompile it and allow the results to be edited and then re-compiled … it's simple, straightforward and easy once you've got used to the program. There are a couple of provisos that may need to be considered, but that bridge can be crossed if necessary.

However, if the scenery is of the earlier "Scasm" type files, as used in FS2002 and earlier, then the whole exercise can be very tedious :(

Edited by chris_eve
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"Hiding" scenery objects via ADE ?


Are you referring to "hiding" objects included in third party addon sceneries or to default (autogen) objects like e.g. trees, buildings, etc, appearing where they should not be or otherwise getting in the way ?



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I'm just talking about the exclusion zones. It's been so long since I messed with it that I've forgotten the details, but I remember using exclusions to "remove" (actually hide) all manner of things. I even replaced entire airports with my own WITHOUT removing their original bgls.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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I'm just talking about the exclusion zones. It's been so long since I messed with it that I've forgotten the details, but I remember using exclusions to "remove" (actually hide) all manner of things. I even replaced entire airports with my own WITHOUT removing their original bgls.

The whole FS system works by priorities in the Scenery Library, the last loaded layer for any location will over-ride layers loaded previously. For removal of scenery, it works by not displaying items "excluded" by a higher level of scenery. ADE and AFX are both able to exclude specific categories (eg autogen, buildings, taxi signs etc), and there are also dedicated utilities that will do so.


In simple terms you should be able exclude items in default or addon scenery, by placing the file with the exclude area(s) in the Scenery library at a level that loads after the scenery concerned. I say "in simple terms" because sometimes it takes some fine tuning to set up correctly but perseverence will generally pay off.





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Wie kann ich zum Beispiel Zaeune oder anderes verändern / löschen um einen Flughafen weiter auszubauen ?

Dabei fehlt mir das ursprüngliche design Programm , mit dem der Flughafen erstellt wurde.

Beispiel ich arbeite mit ADE170 , der Flughafen den ich für mich verändern möchte wurde mit einem Designer Programm erstellt ?


Instant Scenery of Flight1 is one of those scenery creating tools. In some cases it regognize BGL files

and allows to remove static objects. It largely depends how the scenery has been built up.


Ich hoffe du verstehst englisch, ansonst wird es hier eher schwierig.



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