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ILS setting correct but.............


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In pictures obviously short and off runway at KIND 32 ILS

And it seems hard to catch the vertical as the magenta diamond comes down,

In this picture the diamond is up and should be down as I am on ground?

Whats up secrets to catch ISL besides being below when activating APP ?


Thanks for any help with ILS FSX SE


RE: does the aircraft matter? addon or default fsx?

so aircraft matters default AC lands ILS no prob

how do I determine which aircraft can land ILS?


again ty


fsx se

win 10

gtx 760

ils 2.jpg

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I don't generally use that type of display, but unless I'm missing something in that screen shot, you are below the glide slope, therefore the "diamond" (glide slope indicator) is saying "fly up -- you're below the slope." Nothing wrong that I see.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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okay makes sense ty

but why did it put me down where it did you can see runway ahead and to left




In that screenshot I see your barometric pressure set at 29.92 which is standard barometric pressure. I would suspect that with the fog and perhaps some rain that I see out the window that your actual barometric pressure may have been different than standard. Did you set the correct barometric pressure altitude for the field you were flying in to (weather and altitude)?

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okay makes sense ty

but why did it put me down where it did you can see runway ahead and to left




The indication on the instruments seems correct, the diamonds show you where the glideslope is in relation to you, not the other way around. So in your picture, the glidepath is to the left and above you.


Both diamonds have to be kept in the respective center of their scale. So to catch them, you align your aircraft so that you are heading towards the glidepath at no more than 30 degrees offset from it (so you can make the turn) and slightly below it (=diamond is above center). You slow down to approach speed, and when the diamond comes down (=you are approaching the glideslope from below) you initiate a descent with about 650 ft/min shortly before the diamond reaches the center of the scale. The autopilots of the different sim aircraft models have varying capabilities of catching the ILS beams automatically - some are pretty good, some aren't. Just like in real life, your best chance is to establish your aircraft (position, altitude, heading, speed!) in such a way that the autopilot has an easy task of catching the radio beams. In best case you establish the aircraft properly yourself. And always keep an eye on your airspeed. Too fast or too slow and you will lose the ILS.


What do you mean by "which aircraft can land ILS" exactly? Every aircraft that has instruments for picking up glideslope and localizer can. But there is a difference in the level of automation:


- Some aircraft have the instruments, but no autopilot, or the autopilot is incapable of following ILS on it's own. So you fly the ILS manually, keeping the diamonds/needles/whatever centered


- Some aircraft have an autopilot that can follow the ILS approach given the chance (your aircraft has to be aligned correctly so the autopilot can capture glidepath and localizer), but they cannot land the plane. You have to disengage the autopilot at decision altitude and land manually.


- Very few aircraft have autoland capability and will put you on the runway. None of the default aircraft in the sim can do this. Freeware I don't know, and of the payware variety I think only the likes of PMDG's Boeings, Aerosoft and FSLabs Airbus' can do it.

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Does that particular runway have an ILS offset to it?


I just flew that approach (KIND 32 on 110.5) in my two favorite bizjets. The default Lear 45 and the file library's Honda Jet.


Though I usually "fly" the last part of my ILS approaches, for this test I let the ILS handle things all the way to touchdown. In both cases we were right on the center line and centered in the touchdown area.


When you look at the "GPS" at 10 miles or longer range it appears the ILS is offset from the runway. But zoomed in at 3.5 miles it appears to line up perfectly. And, as I said, that's where the touchdowns ended up.

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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The indication on the instruments seems correct, the diamonds show you where the glideslope is in relation to you, not the other way around. So in your picture, the glidepath is to the left and above you.


Both diamonds have to be kept in the respective center of their scale. So to catch them, you align your aircraft so that you are heading towards the glidepath at no more than 30 degrees offset from it (so you can make the turn) and slightly below it (=diamond is above center). You slow down to approach speed, and when the diamond comes down (=you are approaching the glideslope from below) you initiate a descent with about 650 ft/min shortly before the diamond reaches the center of the scale. The autopilots of the different sim aircraft models have varying capabilities of catching the ILS beams automatically - some are pretty good, some aren't. Just like in real life, your best chance is to establish your aircraft (position, altitude, heading, speed!) in such a way that the autopilot has an easy task of catching the radio beams. In best case you establish the aircraft properly yourself. And always keep an eye on your airspeed. Too fast or too slow and you will lose the ILS.


What do you mean by "which aircraft can land ILS" exactly? Every aircraft that has instruments for picking up glideslope and localizer can. But there is a difference in the level of automation:


- Some aircraft have the instruments, but no autopilot, or the autopilot is incapable of following ILS on it's own. So you fly the ILS manually, keeping the diamonds/needles/whatever centered


- Some aircraft have an autopilot that can follow the ILS approach given the chance (your aircraft has to be aligned correctly so the autopilot can capture glidepath and localizer), but they cannot land the plane. You have to disengage the autopilot at decision altitude and land manually.


- Very few aircraft have autoland capability and will put you on the runway. None of the default aircraft in the sim can do this. Freeware I don't know, and of the payware variety I think only the likes of PMDG's Boeings, Aerosoft and FSLabs Airbus' can do it.


Sorry evm. As I just posted, both the default Lear 45 and the file libraries Honda Jet landed perfectly with no input from me except to control the speed. I agree ILS isn't supposed to mean "autoland." But the three times when I've attempted it, they've all been greasers that would make any RW or Sim pilot proud. :cool:


Having said that, I admit those are the only sim planes I've ever tried to "autoland" and that was just to experiment. RW, NO WAY JOSE!!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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I was able to download a freeware Lockheed L-1011 which does autoland. I believe the L-1011 was the only transport jet aircraft which was designed to autoland unless someone designed a later jet? The L-1011 was years ahead in this regard. It is difficult to believe they are gone from US airports.
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I wanted to share with you all a cool tool

FSX/Prepar3D – Quick ILS Utility

gives you ils info you also need instal make runways





good tool



ps: note, these modules will not work using FSUIPC4.6 , but need the newer FSUIPC4.9.

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Gerrydog65, I just d/l, QuickILS and Makerways. Great programs. I was always having to open the map and see what the rwy info was, now the program inserts the freqs of the rwy I have chosen into Nav1 automatically. Real slick, but note, these modules will not work using FSUIPC4.6 , but need the newer FSUIPC4.9. Works like a charm.. Thank you for putting up the tip.

I9-10850K, Mugen 5 cooler, Gigagbyte Aorus Z490 Master, 2TB Samsung 980 Pro M.2, 1TB Samsung 970 Plus, 2TB Samsung 870evo, Corsair RM-850, G-Skill DDR-4 3600, Lian Li LanCool Mesh, Nvidia 3070Ti, Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo, MFG Crosswind pedals, Win10 Pro

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