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FSX-SE - Fresh install with some Scenery & Planes installed.

Windows 10


qBittorrent Program


So, I've done some reading/research on FreeMeshX (known as FMX here forward). Obviously not enough because I'm asking here. I've searched our files & googled it. I know, I have much to learn & part of learning is to ask questions so here it goes........


I installed 1 (one) Blue Sky Scenery which is Photoscenery Files.


I have a few questions need answers if you can help.


Question #1 - I'm wondering if the two, FMX & Blue Sky will get along or with they clash & cause problems?


Question #2 - There are 3 FMX Files - FMX USA HotFix 1 & FMX USA & FMX Global 2.0 - I'm wondering if USA & Global will be redundant or are both needed?


Question #3 - Is it normal for it to take so long for the files to download? I am currently dl'ding FMX USA and it's a giant file (51.13 GiB). It's been downloading for appx. 6 hours pulling from 1 peer with 9 seeds. I really don't understand Torrent Files, just stating what I see.




Thanks for any help

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I can answer #3. It depends on the download speed of your internet provider. You can stop the download and continue it tomorrow if you'd like. The program will pick up where it left off. Hopefully you have enough disk space available to store it.


I only downloaded FMX USA.



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I can answer #3. It depends on the download speed of your internet provider. You can stop the download and continue it tomorrow if you'd like. The program will pick up where it left off. Hopefully you have enough disk space available to store it.


I only downloaded FMX USA.




Thanks Don - It's going very slow. Usually I have lightening fast DL speeds. There are now 3 Peers instead of 1 so speeds have picked up some. Up to 22% now but still only 438.5 Kib/s. I'll see how it is in the A.M. Thanks again.

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Q1 Bluesky photoscenery vs FMX: these are totally DIFFERENT types of scenery. FMX enhances the SHAPE of the underlying terrain (mountains, valleys, ravines, hills, flat land, etc). BlueSky or any other Photoscenery is an IMAGE of what is on the surface in the real world ( is it a town with a red roof on the Motel 6 at the intersection of the two large roads; is there a group of buildings 1/2 mile down that dirt road; is that the city dump behind those trees? Look how much construction is visible on the south side of town. Look, they're building a by-pass over there on the east side of town... etc). What conflicts you are likely to notice are that typically the default airports in the sim don't match the position visible in the realworld surface imagery - this is why you get new versions of airport facility files with the Bluesky photoscenery. The other common discrepancy is the IMAGE of the river doesn't quite match the shape of the river valley in the terrain mesh so water may be displayed up out of the riverbed; in this case the picture is correct and the mesh is a less-than-perfect representation.


Q2 ?? At the time I originally downloaded FMX, they were batched by continent and Oceana with a followup correction download later. The instructions that are present in the current scheme of downloads should explain which is the latest version and whether any hotfix should be applied. I'll have to actually see if I need to DL a newer version myself. The USA was not included when I got it since the previous world scenery brought most of the non-US world up to the same 38m resolution that was already in the sim for the US - they might have made a higher-resolution addition to their offering for the US. If this is the case, then I suspect the answer is, yes, you need all three.



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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I don't touch mesh anymore. What mesh does is make mountains and what have you more precise. But what I found is that then a lot of airports elevations mess up and then you have to go in and flatten those with ADE. It's a giant PITA and you only know about it when you fly to that airport.


In FS2004 I had upgraded mesh for the entire world. And in Hawaii after the mesh was installed part of Honolulu was in the water.


IMO you're better off with just landclass like ORBX global base. If you get airport elevation problems you'll know it was your mesh.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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Q1 Bluesky photoscenery vs FMX: these are totally DIFFERENT types of scenery. FMX enhances the SHAPE of the underlying terrain (mountains, valleys, ravines, hills, flat land, etc). BlueSky or any other Photoscenery is an IMAGE of what is on the surface in the real world ( is it a town with a red roof on the Motel 6 at the intersection of the two large roads; is there a group of buildings 1/2 mile down that dirt road; is that the city dump behind those trees? Look how much construction is visible on the south side of town. Look, they're building a by-pass over there on the east side of town... etc). What conflicts you are likely to notice are that typically the default airports in the sim don't match the position visible in the realworld surface imagery - this is why you get new versions of airport facility files with the Bluesky photoscenery. The other common discrepancy is the IMAGE of the river doesn't quite match the shape of the river valley in the terrain mesh so water may be displayed up out of the riverbed; in this case the picture is correct and the mesh is a less-than-perfect representation.


Q2 ?? At the time I originally downloaded FMX, they were batched by continent and Oceana with a followup correction download later. The instructions that are present in the current scheme of downloads should explain which is the latest version and whether any hotfix should be applied. I'll have to actually see if I need to DL a newer version myself. The USA was not included when I got it since the previous world scenery brought most of the non-US world up to the same 38m resolution that was already in the sim for the US - they might have made a higher-resolution addition to their offering for the US. If this is the case, then I suspect the answer is, yes, you need all three.




Huge Thank you Loyd - That is some fantastic information you've provided. I'll be short & sweet with my response as I have a busy day today.


I'm still in the process of dl'ing FMX which is going extremely slow. Only at 23% over night. I think it's because my PC went to sleep mode. I since corrected that.


So my plan is to continue dl and install once finished and then dl and install the Global part of the Mess. I'll keep fingers crossed that I don't have any issues as CRJ stated in his post. I will however, Uninstall the one BlueSky Scenery I installed along with it's Airport Facility Files.


It should be fun. And I guess if worse comes to worse, I'll uninstall & reinstall FSX-SE as I really haven't installed much since initial install so all wont' be lost as I keep all the Addon Download Zips that I obtain in organized little folders with proper headings.


Again, Thank You Very much for your help in this one & I'm sure I'll have another question or two before all is said and done.


CRJ - Thank you Sir for your information provided as well. Fingers crossed I won't have issues as you have described. If I do, maybe I'm look iinto ORBX Global, I have done some reading about it but am not well versed on it's use as of yet. Have a great Day Everyone.

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I have the Orbx Global also. I just place FreeMesh below any Orbx scenery (just above the default scenery sections) and place ALL photoscenery ABOVE Orbx so it only shows when enabled. I don't leave photoscenery on; I turn on only the sections I want - and when I want them. FMX stays on



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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I have the Orbx Global also. I just place FreeMesh below any Orbx scenery (just above the default scenery sections) and place ALL photoscenery ABOVE Orbx so it only shows when enabled. I don't leave photoscenery on; I turn on only the sections I want - and when I want them. FMX stays on




Nice Scenery but I'm the type of person who when I go in, I go all in and if I were to do that, I would have to mortgage my house, car, truck, wife & the Dog to pay for it all. I'll stick with the FMX scenery for now because it's Free & I can get it all. Hopefully it's as nice as it seems once I get the FMX - USA files downloaded. It's currently at 54% which has taken appx 24 hours. Maybe by this time it will be complete & I can install and give it a whirl. Thanks for you response.

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UPDATE - Installed FreemeshX - USA & USA HOT FIX 1 ONLY, did not install Global 2.0 yet. I have to tell you, I'm Not Impressed at all. I had previously installed Blue Sky and flew Colorado Airport 7V1 and it was actually pretty good, better than FMX for that particular location. I did fly KPVD which is my local airport & honestly, I was Over Impressed. It seems like whoever or however it was developed it, put in many, many extra buildings that I can't begin to figure out where they are. Anyway. Testing will continue. I did notice another thing, my frame-rate is all shot to hell with this and I thought my Computer was pretty good considering this is an older game.


ONE QUESTION: If I decide to uninstall FMX, will there be any problems caused? Anything I should know ahead of time IF I choose to go back to Blue Sky or some other Visual Enhancement Product. I know someone suggested ORBX Global. On the fence, if it's anything like FMX I think I'll stick with either FMX or Blue Sky.



Thank you in advance.

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You can just uninstall the product. There shouldn't be any issue. ORBX base is just landclass, not like Bluesky which is photo real. Look at the ORBX site and you'll see.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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You can just uninstall the product. There shouldn't be any issue. ORBX base is just landclass, not like Bluesky which is photo real. Look at the ORBX site and you'll see.


Thanks CRJ - I've been looking at it. It looks interesting. Don't know if I can swing the cash at this time though. Still on the fence.

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You can just uninstall the product. There shouldn't be any issue. ORBX base is just landclass, not like Bluesky which is photo real. Look at the ORBX site and you'll see.




FTX Global Base is NOT landclass, just textures/autogen and behind-the-scenes revision to the landclass files to better accommodate them.


FTX openLC is specific landclass alteration (for the region or coverage for specific areas - Europe, North or South America, as of date of posting)


FTX Vector is Vector graphics that adds roads, rivers and coastlines and many other overlaid details

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Ok, So I'm really getting aggravated with this FREEMESHX Situation I have going. I need some help. Yes, FMX is free and who am I to complain but when I go the the Nine Two Productions website & DROOL over the amazing scenery I see in the example & screen shot section, I don't understand why mine does not even look close.


I downloaded it properly, 51.13 GIG's worth. Installed in my Scenery Library & Activated it properly. In settings in FSX I turned my all my Graphics down to zero except Aircraft which shows to leave on Ultra High.


Does the folder name I give it matter? I named it FREEMESHX_USA with sub folder Scenery which contains all the .BGL files. The folder on the Install page on Nine Two Productions page looks like FREEMESHX-USA. The - being in a different place. I put mine _ under score like all my other scenery folders.


Not sure what else to do here. I even joined the Avsim website & made a post there for help. I believe MR. Zippy stated to help me, (charlie) but has not answered me. I am patient but this is getting frustrating LOL. I posted comparison photo's in previous post on this thread.



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Ok, So I'm really getting aggravated with this FREEMESHX Situation I have going. I need some help. Yes, FMX is free and who am I to complain but when I go the the Nine Two Productions website & DROOL over the amazing scenery I see in the example & screen shot section, I don't understand why mine does not even look close.


I downloaded it properly, 51.13 GIG's worth. Installed in my Scenery Library & Activated it properly. In settings in FSX I turned my all my Graphics down to zero except Aircraft which shows to leave on Ultra High.


Does the folder name I give it matter? I named it FREEMESHX_USA with sub folder Scenery which contains all the .BGL files. The folder on the Install page on Nine Two Productions page looks like FREEMESHX-USA. The - being in a different place. I put mine _ under score like all my other scenery folders.


Not sure what else to do here. I even joined the Avsim website & made a post there for help. I believe MR. Zippy stated to help me, (charlie) but has not answered me. I am patient but this is getting frustrating LOL. I posted comparison photo's in previous post on this thread.




Graphics to zero?? I use only Bluesky scenery. Just judging from your screen shots, you are grossly too low to see what you are looking at. These scenery files are for the high flying airliners that would view this from about 15-20 thousand feet higher.


If you are looking for great scenery that is visible when taking off from an airport I would suggest you try some of the ORBX scenery that is offered as freeware.


I borrowed a shot from the Nine Two Productions site. This guy is pretty high!



Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Graphics to zero?? I use only Bluesky scenery. Just judging from your screen shots, you are grossly too low to see what you are looking at. These scenery files are for the high flying airliners that would view this from about 15-20 thousand feet higher.


If you are looking for great scenery that is visible when taking off from an airport I would suggest you try some of the ORBX scenery that is offered as freeware.


I borrowed a shot from the Nine Two Productions site. This guy is pretty high!




Graphics to Zero meaning the Graphic Sliders in Settings in the FSX. Aren't you the member on Avsim that replied to my post? The guy who replied's name is Charlie Aaron and he uses the same Avatar as you. Coincidence? Whoever it was asked me about the graphic slider settings. Maybe I'm just flying too low & expecting too much.


Could you provide a Link to the ORBX Freeware? I've searched & come up empty. Thanks

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Graphics to Zero meaning the Graphic Sliders in Settings in the FSX. Aren't you the member on Avsim that replied to my post? The guy who replied's name is Charlie Aron and he uses the same Avatar as you. Coincidence? Whoever it was asked me about the graphic slider settings. Maybe I'm just flying too low & expecting too much.

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!

Could you provide a Link to the ORBX Freeware? I've searched & come up empty. Thanks


Yeah, that's me over at AVSIM, and yes, I asked about your slider settings to see if these downloads suggest new ones to be used.




I just thought of one more thing. What are you using for weather? If you are using the in-Sim real world weather, then it's locked into Northern Hemisphere Winter weather. That can also affect how the scenery looks.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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FreeMesh X should be installed into the sim thus:


1: Download the full files from the torrent. This will give you separate folders along the lines of Free Mesh X - North America

2: Check the sub-folder has a `scenery` folder, and there are many gigs of files in there

3: The Free Mesh X - North America should be installed into the addon scenery folder. In fact it doesn't need to be installed there but this enables verification the scenery IS installed

4: The addon scenery folder should be moved from the top of the scenery GUI to just above the default sceneries


5: Reboot the simulator and watch fro the scenery loading bar as the sim starts


If you have missed ANY of these stages you've messed things up.


Show contents of FSX .cfg AND scenery .cfg. Moving sliders in the sim is not necessary UNLESS you have set the mesh slider to a level below the mesh you have installed. FSX .cfg will soon tell us that

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Ok, So I'm really getting aggravated with this FREEMESHX Situation I have going. I need some help. Yes, FMX is free and who am I to complain but when I go the the Nine Two Productions website & DROOL over the amazing scenery I see in the example & screen shot section, I don't understand why mine does not even look close.


What about it is not looking right? What mesh resolution setting are you using?


Note that FreemeshX updates the underlying terrain elevation data. Depending on where you are flying, there may not be a big change over the default. Also, the change in flatter areas won't be as pronounced as in the mountains. The default continental US, was decent too, though not perfect, while much of the rest of the world benefited the most from third party mesh.

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I found some ORBX Freeware. I'll give it a try.


Be sure to read about what is needed. Scenery like PNW demo should come with FTX Central. All of the freeware airports need it also!

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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