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A Nice BIZ Jet EMBRAER 100

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I had this aircraft long ago, came upon it recently and decided to give it another go! Very nice aircraft, great for short hops when you have to get there in a short amount of time.




One download came with an Airbus panel, another with a Bombardier panel. I decided to go with an M Spada panel that was intended more for my MD83 and MD90 aircraft, but, it works great with this aircraft!



Rick :cool:

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The panel is on this site's library. Below is the info with file name! No FMC, I guess you have to look for that, if you want it. I did not!


FSX Panel--McDonnell Douglas MD-80 / MD-83

[ Download | View ]


Name: md80pnlx-1.zip

Size: 2,276,309 Date: 07-13-2011 Downloads: 2,871



FSX Panel--McDonnell Douglas MD-80 / MD-83. Reworked by adding new gauges and freeware FMC by Garret Smith that must be downloaded separately. By Marco Spada.

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I was able to add a second livery to the original because both were mirror images of themselves, with the exception of a different texture. I merged the two and now have one aircraft folder for the Embraer 100 with two liveries. This is the second I added. I think I like it better than the dark brown/orange livery? Oh well, at least I have two to chose from!:rolleyes:




Rick :cool:

Edited by Downwind66
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I was going to say, that looks like a Phenom and looking at the tail I see in hard to read writing (thank you glasses) it does indeed say Phenom. I had that jet in FS2004 and took it a few places, but as I recall I didn't care for the panel so didn't fly it much. I had to laugh because back then I was very interested in getting a 3 core AMD Phenom CPU and with a BIOS trick and the right BIOS you could unlock the fourth locked core. But I never perused it.


I think the words Phenom and Origin are over used now a days. And don't get me started on the word "woke." Can't stand that word. LOL

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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What MD panel is this and where is it available?


Tim - If you decide to go with this panel, I discovered today that the digital fuel gauge is not accurate and I can give you a "fix" that I used to get around it. Send me a PM and I will share with you if you decide you are going to download the panel!


Rick :cool:

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Too cold out Aaron!


Ah, come on. Lake Okeechobee would be nice this time of year for skinny dipping. :D Besides, the last couple of times I asked my Amazon Echo spy tap Dot what the temp was in Jacksonville or Miami it was a nice 80 degrees and I'm here in Colorado freezing my little butt off trying to light a cigarette on the patio. LOL You guys have it lucky, man, you really do. I'd like to venture out there one day and perhaps buy a house. Though, I'd have the area surveyed for possible sink holes first. :D

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Well, we got up to 74* today, but the water temps are a whole different matter! I will gladly take a pass on going into any body of water over here.

Maybe a heated pool, but no natural bodies of water for me!


Have a nice evening Aaron and stay warm over there in Colorado!


Rick :cool:

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Great choice Rick! I need to find mine again :pilot:

Senior Rookie Bragware: FSX Gold - Acceleration | HP Omen Obelisk Desktop | Intel Core i7 3.2 Ghz |16GB | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 | 1TB HD | 256 GB SSD (Gaming Computer)


REX Worldwide Airports HD



ORBX Freeware Airports




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Wow Rick this little baby looks like one of those high end SUVs of the sky. Great aircraft.

Asus P8Z77-V Premium Mobo w\32GB MSATA Caching SSD On-Board | i7-3770K CPU | 16GB DDR3 1600 | FSX Gold on 1TB boot SSD | P3Dv4 on 512MB SSD | 1TB+2TB WD HDDs | 2 Asus GTX660 2GB Ti Cu cards w\SLI | Win7 Pro 64 | REX Full Catalogue | ORBX FTX Full Catalogue | Saitek Flight Control Pro w\Dual Throttle Quadrants+Pedals | 24"+2x19" HP Monitors | 1000W PSU



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