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Changing everything over to a new SSD card?

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Going to keep everything simple...In a nutshell two years ago I got a free 128gb SSD card when I bought a new monitor. As it was recommended I put my operating system and FSX on the SSD and everything else on my 1TB HDD backup storage, which has worked out flawlessly. I knew this would happen but I'm starting to quickly run out of storage.


As I've begun to run out of space I bought another 500gb SSD. I do know that it's simply not as easy as dragging and dropping FSX and addon's into the new SSD due to the registry.


Is there a guide or any do's and don'ts before I do this. Any help would be appreciated.

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I recently converted from HD to SSD on both C: and D: (my FSX/P3D disk). C: I was able to clone, but D: I just started copying stuff over (except a few small things I don't need), including the sims. Once I had everything over there, I then removed the D: disk and renamed the SSD to D:. P3D, etc. ran fine, so now the former D: is available as a backup or, if I wish, as an additional drive to use with a different ID.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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Which version of Windows the OP is running wasn't stated, but this guide for Windows 7 shows what adjustments need to be made, i.e. turn off scheduled defrag, turn off indexing, disable prefetch ... all the things which put unnecessary wear-and-tear on your SSD drive and can actually slow it down.







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3 reasons making a system image and transferring the system drive C to the larger drive is the better option.


1-when you make a system image in the future, of the 500gb drive, a system image of C contains th whole system, Programs&Windows. That gives you a nice complete Image. No having to keep track of where everything is and picking backup bits together across different drives.


2-making and restoring a systemimage to transfer to the large drive is dead-easy.


3-Once transferred, with Windows and all programs on C, you have the option in the future of expanding to a larger disk again if needed.

If instead you move things and create symlinks to it, expanding to a larger drive later becomes tricky. Because those folders you moved will have gotten larger, and you can't move them back to C before transferring to a larger drive.


(and a 4th reason)

Keeping the C drive as that 128gb, you would have to start installing new programs on D or E or so. Works as long as drive letters don't change. But if a drive letter changes the things get messed up. Registry entry's go wrong and cause big problems.



Much better to migrate to your new 500gb drive using an Imaging program, then keep installing new programs on C as well.

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I am using "Acronis True Image 2014"

This is an Acronis version I got for free when I bought a drive bay converter to fit my new SSD (2.5") in a normal drive bay (3.5").

I think it has a retail value of 20$ or so.

It didn't expire so I just kept using it.


Another one I used a few times to make an Image is the freeware "EaseUS ToDo Backup".

I made only a few backups with it, and restored only once or twice, just to test.

I found it very intuitive.

I looked for that because a freind had a new pc, and needed a way to make backups. He didn't want to buy a payware program, so I found this for him.


I since installed EaseUS myself as well, but used it ery rarely.

I still use Acronis True Image 2014. I prefer that because it makes Images in less time.

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I am using "Acronis True Image 2014"

This is an Acronis version I got for free when I bought a drive bay converter to fit my new SSD (2.5") in a normal drive bay (3.5").

I think it has a retail value of 20$ or so.

It didn't expire so I just kept using it.



Same here except I bought it for about $20. IMHO it's worth every penny. At that price, I'd not even recommend anyone waste energy trolling for freeware. ;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Another option that I have used on a number of occasions (the freeware version) is Macrium Reflect......see




And for some good advice on how to create ISOs and other backups, see https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4241/how-to-create-a-system-image-in-windows-7/ - it was on this page many years ago, (it has since been updated to include info on W8 and W10) that I first found out about the Reflect product




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Same here except I bought it for about $20. IMHO it's worth every penny. At that price, I'd not even recommend anyone waste energy trolling for freeware. ;)


Those with WD drives can download a special version of Acronis True Image for free from the WD support page. Crucial also includes a licence for Acronis with some of their SSD models.

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