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How to create random failure in fsx?


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I know about the failure options before a freeflight where you set the time the failure is going to happen. That's not what I want. I want to know if it is possible for fsx default planes to fail based on the decisions of the player during flight. For example, if I'm flying a jet and purposely continue overheating the engine, will the engine catch fire? Some people have told me yes and some have said no, so I am confused since I don't recall ever happening in my game. I have heard that it happens in the fsx acceleration planes during races if you overheat the engine, but I don't know if this happens in the normal 737 or Cessna.


I do not want to set a time for a failure to happen because it looks really unrealistic. It would be cool for my actions to affect the plane. If this kind of failures are impossible, why does the game have buttons like the mixture, anti-ice, etc on the plane if they don't have any effect? Are those buttons and levers just for decoration? Thanks for the answer

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Not necessarily in FSX default aircraft, although I understand that the P-51's engines will burst into flames if over-stressed. Are you running Acceleration? If not, then I highly recommend some of the better freeware aircraft like M. Jahn's C-47 version 2 or 3. If not flown correctly, those engines will burst into flames. (I speak from experience!) Probably the best you will get out of the default aircraft is a crash if you overspeed.


This was caused only because of poor flying, not programmed in advance.



Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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+1! to what Mr Zippy said!! Acceleration is a huge improvement if you're staying with default aircraft.


BTW Mr Zippy! We need to send out a search party to find the legendary pilot Lord Peerhoven! That's the 2nd plane on fire I've seen lately & no Jan to land it in the water and put the fire out.


And if you've hear that Jan taught Captain Sully Sullenberger how to land, that might be true. Or not?;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Not necessarily in FSX default aircraft, although I understand that the P-51's engines will burst into flames if over-stressed. Are you running Acceleration? If not, then I highly recommend some of the better freeware aircraft like M. Jahn's C-47 version 2 or 3. If not flown correctly, those engines will burst into flames. (I speak from experience!) Probably the best you will get out of the default aircraft is a crash if you overspeed.


This was caused only because of poor flying, not programmed in advance.




I don't know if I received a clear answer to the question. I have fsx steam which does come with acceleration. I would like to know if the default planes can fail while in flight based on my actions. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

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I don't know if I received a clear answer to the question. I have fsx steam which does come with acceleration. I would like to know if the default planes can fail while in flight based on my actions. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.


I guess the problem here is that you can answer that question both yes and no.


- Yes, because the simulator generally supports this type of event. That is why all the levers and buttons are there.


- No, because the default aircraft are mostly made in such a way that you will find it hard to trigger failures. There is no telling when or even if one will occur.


The default 737 is exemplary in its reliability - you will probably not be able to damage an engine on purpose but damaging gear or flaps is relatively common. And it has quite a few switches that either don't work like they do in the RW or that don't do anything at all (IIRC there is one that is even working exactly opposite to the real one - just can't remember it now). Fuel consumption is unrealistic too and the FMC does not work at all.


The default aircraft by and large weren't made to reflect that level of sophistication - Microsoft left that to the 3rd party developers.


If you want aircraft that "reliably" support wear and tear, then you have to either buy an appropriate product (there aren't that many models capable of this) or find a suitable freeware offering (where there are even less). Or, if you want failures in all your aircraft, you need something like FSCaptain.


"Not realistic": that depends on the point of view. Looking at FSX as a world simulator/game, then that assessment is correct. But in a "real" flight simulator, failures are never randomized. The whole point is to train for specific emergencies, so the instructor triggers them on purpose.


On a side note, there are quite a few aircraft, default, freeware and payware with buttons and levers that don't do anything. Just think of pressurization controls. Only the highest quality addon aircraft have a level of detail where there is an action tied to almost every button - these are the kind of aircraft where Ctrl&E does no longer work, with visible icing on the wings or where forgetting to release the start locks will make your engines explode on the takeoff run.

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I don't know if I received a clear answer to the question. I have fsx steam which does come with acceleration. I would like to know if the default planes can fail while in flight based on my actions. Sorry if I'm repeating myself.


I don't have Acceleration. Like I said, I read that the default P-51 can blow the engine if you push it too hard. The other default aircraft will not do what you are expecting. If you "overstress" the engines, you will either get a red message at the bottom of the screen saying "overspeed" or "aircraft overstressed" and the Sim will stop and say "CRASH". No obvious smoke or parts falling off of the aircraft.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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There is a small add-on program that can simulate engine and flight instrument failures, at a random time, according to a probability assigned by the user.

IE: You can set the probability of engine failure to, say, 80%, and sometime during the flight there will be an 80% chance that engine 1 will fail. Not garunteed, but probably.

It can be found in the library here at FS HERE.

Might be just what you're looking for.



Had a thought...then there was the smell of something burning, and sparks, and then a big fire, and then the lights went out! I guess I better not do that again!

Sgt, USMC, 10 years proud service, Inactive reserve now :D

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There is a small add-on program that can simulate engine and flight instrument failures, at a random time, according to a probability assigned by the user.

IE: You can set the probability of engine failure to, say, 80%, and sometime during the flight there will be an 80% chance that engine 1 will fail. Not garunteed, but probably.

It can be found in the library here at FS HERE.

Might be just what you're looking for.



Thank you for this. I guess its better than nothing. I just taught it would be cool if my actions as a pilot had an actual consequence on the plane like in the real world. I guess those "fuel pump", "anti-ice", "cowl flaps" etc buttons are just there for decoration since they don't really have any effect on the plane.

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I guess those "fuel pump", "anti-ice", "cowl flaps" etc buttons are just there for decoration since they don't really have any effect on the plane.


Small correction: "... don't have any effect on most of the default planes."


Which is one of the reasons why addons and addon aircraft exist and why they are expensive at times. As a few random examples, get the aforementioned C-47 (for free), the PMDG J41 or an A2A Accusim product if you want that kind of realism. Coupled with this degree of sophistication comes the obligation to adhere to the documentation, FCOMs or checklists, otherwise you won't even get the plane started, let alone off the ground (unless the dev provides shortcuts like saved panel states).


The default aircraft are only there to make the simulator usable for a large audience. If you want to go beyond, take the addon route. Read the product descriptions carefully though, simulated failures are not that common, as they are rather complex to implement.


I have enjoyed FSCaptain very much, as there are other events too - like bird strikes, low maintenance levels or bad weather taking out an engine. At the higher settings I couldn't complete a single flight in my 707 without losing at least one engine...

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Thank you for this. I guess its better than nothing. I just taught it would be cool if my actions as a pilot had an actual consequence on the plane like in the real world. I guess those "fuel pump", "anti-ice", "cowl flaps" etc buttons are just there for decoration since they don't really have any effect on the plane.


Yes, they do. Those switches DO control things. But now you are mixing "working switches" with "failure of systems".

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OK, I do have one last thing to add about mysterious engine type failures. Have you tried any of the Missions is FSX? Catalina Spa Mission and one other deal with exactly what you are looking for.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Why should you only get half of the experience when you pay for something full price? I don't buy addon aircrafts because those features should have been placed in the game already. It's a flight simulator, and I think Microsoft might have forgotten that you can't have a simulator without adding those real world features
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Yes, they do. Those switches DO control things. But now you are mixing "working switches" with "failure of systems".


What effect does the anti-ice botton have on the airplane? Except for the engine lever and the controls, almost everything else is a bit useless.

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Why should you only get half of the experience when you pay for something full price? I don't buy addon aircrafts because those features should have been placed in the game already. It's a flight simulator, and I think Microsoft might have forgotten that you can't have a simulator without adding those real world features


Let's see.......I have aircraft that will flat fall out of the sky if I failed to turn on the Pitot Tube Heat, or wing de-ice switch, or forget to turn down the prop RPMs at the proper time. I have engines that will burst into flames (example shown) if the aircraft is not flown properly. I have aircraft that the landing gear will fail or have problems if the gear is not brought up in time after takeoff or dropped while flying too fast!


I've spent a grand total of $12 on the FSX boxed version for all of this to happen. Everything else was free and took very little time to download and install.


You are complaining about something you can easily fix.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Many buttons in default planes do function.


There are some where a panel switch is made "incorrectly" and doesn't have a function assigned to it. You can find out if it does, by setting the function with a keyboard shortcut. If the button moves, it is working/assigned.

If not, there is an 'error' in the gauge, otr the gauge for the switch was made like that on purpose. To not interfere with another switch perhaps.


Of theswitches that are linked to a function, sometimes it seems clicking is no use. But you'd be surprised. For exxample 'cowl flaps' seems to do little, if anything at all. If you observe the dials closely, you will see they are effective.


Fuel pumps have an effect too.

Not for pumping fuel around the aircraft though. I never saw that work in a default aircraft.

For fuel to be pumped around, inside the 3D model, the fuel tanks need to all be defined also. Many 3D models just aren't that detailed.


Hope you don't start out just thinking most of it just doesn't work anyway. You'd be very wrong.

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What effect does the anti-ice botton have on the airplane? Except for the engine lever and the controls, almost everything else is a bit useless.


Actually, ice IS simulated. Not visually, but simulated. So the consequences of mismanagement are, in default aircraft and to a certain extent, consequential.


However, that is NOT what was originally asked. What was asked was about RANDOM failures. Not simulated, although it CAN be be by the aftermarket.


It's a significant difference asking about RANDOM versus CONSEQUENTIAL failures.

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Why should you only get half of the experience when you pay for something full price? I don't buy addon aircrafts because those features should have been placed in the game already. It's a flight simulator, and I think Microsoft might have forgotten that you can't have a simulator without adding those real world features


This rather sounds like you bought something based on assumption and not on information. The limitations of the default aircraft are public knowledge, there are literally thousands of threads on the net about that.


Yes, it is a flight simulator. But it is not a crash simulator or a randomized failure simulator. Microsoft provided the base platform to make that possible though, but they did not go to that level of detail with their own default aircraft. You can still use it to train for specific failures though, just like in a RW simulator, even with default aircraft.


Randomized failures, fire, pieces breaking off, IMHO are more for games, in which you need excitement to capture the players interest (which is probably why FSX includes the mission system). I always keep a quote from a RW airline pilot in my head: "If (commercial) aviation gets exciting, then this is a clear indication that we (the pilots) are doing something wrong."

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What effect does the anti-ice botton have on the airplane?


Why not just try it? It is a simulator after all. Make sure you have all realism settings maxed out. Then set up a flight in winter and bad weather somewhere in Norway, leave anti icing off (pitot, wings and engines) and go flying in the clouds.

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