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Newbie - Suggestions


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you are on it!;)




Click on the File Library on the Forum Page and enter what you're looking for into the search engine. You've got a pretty good shot of finding it there. Though you may have to fool with the name you're searching for from time to time. This isn't the most intuitive search engine I've ever used.


BTW: Welcome aboard!! There is a lot of useful knowledge here! But please recall, we're All doing this for fun! So don't get all testy if you don't get exactly the answer you need every time.


And BTW: we are responding based on our experiences and preferences. Your opinion & experience as well as mine, and others' don't nessecarily agree at any given time. If we all agreed, we'd not need elections!;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Click on the File Library on the Forum Page and enter what you're looking for into the search engine. You've got a pretty good shot of finding it there. Though you may have to fool with the name you're searching for from time to time. This isn't the most intuitive search engine I've ever used.


BTW: Welcome aboard!! There is a lot of useful knowledge here! But please recall, we're All doing this for fun! So don't get all testy if you don't get exactly the answer you need every time.


And BTW: we are responding based on our experiences and preferences. Your opinion & experience as well as mine, and others' don't nessecarily agree at any given time. If we all agreed, we'd not need elections!;)


Thanks...mostly looking for a replacement for the Cessna 172 to train with. Been watching many YouTube videos by Doofer911 learning the ins and outs of controlling the 172 and wishing to have a better looking cockpit.



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Wow... too bad the Carenado Sale is over! Their 172 would be ideal for your 'Learning' experience; it's got a nice Cockpit (2D & VC), and IMHO flies better than the Default MSFS versions.


Practice, practice, practice!


Alan :pilot:

"I created the Little Black Book to keep myself from getting killed..." -- Captain Elrey Borge Jeppesen



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Thanks...mostly looking for a replacement for the Cessna 172 to train with. Been watching many YouTube videos by Doofer911 learning the ins and outs of controlling the 172 and wishing to have a better looking cockpit.




You wrote "payware" too, so here goes: google the A2A Simulations C172 Trainer. They don't come any "better" than this one.

It is available in almost every online flightsim shop, including the one linked above this forum: "PilotShop"

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You wrote "payware" too, so here goes: google the A2A Simulations C172 Trainer. They don't come any "better" than this one.

It is available in almost every online flightsim shop, including the one linked above this forum: "PilotShop"


Again thanks Jim



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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..Been watching many YouTube videos by Doofer911 learning the ins and outs of controlling the 172 and wishing to have a better looking cockpit.


The 2D cockpit or virtual cockpit (VC)?

Don't forget you can customize how planes cockpits look by using the 'Move eyepoint" keys and the zoom keys.

The VC view is the most flexible, look-



(Note: use in conjunction with the zoom keys '-' and '=' to get it looking how you like it)

SHIFT Enter= Up

SHIFT Backspace=Down



CTRL Backspace= Forward

CTRL Enter= Back

Hold CTRL and hit SPACE= Reset


Below- some default Cessna 172 VC eyepoint examples-







In the 2D c/pit you can raise/lower the seat with-



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As a newbie learning to use the search function is probably the greatest skill to learn. There is at least ten years of answers you could have had instantaneously. People need to remember that YOU may be new to this site and this hobby, but it's been around for a generation and YOU cannot ask a question that has already not been answered.


You might even be able to find the Real Air 172...

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As a newbie learning to use the search function is probably the greatest skill to learn. There is at least ten years of answers you could have had instantaneously. People need to remember that YOU may be new to this site and this hobby, but it's been around for a generation and YOU cannot ask a question that has already not been answered.


You might even be able to find the Real Air 172...




A good place to look for answers to questions is "Similar Threads" below every post. For example this post lists "Similar Threads" back to 2004. Of course very generic terms such as newbie also mean many are off the target of exactly what you are looking for.


Patience and perseverance truly are virtues!:cool:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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That's why searching is a skill - and a requirement.


`Better 172` immediately offers 497 solutions in the forum.

Pick a couple likely candidates and open the and use the similar threads from there and you've got worlds of information.

Create a shortlist FROM that information, then come back here and ask specific questions based on what you`ve learned.

You will NEVER get all the information from repeating the same question in 2016 - the depletion of the skills pool in FSX means that many of the names and faces that actually knew what they were talking about are long gone.


No-one needs to be forced to read the same topics time and time again, just because a new arrival hasn't grasped the forum knowledge is deeper than the few who might be online at any given moment. It can be in single digits in both numbers, and IQ - and AS a new arrival you have no clue as to what you've just been told is `flight sim gold` or a `crash landing in a sewage farm`...


If you want to take advantage of the deeper forum repository you MUST have the skills to look for it - some of the links are even still relevant and active TEN years later. Testimony to their accuracy the first time round.


Opa must be turning in his grave (You will need to search for expansion on that). We always discussed what one might do when their weren't enough of the oldtimers around to keep the young, enthusiastic and completely incompetent in check.

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We always discussed what one might do when their weren't enough of the oldtimers around to keep the young, enthusiastic and completely incompetent in check.


Well what happens to many enthusiastic newbies is they get tired of being lectured and kept in check by the "oldtimers!" When they leave in disgust there is even less of an already very small market of people still interested in flight simming!


Which does that mean and why would we care? It means we get even less interest and new products from the corporate guys who only consider the shifting market when they consider how to make dollars and cents!


BTW: I know you're looking at my site entry date and thinking I'm not an oldtimer. I agree, I'm not an oldtimer on this board. However I have watched the exact same issue decimate the number of sports car enthusiasts! They had a much bigger group to start with but now are almost non-existent. I've heard many excuses as to why including cell phones. I think a lot of the dropouts were enthusiastic newbies who were damned tired of being lectured by those who thought they were their betters!!

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Well, if you go back to the mid 80's when flight sims first really appeared on the scene, we didn't have anyone to ask for help that I can remember. Internet was not around like it is now. Bottom line is that we did have to find out how to, where to etc. on our own. Now, all one has to do is use a search engine like Google etc. and you will find tons of answers, ideas. It may take some time on our own to do the research, but I sure learned a lot doing it.

Also remember everything we did before windows was using DOS commands, which we had to learn also.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Intel i7 7700K 4.5 Ghz, GTX 1080 SC 1TB 7200RPM HDD, Samsung 500Gb SSHD, 750W PSU, P3DV4, Windows 10 64 bit Home Premium.REX,GEX,UTX. UTLive
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Well, if you go back to the mid 80's when flight sims first really appeared on the scene, we didn't have anyone to ask for help that I can remember. Internet was not around like it is now. Bottom line is that we did have to find out how to, where to etc. on our own. Now, all one has to do is use a search engine like Google etc. and you will find tons of answers, ideas. It may take some time on our own to do the research, but I sure learned a lot doing it.

Also remember everything we did before windows was using DOS commands, which we had to learn also.


I remember playing Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy on an Apple IIE in the 70's, then using the Apple Lisa about 1980 and moving along from there. In fact I always felt Gates copied the Apple Lisa software when he came up with Windows in the first place. So this personal computer game stuff isn't exactly brand new. And yes I agree, search engines and such are sure handy. Also learning to use them is a big and important step!


However my point earlier was we all have a vested interest in helping each other. The bigger market we maintain as simmers, the more options we will have in the future! IMHO, Criticizing those who are just starting out in any field of employment or liesure is a negative for everyone involved whether they be an old hand or a newbie. :o

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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I agree with you Rupert. In my opinion the OP asked two very subjective questions. The answers depends on each others thoughts about the subject being asked. Now, questions like how do I install etc, which are very objective in nature, are indeed how we may help the up and coming members to the flight sim community.
[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Intel i7 7700K 4.5 Ghz, GTX 1080 SC 1TB 7200RPM HDD, Samsung 500Gb SSHD, 750W PSU, P3DV4, Windows 10 64 bit Home Premium.REX,GEX,UTX. UTLive
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