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FSX looks very unrealistic


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My FSX:SE looks terribly unrealistic AND has a very poor FPS despite having a high end computer as well as all max settings ingame. The scenery has horrible textures and most of the buildings don't even load until I get close. I usually get around 10-15 fps which makes the game play like a sideshow.


I see everyone else without addons and not even max graphics settings having better graphics than me


How do I improve at the very least the graphics of the game to make it actually look like a flight simulator?


My PC specs:

-Lenovo yoga 710


-16gb ram

-nvidia geforce 940mx 2gb

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High-end computer:confused: Mediocre laptop at best! Up to 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7500U Processor (2.70GHz 4MB)


You can't run all of your settings maxed out. You are going to have to slide the settings down and test until it looks better.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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The very short solution to the issue: do not run FSX on a laptop.


The more complicated solution, using the available hardware: read and implement as necessary Kosta's FSX tweaking guide, found as a sticky at the top of this forum.


In particular, in FSX.CFG, reduce road traffic to 5%. And, make sure that it uses the nVidia as the display, instead of the default Intel graphics chipset.


Other than this, on a laptop there isn't a whole lot you can do. You're locked in with CPU, graphics, memory type, display etc etc. In short, you can only compare even a high-end laptop to a mediocre desktop. Sorry, but that's how it is.



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There is not even a new CPU out there that can run FSX maxed out on all sliders with decent frame rate. I Guess if you like running at 15fps go ahead and max it out. FSX is 12 year old code and won't even take advantage of newer hardware. FSX:Steam runs a bit better and a bit more stable. Hell, even P3D is not the perfect solution. I would suggest turning water off to start with. That is the biggest hit next to traffic. Tune those traffic settings down. You don't need 100%. 20% will fill the sky's nicely.


I would also recommend the airtrafficmanager which is free in the Avsim forums and allows you to set the max number of aircraft you can see at 1 time no matter your traffic sliders settings. I won't fly without it.


FSX is not just about flight simulation. It is also about learning to tweak and squeak every bit of performance you can to get a nice balance in graphics and fly-ability.


Good Luck and hope you get it sorted out. :)

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ORBX regions will enhance your flying. These fix landclass, make new shorelines, re-do default mesh and add objects to small airports. I run FSX on a laptop, and it doesn't look great, but I can still enjoy it.




Intel I7 2 GHZ, Intel Graphics HD 4000, 8 Gigabytes RAM.




You will need to lower your slider down if you want okay looking terrain. Best one to lower is ground detail to 2M. Put water down to the lowest you can stand it, traffic down to 8% works good for me, weather settings all down to medium low and autogen to normal.

Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.




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It looks as though you have a sim comprehension issue. FSX isn't Real World photography!! Nor can it ever be! But it does a hugely good job of showing the world in simulation format.


Having said that, my sister in law looked at the best FSX representation of London money could buy and said "That's not London!!" She was expecting London to look as how it appeared exactly as she, my wife, and I remember seeing London while flying at low altitude in a RW chopper.


Please remember this is a SIM!! There is no way that those of us who aren't part of the D.O.D. can put RW pictures into any sim! Unless of course, you have a few billion dollars to spend!



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Pedanticism aside, are you sure that rig is running on the 940M? The Yoga has an internal HD card as standard, and unless you know how to disable it in favour of the addon GC, you DO NOT have the laptop running properly.


Show copy of FSX.cfg

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Ryan, I believe (or rather, my ailing memory does) that is a Yak-12. But I have no idea of where to get it.


And, to illustrate what Mallcott says about laptops and graphics adapters, I have an Asus laptop (and no, I don't use it for FSX) with an Intel adapter and a nVidia 960M adapter. Some applications will run off the one and others off the other - I haven't yet seriously looked into forcing everything to the nVidia one.


But note here that this is a 960M, not a GTX 960! The OP has a 940MX, not a GTX 940. In both cases, these are the MOBILE graphics adapters!!! They cannot, because of the limitations inherent in a laptop, have the same cooling and power that you can in a desktop, hence their somewhat limited graphics performances.


For FSX, it all boils down to which adapter is being used by FSX. The only way to see that is to have a look at FSX.CFG.


I wrote this earlier, and I will repeat it, highlighted:


The very short solution to the issue: do not run FSX on a laptop.


The more complicated solution, using the available hardware: read and implement as necessary Kosta's FSX tweaking guide, found as a sticky at the top of this forum.


Sorry, but that's my bent five euro-cent's worth.



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Many laptops have 2 display adapters...one for gaming (the Nvidia) and usually an Intel integrated (which is easier on energy for when the laptop is running off the battery). Check to make sure that FSX is running on the Nvidia and not an integrated Intel. Right clicking on FSX.exe may give you a "Run with graphics processor" option that allows you to specifically choose the Nvidia card. Or, launch the Nvidia control panel and configure it to make sure that the Nvidia adapter is used when FSX is launched.


This happens with me and P3d...but not with FSX.


The "NEVER USE FSX ON A LAPTOP" people are off base...it runs better on my MSI gaming laptop than it does my desktop.


It needs to be reminded though that FSX still has a really difficult time keeping up with lots of traffic in highly populated areas. As others mentioned water and other details can also bog it down. I have yet to see a system that can handle flying into LaGuardia in bad weather with airline traffic around...especially if a resource killer like Orbx Vector is installed.

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"The "NEVER USE FSX ON A LAPTOP" people are off base..."


With all respect, and no offense intended, Sir, I am ON BASE with this. Throw what is in my installation at your laptop and let's see how it runs then.


But, that is neither here or there. If your installation runs to your satisfaction, and mine runs to my satisfaction, then each of us have achieved what we wanted.


And that's really what it's all about.



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