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johnhinson last won the day on April 12 2023

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  1. Suggest you read above! The large size (and long install time) is largely due to the huge range of voices. John
  2. Define good! I don't know what your standards are, but there is a discussion and link here: John
  3. johnhinson

    Moving Map

    It actually isn't a trojan or a virus. It is Norton keeping you safe by telling us it is dangerous purely because they only know of five people that have downloaded it! That's five users of Norton, and by telling you the file is dangerous it would seem they plan to keep it that way. Symantec/Norton Products detecting WS.Reputation.1 (nsoftware.com) Norton's web page linked from there detailing detection, false positives, and workarounds for that has mysteriously disappeared. I'm afraid I left Norton for another security provider mostly for stupid messages like that. That being said, developers can routinely send their files to the security providers so they can be checked and approved before release and thus be free of such issues. Most don't. But that is how the big boys never get accused of sending trojans out. I'm keen to try this product, although I'm not entirely sure I need it. I'm not sure when I'll find the time to read the manual so it might not happen for a while. Looking forward to hearing more on here, though. Scottish Mike - I found reference in the manual about the CONFIG softkeys, if you can find them: Best regards, John
  4. Try setting compatibility to Windows 7. You could certainly try Run as Admin, although mine is not. John PS - earlier you said "I transferred the fs9.cfg that I had been using on the W7 computer.". That may have brought some incompatible settings across. I would delete it and let FS build a new one, then put your settings in. PPS - check from your cockpit view Help > About to make sure 9.1 is correctly installed.
  5. First thing to try, I would suggest, is to disable to joystick to prove that is the issue. This sounds to me exactly what used to happen to me as soon as I switched the slew mode. H G Schnell came up with an answer that worked for in an old thread here: If this is what you need it is as easy as adding LOCKED=1 under [JOYSTICK_SLEW xxxxx] in your FS9.cfg file. John
  6. The FS9.1 update may be the critical one - it fixed a number of crashing issues in certain parts of the world. John
  7. Hi Dave, I used to be an "IT guy" too and thought Clonezilla looked interesting when you mentioned it, but I must be past it now as most of the words used on the Clonezilla page pass right over my head like a low-flying military jet. But backups - yes, everybody should. But its a lot of work finding a file when I need it as I keep my backups off-site. John
  8. OK, fair enough. That wasn't the kind of addon I was thinking of. Examples of the kind of files I am thinking of are things would be "improved" clouds or taxiway textures. If with experience you don't like such an addon, they are difficult to remove without leaving missing files. There's a lot of so-called enhancement packages out there, but it depends on your taste whether you think they are an improvement. The reason I recommend JSGME is that it will put everything back as it was beforehand. Best regards, John
  9. A good thing, but does that deal with over-writing default files when you might want to reinstate them later? That's what makes my suggestion so handy. John
  10. Glad to hear you are sorted. These things can be a pain. There is a way round such issues for the future. Install all your add-ons using JSGME Mod Enabler. It lets you add/remove everything on a whim - and if you make changes to an already changed file, it will force you to undo them in the same order. I don't use it for everything (although there's no reason not to) but I do always use it where default files are over-written. It would certainly be useful where installs go into default directories. JSGME Mod Enabler file John
  11. I would go back to the add-on scenery and re-install it somewhere external. Then you can see what files are installed and this should give some clues where things have gone wrong. Shame upon such developers. John
  12. johnhinson

    Flying Tips

    PS - found this: Magnetic Heading in Aviation: pilotinstitute It makes an interesting read, and explains why some heading indicators need resetting whilst others do not. John
  13. johnhinson

    Flying Tips

    Yes, that should keep things in order. Make sure you are not using a replacement magdec.bgl file, which can be secretly inserted by some add-on sceneries. I'm not really sure of their purpose, but they can make circumstances extreme at other places. A good way to prevent the situation arising is offered here: False Heading and Compass display - The FS2004 (FS9) Forum - The AVSIM Community John
  14. johnhinson

    Flying Tips

    B resets the altimeter to the current Barometric pressure - this of course changes during the flight and ATC should tell you when you tune in, if relevant. D resets the heading indicator for magnetic Declination, the bearing shown will generally get less and less accurate as the flight progresses owing to the variation in the angle of Magnetic North. Modern planes have the means to automatically compensate for this, so it is generally only those of us that fly the old crocks that normally have to deal with this. And, of course, once you get above transition altitude, barometric pressure is irrelevant as you are using Flight Levels based on a pre-defined barometric pressure setting. Generally I reset both each time I am transferred to a new ATC controller, that seems to cover most eventualities. I guess in the real world the first officer, engineer or navigator would have a responsibility for checking and resetting things when necessary. Best regards, John
  15. Try searching using the title of this thread! https://www.flightsim.com/search/?&q=Christian Page Models&type=downloads_file&quick=1&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy John
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