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A Tale of Two Sims


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It was the best of times; it was the worst of times


Sim graphics & modelling keep getting better and better; choices keep getting harder and harder. How many sims do we need? Can we afford them all? :D:D:D:D


In this screenshot tale we see current versions of FSX and X-Plane beta 11 scenery and aircraft with 737's departing KSEA and climbing out over overcast ceilings past Mount Rainier on similar flightpaths


The shots are looking down on the summit of Mr. Rainier sticking up thru the clouds from an FSX JustFlight Alaska Airlines 737-300 and the default X-Plane 737-800.


The FSX scenery is ORBX and X-Plane is the default. Weather is r/w Seattle area weather as shown by ActiveSky2016 in FSX and xEnviro in X-Plane. The contrail of an AI airplane descending into the KSEA area is visible in the FSX shot


[click on the images for a full screen view]


X-Plane beta 11







View from the cockpit of the FSX 737-300 and X-Plane 737-800





X-Plane beta 11


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Thanks Bill!! It's amazing how great both look! :cool::cool: It's not long ago we'd have fought for this clarity!!!


That being said, I'm happy to say the FSX looks the better. It's so much crisper, hugely so inside the cockpit!! Now when X Plane goes off of Beta, that might be a different story!



Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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Possibly just a quirk of the photo inside the X-Plane 11 B738.

I was super impressed with the cockpits of the various default a/c in the beta. It's not "there" yet, but very very close. The new keyboard setup is a big improvement. Pity flight sims don't standardise controls, keyboard functions, it would make life much easier.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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It was the best of flights, it was the worst of flights. To continue your titular analogy.


XP11 is looking pretty darn good. I think the light modeling might actually be superior.

I'm not ready to pay cash yet, but I am paying attention. Thanks for the comparison. — Bob



i7-7700 3.6GHz / GTX1660 6GB / 32GB RAM / 49" Samsung CHG90 / WIN10

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Decisions and choices are up to the taste of the beholder, in my own opinion FSX and ORBX will lead the pack for some time to come,

although the competition is getting harder as you presented with your shots.

Good post to debate Bill:)



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Great comparison, thanks!

Senior Rookie Bragware: FSX Gold - Acceleration | HP Omen Obelisk Desktop | Intel Core i7 3.2 Ghz |16GB | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 | 1TB HD | 256 GB SSD (Gaming Computer)


REX Worldwide Airports HD



ORBX Freeware Airports




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Nice set there! Choices... now that Obrx projects for 2017 include Project X (X-plane 11), and a few other sims all 64bit.

X-plane 11 has the best lighting and traffic I've ever seen in a sim! But for the moment I'm still with P3D purely for artistic reasons (DX11).

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X-plane 11 has the best lighting and traffic I've ever seen in a sim! But for the moment I'm still with P3D purely for artistic reasons (DX11).


Thanks David & tr


I agree - the XP11 visuals have certainly climbed up to peer status with FSX and P3D

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