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Some advice on AI?


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I'm a relative newcomer to FSX and would now like to go beyond the world of empty airports with a few default unrealistic airlines kicking around. It would be great to get a bit of regional colour into the sim in the form of airliners at airports.


I've done a bit of research on AI and it seems I've got two choices - World Of AI or Ultimate Traffic 2.


Both look good, but having read up about them it seems they cater for people that want AI aircraft everywhere in the flight sim world. I suppose I'm slightly peculiar in only wanting AI aircraft at airports, not in the sky generally as I like to fly to my own freedoms in the sky and not be worried about mid-air collisions etc. However, I really miss having aircraft parked at stands in the airports which I travel to.


Would anyone have any advice on this specific need? Basically I want AI, but only at airports if possible.

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Then you don't want AI. AI moves.

You want "static aircraft"

those are models, specific fo this purpose. You place them where you want on the airport with the program ADEX (Airport Design Editor X).

THat means creating new version of the airport, with those models.

They do not move around at all.

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You will have to do some searching through the File Library here, but there are airport updated addons like for Atlanta-Hartsfield that will put a ton of static Delta aircraft at various gates. Make a list of the airports you like to fly in and out of and then check the Library for updated versions. Most of the descriptions will mention added static aircraft.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I have a whole heap of World of AI installed. I have never been in a situation where I have had to take avoiding action whilst in the air.

The only time AI may cause a collision problem is when taxiing on the ground.



Sent from my tablet thingy!


Hopefully that won't be such a worry when the second runway at Brizzy is finished ;)


Let's hope some enterprising simmer will create a new ADE update for YBBN when the time comes.

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As theyorks commented above, I also have masses of AI (downloaded from WOAI) but it doesn't stop me flying around freely. It's also more realistic than static because AI traffic moves round the airport on the ground. The only annoyance is when you arrive at an airport and there's an a/c landing on the same runway at the same time as you in the opposite direction but I cured that by starting to use ATC (which turned out to be much easier than I thought - just load a flight plan and press the comma key on the keyboard before you start up and follow the on screen instructions. Simples!)
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Thanks for the advice. Sounds like I need to go for an AI set-up then. I'm quite tempted by Ultimate Traffic 2 despite the price, purely because it looks a lot less complicated and time consuming to set up than WOAI. Am I right in saying that? Also is there a more updated version and does it have updates applied to it after purchase.


Just from looking at some screenshots there seem to be a lot of old liveries around and some key aircraft types missing e.g. A380 on Ultimate Traffic 2 which puts me off slightly.

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I didn't want to mess around downloading and installing all those WOAI planes either. So I bought AI programs.


I've got Ultimate Traffic 2 on one PC. BTW, there IS A380, but NO B787.


I also have Traffic 360 (Just Flight) which is newer, on another PC that has BOTH aircraft and quite a few extra features such as military aircraft and custom airport vehicles.


They both installed easily and work trouble free.


Also they both have a traffic "zapper" to clear out any AI planes landing in front of you so you don't have to go around. On taxiways when the traffic controller tells me to "hold position" I just ignore them and keep taxiing. Then a moment later they say "continue taxiing".

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Thanks for the advice. Sounds like I need to go for an AI set-up then. I'm quite tempted by Ultimate Traffic 2 despite the price, purely because it looks a lot less complicated and time consuming to set up than WOAI. Am I right in saying that? Also is there a more updated version and does it have updates applied to it after purchase.


Just from looking at some screenshots there seem to be a lot of old liveries around and some key aircraft types missing e.g. A380 on Ultimate Traffic 2 which puts me off slightly.


UT2 has not been updated since it came out in 2011(?). Only the schedules were updated and can be bought on F1. I had to use some WOAI models for UT2 too, as many airline repaints are missing in the stock UT2 (these aircraft are just painted blue-white and named "Daedalus"). And UT2 is based purely on SimConnect, so you are always in a bit of trouble if you want to run it on anything later than FSX Accel (FSX:SE, P3D).


WOAI has the great advantage that you can decide which airlines and how many of them you want in your sim. Downloading and installing seems odd at first, but once you have done it a couple of times it becomes second nature. Way back when I invested a couple of hours and downloaded all their packages, distributed them in 5 folders on a backup disk. When I built up a test system recently, I was able to get all of WOAI in with just 5 sessions with their installer.


Also recently I bought MyTraffic 6a. Getting it to work was IMHO even more complicated than WOAI.

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I use woai. I agree with evm. Takes a littie learning at first, but then you know all about AI and it's suddenly very easy.

Start with one woai airline and, maybe with a little help, get that one fully working. Shouldn't take long at all.

And then you're on your way.:)


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I went from World of AI to My Traffic Lite, simply because their planes work with the jetways. (I like some realism)


Also, they use the name American instead of "Merican", Lol


But it's outdated too. I still have Northwest and the old United schemes. But it doesn't bother me.

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I went from World of AI to My Traffic Lite, simply because their planes work with the jetways. (I like some realism)


I have a copy of the WOAI [exits] for their aircraft (developed by f16jockey2) if anyone needs it.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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I have a copy of the WOAI [exits] for their aircraft (developed by f16jockey2) if anyone needs it.


I used to have those, but changing config files for over 30 different airliners I had at the time; I just didn't have the patience, lmao.

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I think I might give WOAI a try. However, I do have a question about it.


If I download say a British Airways aircraft what do I with it? Do I physically place it into the game myself or does it create it's own schedule and put itself in the relevant airport i.e. Heathrow. As I mentioned in my original post the main purpose is to get aircraft at stands at airports as I'm tired of the empty airports in the default game.


How would I populate an airport like Heathrow (I have a payware enhancement of it) with WOAI additions?

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create a folder in \Simobjects

call it \WOAI


Use the woai installer. Ectract it somewhere handy. Run it.

In the woai installer select the first package.

Select "install in FSX" (Not FS2004)


Tell it the folder to install to (that's \Simobjects\WOAI)


Your planes will go there.

The Trafficplans will end op in:

..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery



Then make FSX aware that there is a new folder it needs to load from.

Close FSX.

In the fsx.cfg file find the section:

User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter








and insert a line directly below it:




The WOAI trafficplans are FS2004 -type.

With FS2004 type and fsx type plans installed, the sim will only show the FS2004 type plans.

So you will see the WOAI bt not the old fsx traffic.


TO see bothe you need to use a program to convert the trafficplans.

Another reason is that some FS2004 plans fly to airports that do no longer exist in fsx.

Not important at first, but good to convert the plans later.

(Convert the plans, and also disable the default traffic file. Or else you see both.)



I don't have time to explain the converting. But it's real easy to do.

And We explained it before in this thread.


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GASP :eek: !!!!!


I'm glad I just bought AI programs, install them and be done with it. I couldn't live with the default fictitious AI, but glad I didn't spend all that time downloading, installing and configuring all that for the reasonable price of $40~50. for a commercial AI program.


Rather spend the time on my own :pilot: planes.

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You can, but then you can't choose the airlines you want.



Only the first WOAI pack install takes some learning,

from then on it's easy. Just install what you want, when you want.


And you've also taken a huge step toward one day creating your own trafficplan. For completely new aircraft if you want.

I have a few Antonow 225's flying around now, a bunch of military planes, and some other stuff.

Even added some boat trafffic at some point. Made the plans myself.

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