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Hi everyone,


For a watercraft that I downloaded and installed a few days ago, the manual says the following:


"To sail with AI boats, you need to download and install AICARRIERS freeware software, for example, from AVSIM, SIMVIATION, or FLIGHTSIM." (I have slightly modified the wording in the quotation.)


What are AI boats, please? What is this AICARRIERS software? I understand, I think, that AI stands for artificial intelligence.


Thank you.



Intel Core i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60 GHz | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 | Dell U2717D monitor | Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X

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Hi everyone,


For a watercraft that I downloaded and installed a few days ago, the manual says the following:


"To sail with AI boats, you need to download and install AICARRIERS freeware software, for example, from AVSIM, SIMVIATION, or FLIGHTSIM." (I have slightly modified the wording in the quotation.)


What are AI boats, please? What is this AICARRIERS software? I understand, I think, that AI stands for artificial intelligence.


Thank you.





I think it's referring to AI ships. Yes, AI stands for artificial intelligence. So the boats or plans are piloted by the computer in the Sim.


AI Carriers have harden tops so you can land an F-18 or whatever on them. They are aircraft carriers.

OOM errors? Read this.

"The great thing about flight simulation is that in real life there are no do-overs." - Abraham Lincoln c. 1865

An awesome weather website with oodles of Info. and options.

Wile E. Coyote would be impressed.

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There are a LOT more ships that are AICarriers capable than just carriers. There are carriers, yes, with different formations and battle groups available. There are battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, just about every ship that's been made for the world's Navies. All are AICarrier capable.

AICarriers is a small add-on software that will permit the placement and control of the direction of movement of these ships. It shows up in the ADD-ONS menu at the top of the page when flying. There is also a hot-key combo to call up AOCarriers during flight.

There are even slingloads for helicopters and MV-22's available that are AICarrier capable.

Another note: AICarriers comes in two versions. The original, called the .exe version, is Java based, and requires Java to be installed to function.

AICarriers.NET, as it's called, is a newer version written by Orion Lau. It works in FSX:SE and P3D, and seems to work better than the original. It requires .NET Framework to be installed to function. There is a link to the .NET download needed contained in the .zip file's Readme. I can provide a link to AICarriers.NET download page, and a discussion thread started by Orion on the FSDT forums, if you desire. It uses fewer computer resources, less VAS, RAM, CPU cycles, and so on than the original. I strongly recommend the .NET version over the original Java based version.

AICarriers can also be started automatically when FSX starts by adding an entry in the EXE.XML file FSX uses. It will then shut down automatically when FSX does. By the bye: The original had a problem, where it would not shut down when FSX does, and the computer resources it utilized would not free up. The new, .NET version has pretty much ended that problem.

Hope this helps you out a little :)



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your replies.


So, I need to be clear. Here is my understanding:


If I am going to land any kind of aircraft on a vessel, then I need some version of AICarriers.


However, if I just want to drive a vessel -- whether it be an aircraft carrier, a battleship, a destroyer, a cruiser, a submarine, or whatever -- then I do not need to install this software.


Is this correct, please?



Intel Core i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60 GHz | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 | Dell U2717D monitor | Thrustmaster T.Flight Stick X

Total available graphics memory: 24534 MB; Dedicated video memory: 8192 MB; System video memory: 0 MB; Shared system memory: 16342 MB

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your replies.


So, I need to be clear. Here is my understanding:


If I am going to land any kind of aircraft on a vessel, then I need some version of AICarriers.


However, if I just want to drive a vessel -- whether it be an aircraft carrier, a battleship, a destroyer, a cruiser, a submarine, or whatever -- then I do not need to install this software.


Is this correct, please?




Pretty much! All that is needed to drive a boat is a pilotable version.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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If I am going to land any kind of aircraft on a vessel, then I need some version of AICarriers.


However, if I just want to drive a vessel -- whether it be an aircraft carrier, a battleship, a destroyer, a cruiser, a submarine, or whatever -- then I do not need to install this software.


Is this correct, please?


That is correct.

Having said that, bear in mind that not every ship that can be downloaded and installed is pilotable. You have to make sure that a ship, to be pilotable, has a "panel" folder included, at the very least.

I can't recall if a sound folder is required too, but I believe it is. I may well be wrong on the sound folder, but the panel folder I KNOW is a must-have.

A lot of ships come in two versions: A pilotable version, that you can operate like any airplane or helicopter, and an AI version, that is usable by AICarriers, and/or AI "flight" plans, so as you fly around in the world they will be present sailing around on the ocean for you to see. Those usually come without a panel folder, but they DO include a traffic file, which will look similar to this: traffic_XXXXXXXX.bgl where XXXXXXXXX is the name of the ship, and/or the traffic pattern they follow. That file is to be placed in your ...\FSX\scenery\World\scenery folder. That is the "AI flight plan" I mentioned above.


EDIT: I have AICarriers.NET start with FSX automatically. To me, it's easier that way. If I don't need it, fine, it doesn't take very much away from the sim, and if I decide I DO want to use it, it's there and ready to go any time I choose. I also have a wide variety of ships and formations in the form of config files in a subfolder of the conf.d folder, so whichever I decide I want, I can switch in and out as desired. Prevents me from having 20 pages to scroll through when I open AICarriers to find the ship or formation I desire. If you just keep adding config files to the main AICarriers.cfg, you can get a lot of pages to look through to find what you want.


Does that answer your questions?



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Hey, Pat! I gots a question fer ya. OK, actually 2. The first is.....I had the original AICarriers.whatever it was and it ran all the time so all I had to do was hit Shift+j when I was over water (that usually floats my boats!) and I could practice my carrier landings. I never had issues with it not shutting down when I closed FSX. Second question is...do I need Acceleration to run AICarriers.net


Keeping in mind that I have FSX with SP2 only so no launches, only traps for me!

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I had the original AICarriers.whatever it was and it ran all the time so all I had to do was hit Shift+j when I was over water (that usually floats my boats!) and I could practice my carrier landings. I never had issues with it not shutting down when I closed FSX.


The original and the new version executables are actually both AICarriers.exe. Having said that, I got into the habit of calling the new version AICarriers.NET (note the capital letters, please), and the original AICarriers.exe (note the lower case letters), because that's how Orion, the .NET's author, prefers them to be referred to in the forum thread dedicated to talking about it on the FSDT forums. Makes it easier to keep the two separate, without a lot of extranneous (big word of the week! :D ) explanation.

When you start it in the exe.xml, or manually, for that matter, it stays running until you shut it down, or you close FSX. SHFT+J any time you're out over the water it should open the menu. Not every one had the "stay on" problem, but many did.

The biggest advantage to AICarriers.NET is the computer resources it doesn't use, compared to the original.


Second question is...do I need Acceleration to run AICarriers.net


No more so than the original version. The two version's functionality is identical. Again, it's the computer resources the .NET doesn't use compared to the .exe version that's the biggest difference.

Another difference is the .NET seems to work with FSX:SE, whereas the .exe either doesn't, or doesn't work right. Same for P3D, especially after P3dV4.

One little trick, speaking of P3D: To work with the exe.xml, or perhaps at all, I don't know for sure, is that it has to be installed under the P3D root folder.

Not with FSX or FSX:SE, however. With those, it can be anywhere you like.


EDIT: Please note, however, that you DO have to have the correct .NET Framework installed. There's a link to the correct one's installer in the .zip file's Readme file. No need to update the .NET Framework. Just the one in the Readme.


Does that answer your questions, Mr. Zippy, sir? :)



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Hi everyone,


So, I need to be clear. Here is my understanding:


If I am going to land any kind of aircraft on a vessel, then I need some version of AICarriers.


However, if I just want to drive a vessel -- whether it be an aircraft carrier, a battleship, a destroyer, a cruiser, a submarine, or whatever -- then I do not need to install this software.


Is this correct, please?




Actually, no. That is not correct. Nothing against AICarriers- it is a wonderful program…however, I don't use it.

I use AIBTC - AI Boat Traffic Compiler




It seems a bit complicated at first and you need GoogleEarth, but the actual app is simple and the step-by-step instructions are very helpful.


I think it allows more flexibility in creating AI Boat traffic of any type, including carriers. As a former USN officer who has served a few years on aircraft carriers and a helo/VTOL carrier, I think you can better capture the way navy ships operate as a Strike Group with AIBTC


It will take any AI boat including the default AI carrier, cruiser and destroyer—the latter two have helo flight decks—and any AI boat freeware.


Just my two scents. [emoji846]







Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

R/ Hangar 32


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Just my two scents. [emoji846]


Can I have a free guess at which 2?;) Nothing better than a Nasal Radiator! Definitely appreciate your service as well to all of the rest of us that served! I may take a quick look at your provided link.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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You are welcome and thank you too.


From your use of the terms CATS and TRAPS I can pretty much guess what service you were it. Go Navy! [emoji41]



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Yep, Go Navy! 1968-1972 Stationed at NAS Whidbey Is with the heavies. 2 Cruises 1-Mediterainean (U.S.S Saratoga) and 1 WestPac (U.S.S Hancock).

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I think it allows more flexibility in creating AI Boat traffic of any type,


AIBTC allows you to set up a task force of any kind, 'tis true, but in my opinion, for what it's worth, it isn't as flexible as AIC. Not to try to start an argument, here.

AIC permits placement of pretty much any AI ship I've seen, including those with VTOL pads. If you want to make yourself a task force not included with a ship, you can add an entry to a .cfg file, or make your own .cfg file. Then, instead of them following a fixed route, you can plop them down where you want, turn them, stop them, start them going, etc etc.

To me, AIBTC is a more fixed route solution. You can't change what the ships are doing while they're doing it. Once they're on their route, that's it, they follow the route you set up for them.

I use traffic.bgl files, tons of them, and have ships and formations puttering around all over the world with them, but for my carrier, helicopter, MV-22, Harrier, whatever, ops, I much prefer the flexibility AiC provides me. If I'm using real-world weather, just for example, I can, as the chin-dimple once said, "Turn the Nimitz (or whatever ship) into the wind!" Can't do that with AIBTC. If she's not sailing into the wind, for the right WOD, you're stuck with it.

I mean no disrespect, AIBTC is a great program, for what it does. None better. But for what I want it to do, AIC has what I want.


Thanks for your input, though! Never hurts to get another POV, even if it's from an Officer :D

Have fun, whatever you choose to use!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Thanks for your input, though! Never hurts to get another POV, even if it's from an Officer :D

Have fun, whatever you choose to use!



Watch it Marine!!


LMAO: Rupert

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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I agree 100% with everything you said. :) My only point was that there is an alternative.


Plus, for an old guy like myself I need a "more fixed route solution." or I'll never find the ship. :eek:


BTW. I hauled Marines to the Med and back twice (USS GUAM) so you can understand my surprise at such an articulate post from a Marine Sgt. ;)

R/ Hangar 32


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Yep, Go Navy! 1968-1972 Stationed at NAS Whidbey Is with the heavies. 2 Cruises 1-Mediterainean (U.S.S Saratoga) and 1 WestPac (U.S.S Hancock).


A bit before my time. 1985-2014. 4 cruises: 3 Med/IO (1 on KENNEDY/ 2 on USS GUAM) 1 - WESTPAC on STENNIS. I was an intel officer and we only get to go to sea three times. :(

R/ Hangar 32


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I use P3D... I have installed AiCarriers All seams OK BUT It does not start automatically . I need to select the .exe in the folder and it does not show the little window from AICarrier.


Thanks in advance.

Emile EBBR Z590 Aorus Elite, i9-11900K 3.5Ghz Nvidia RTX 3060, 16 GB Mem, SSD 1Tera + other HDDs, Dual Boot . Win10 Pro X64
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I was an intel officer and we only get to go to sea three times.

You do know that "Military Intelligence" is an oxymoron, right??

;) :rolleyes: :D


BTW. I hauled Marines to the Med and back twice (USS GUAM) so you can understand my surprise at such an articulate post from a Marine Sgt.


Well, since it's a well known fact that Sergeants run the Marine Corps, we either have a little more brains than the average grunt, or we absorb some on the way up. Have to, otherwise they'd walk all over us. Can you imagine the trouble they'd get into without us???

:cool: :p


By the way, you do know the farthest ahead of your position when you place a boat with AICarriers is 10 NMi? I tell ya, if you can't find a boat dead ahead of your windscreen at that range, at 350 KIAS, yeah, maybe AIC isn't for you :D

But heck, as long as you can still find the coffee pot, you're in good shape! :D :D


Have fun all!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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Can you imagine the trouble they'd get into without us???

:cool: :p


It has been my experience that if the Corps eliminated the rank of Lance Corporal, it would cut its disciplinary problems in half…;)


But heck, as long as you can still find the coffee pot, you're in good shape! :D :D


Absolutely! I keep my coffee cup close at hand when flightsimming…I put it right in the little cup holder that pops out from my computer when you press that little button. :pilot:

R/ Hangar 32


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It has been my experience that if the Corps eliminated the rank of Lance Corporal, it would cut its disciplinary problems in half…;)




Absolutely! I keep my coffee cup close at hand when flightsimming…I put it right in the little cup holder that pops out from my computer when you press that little button. :pilot:


Actually the best combat crew chief I ever flew with in Vietnam was a sergeant, except when he was in the Brig for fighting on liberty. He had served over 15 years including flying in choppers during Korea when I first met him.


Other than the C.O., or an officer with more time in than him, his pronunciation of the word "Sir" was about as insulting as any word ever could be. However, he threw more good ideas through the intercom on a hot flight than anyone I ever flew with, including my three different combat C.Os.


Yet, if there was ever a man who loved to get drunk and fight in a bar as his life depended on it, and it sometimes did, he was that man!! But especially on night hot zone Med-Evacs, there was no one I'd rather have in the cabin than him!!!!


Sadly he was KIA on one of those night Med-Evacs and I was the H2P on that flight!! TBTG, the E.O. was the HAC that night. Stateside, I visited with his widow and two teenage children when I got out of the hospital myself and couldn't pass another flight physical.



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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his pronunciation of the word "Sir" was about as insulting as any word ever could be.

Special trick they only teach Sergeants in NCO school :D

Generally taught by other sergeants, too. Takes some practice in front of a mirror, or at a tree, like they do in Drill Instructor training. Just a bit quieter.


except when he was in the Brig for fighting on liberty.

Oh, I bet he was still one heck of a crew chief in the Brig, but I'll wager the hangover reduced his effectiveness a trifle :P


It has been my experience that if the Corps eliminated the rank of Lance Corporal, it would cut its disciplinary problems in half…:)

Yeah, but then we'd loose a vital link in the "it rolls downhill" effect. Gotta keep the line-up straight so the right people get "it" at the bottom of the hill :rolleyes: :D


Isn't it nice of the computer makers to give us that dandy cup holder?


Have fun gang!



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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in order to have the AIcarriers menu in-game




You need to be sure you have an appropriate entry in your exe.xml file so fsx/p3d can load it:

it should look like this with the proper path in your machine to the AICarriers program










C:\Program Files\_PNP\AIcarrier.net\AICarriers.exe


if ManualLoad is TRUE,


you will get a choice to load or skip each time the game starts.




the exe.xml is in your AppData folder with the p3d.cfg (just like fsx); edit with notepad or similar simple editor.


Hope this helps



Hooked since FS4... now flying:

self-built i7-4790 at 4 GHz; GA-Z97X mobo; GTX 970; 16GB gskill;

quiet, fast and cool running.

Win 7/64: 840 EVO OS; 840 EVO (500G) game drive;

Win10/64: 850 EVO (500G) for OS and games

A few Flightsim videos on YouTube at CanyonCorners

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Please note, as I mentioned I think (although not much), that for you get it to work in P3D, you need to add it to the exe.vml, AND it needs to be in the main P3D folder. Otherwise it seems like P3Dv4 and newer can't find it.

For example: if your P3D is located in C:\Games\P3D then AIC has to be located in C:\Games\P3D\AICarriers

Just a little quirk that has been noticed by some users.


Thanks for the additional info, Loyd. Every bit is a good thing :)



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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