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How to convert WOAI airplanes to FSX


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How do I convert WOAI airplanes to work in Harmony with Default AI. I happen to like the Default AI & don't want to lose them. I'm not a "by the book pilot" so what color they are, where they are going doesn't matter. I just like to see active airports & airways.


NOTE: I already tried to make a separate folder for WOAI aircraft called WOAI & make a line entry "SimObjectPaths.6=SimObjects\WOAI Traffic" in my fsx.cfg but that screwed thing up and my Default AI disappeared. I was able to get the Default AI back by replacing the fsx.cfg with a default copy don't want to repeat the mistake.


Thanks in advance.

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download "AI flight planner" aifp2121.zip from the library and use it to convert all FS9-type traffic files to FSX-format.

That's all there is to it and all I've ever used the program for.




you have the option to keep or delete the FS9 files after you've converted them. Delete is best so they can never again block the FSX files from running.



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With fs9 and fsx trafficplans ( .bgl files ) installed, only the fs9 traffic shows.

You will need to convert the woai plans to fsx type. Then the woai and default traffic will both show again.


In AIFP is a menu option to convert all fs9 trafficplans at the same time.

When converting, you get the option to: "add _fsx suffix after converting". Select that. It adds " _fsx " at the end of each converted traffic file. Makes it easy to know what's what.


You can let aifp delete the fs9 files after conversion. Or instead choose to delete them manually.


Moving the files to their own folder was fine. Do make sure the folder is something like:

..\woai traffic\scenery\


not just

..\woai traffic\

(Because .bgl files, even traffic, need to be in a \scenery folder to be used.) (on second thought, as your default traffic disappeared I think you did that correctly.)

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Loyd - I downloaded AI flight planner aifp2121.zip and I tried to use it following what I thought was simple directions but it got a little overwhelming when it didn't work as I thought it should. Here some screen shots. I chose one WOAI folder that I place on my desktop for easy access. It didn't work or it said it couldn't find the files. Not sure how to proceed. I think I should google a how to video. Thanks





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Well how be a monkey's rich uncle penny bags (the monopoly guy). I didn't think AIFP was updated and I've been using the version form the library all this time.


Speaking of the Monopoly Guy.


OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

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That version of AIFP is seriously outdated.


Go here: http://stuff4fs.com/newpage.asp?Folder=AIFP


On the left-hand side panel, click on "Latest General Release" and use that. The new version will let you specify where to look for the traffic files.




The Version I'm using was suggested by Loyd so I figured that was the version I should use. It allows me to search the location also. Since I have NOT Installed any WOAI airplanes, I am trying to covert them Before I install. If everyone would read the Original Post, you may get a better idea of what I'm trying to do and how I am arriving at the results I'm getting. I googled how do convert but the how to videos are so bad, that is not a good option either. I wish there was a Step By Step Tutorial on how to do this.

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I've never did a bulk conversion of flight plans from FS9 to FSX, but I'm wondering if AIFP is looking for the BGL files themselves?


I don't know if this will work, but if you copy and paste all of the BGL files to one folder and then direct AIFP to that folder, perhaps it will then create one massive FSX-based BGL flight plans file. You really don't need individual flight plan files. One BGL flight plan file will load up just fine and you'll see all the traffic. I have a few flight plan files that are at least 200 MB.


Once you make the converted flight plans file drop it into the scenery/global/scenery folder of your FSX directory. Yes, the default planes will still fly around you.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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For converting AI airplane models from FS9 to FSX (which is what you do when converting WoAI airplanes), you need to visit the AIG website and search on converting models. There are a number of conversion kits available there.


The topic is HUGE, far too big to go into here.


But, let's take the Boeing 737s as an example. Most of the WoAI 737s are made on the AIA model - why on earth use that one, even the converted one, when you have the FAIB native 737 FSX models available? And most of the necessary textures are available for that model also. Just a thought....



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I've never messed with models or any of that myself. In fact, a majority of my AI is FS2004 based and to my amazement they fly without issue. Though I did have to convert the flight plans from FS2004 format to FSX format.


In a nutshell, FS2004 models should fly perfectly fine in FSX.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

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I've never messed with models or any of that myself. In fact, a majority of my AI is FS2004 based and to my amazement they fly without issue. Though I did have to convert the flight plans from FS2004 format to FSX format.


In a nutshell, FS2004 models should fly perfectly fine in FSX.


Yes, the WOAI FS9 models do fly well & are very nice. Maybe I'm asking too much. I would just like the WOAI & FSX Default airplanes to coexist, I like the Default airplanes but when I tried to Add the WOAI airplanes, whether it be 1 or 100, the Default disappeared. Sorry, I guess I just don't get how to make it happen. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. May as well just end this post here.

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I see a lot of confusion in this thread between plans and planes.


WoAI flight plans need to be converted to FSX format, not the planes.


In post#4- https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?314466-How-to-convert-WOAI-airplanes-to-FSX&p=2067278#post2067278 is a picture of the airplane folders being converted, or at least attempting to.


AIFP does not convert the airplanes, it converts the flight plans. The airplanes will work fine (unless you are using DX10 Preview Mode).


Point the converter (AIFP) to the traffic *.bgl files and it will work as advertised.



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Here's a WoAI 737 and a default A321 at my local airport, in DX10 preview mode with Steve's DX10 Fixer:



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Do the following with FSX closed.

While doing this FSX should not be running.



open aifp





click "bulk traffic"





click "convert FS9 traffic files to FSX"





select your FSX folder and place a check-mark





select with check-mark "Add _FSX suffix to traffic files after conversion".






Select: Delete FS9 traffic files after conversion.

((If you know in what folders your fs9 traffic files are, you can remove them manually instead.))






Click: Use Selected/Checked.





You'll see this progress bar:










(rest follows in next post)

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You get a list of found files.

With at the bottom: "Do you wish to convert them all? If so click "Yes".






Clcik Yes to convert.

Then just let it run.




Aifp will tell you if it finds errors in the fs9 files. It fixes them automatically. So just let Aifp finish. (No image of that)




If you had selected "delete fs9 files" your folder will afterwards: no longer contain FS9 traffic files. They are converted now.

And when playing FSX your installed WOAI traffic will show. So will the default fsx traffic.



All traffic files from WOAI such as for example:

Traffic_000_WoA_African Express Airways_Su09.bgl

will have been converted to FSX type, and will now have the name:

Traffic_000_WoA_African Express Airways_Su09_FSX.bgl


(You are not converting the airplanes like your thread title said, you are converting the traffic files.

The planess from WOAI are fine.

The reason that the default traffic file (fsx type of course) did not show it's traffic, was because there were also FS9 traffic files installed. (those .bgl files.)

It was not because of the aircraft.)


Remember, by selecting the whole FSX folder, you convert every FS9 traffic file in there.

So if you want to keep the FS9 versions of those traffic files, save them somewhere outside the "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" folder. (before doing the converting.)

Or they would be converted too.

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IL88PP - Extremely Generous of you to go to this extent to help me out. Thank you very much. Ok, So I have a question before I get started.


I have 77 WOAI Zip Files downloaded to a folder on an External Hard Drive (some but not all shown in screen shot below), They are not installed and are still zipped. How do I start the process? Do I have to Unzip them all into another folder or Install in the FSX Sim using the WOAI Installer? Once I get that figured out, then I think I can follow your instructions. Or do I just direct AIFP in the direction of the WOAI zipped folders? Thanks again. NOTE: Disregard Folder Name "WOAI Installed on New Computer". That should have been changed. No AI are Installed except Default presently.


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No, you have to install the packages first.

See this thread on how to install. (post #3)


To install you use the "WOAI installer". (not just "unzip") You can download the installer program at the WOAI site.


(not in that post, but you can install more then one WOAI package at the same time. (By selecting sevral files, and then clicking "install".).)

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What happened when I installed the ONE UPS WOAI airplane was it make it so my Default AI disappeared. I don't want that to happen again.


You're sure that if I install the WOAI airplanes into FSX that when I run AIFP that will make it so the Default & WOAI will all show up?


Just so you know, I have the WOAI Installer. I actually had all of the WOAI installed on my old PC. They worked fine but removed the default planes. Thanks and sorry I'm a bit Leary about trying this again.

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IL88PP - Where can I download AIFP 3.2.06 from FREE? I've searched and have come up with nothing that matches so far. That's the version you used to show me so I'd like to use the same one. The only one I can find here in flightsim files is Version 2.


Also - You're sure that if I install the WOAI airplanes into FSX that when I run AIFP that will make it so the Default & WOAI will all show up? Thank you

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As explained several times. If you have fsx type and fs9 type traffic files installed in fsx, only the fs9 traffic shows.

Convert the fs9 type files in the fsx folder (all of them) to fsx type, and delete the fs9 type files. Then, with all being fsx-type they will all show their traffic.

I'm not going to repeat it again. Just Sleep on it a few nights if you need to.


If you get stuck, or make an error, do not just reinstall fsx. Instead contact the forum to guide you further.


What version of aifp you use makes no difference.

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IL88PP - Again, I appreciate your help. I understood exactly what you were explaining and didn't need you to explain again. I just wanted to be 100% sure before I screwed up my sim again. Anyway, I was able to dl AIFP Version 3.2.15 which Mr. Zippy provided the link for. The program worked as you showed in your previous post with the very helpful screenshots. So, now I have plenty of AI and they seem to be working properly. Not sure if the Default AI are present because I've yet to see any in air. Thanks again.
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