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FTX Global... worth it + compatibility


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I've been looking into getting FTX Global for my sim (FSX:SE), but I have a few questions, the first being whether my other addon scenery, such as Fly Tampa Corfu and Aerosoft Mallorca X, which include the whole of the islands rather than just the airports, will be overwritten by FTX or whether I can use them both.


My second concern is about how compatible with other addon airports (FSDG, FSDT etc) it is, as realistic airports are more important to me than fully realistic ground textures, but a more realistic approach when I'm flying low and slow would be a massive improvement (I don't want miracles, but more realistic areas like buildings and better looking mountains are what I'm going for, since I do IFR flying).


Also, the FTX airports, are they just as simple to install as the likes of Aerosoft, do they support WofAI and any other traffic addon I might purchase?


My final concern is regarding FPS, and any hit I may get. On approach and landing, I expect about 16-22 FPS flying into a large airport, and slightly more if it's a small one. To me, this is where I like it, but a few FPS fewer isn't going to make it much less fluid, but will ORBX FTX Global effect my frames?


Thanks for reading this far, and I look forward to your responses :o

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FTX Global replaces only textures, nothing else. Your local and specific scenery will not be affected.


FTX payware airports install just like any other payware. FTX Global FREEWARE airports generally install without entries into the scenery .cfg, as enhancements to default - AI will work just fine.


FTX Global does not affect frame rates.


Do use the search function, there are literally hundreds of topics that have covered every question here.

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my advice. . get Orbx global and vetoer and enter into a new world of fsx . you're add on airports you can just either select as a higher priority in the scenery library or do the same in the orbx library selectors. . .but don't stop there get the regional land classes of orbx too!


FSX looks stunning with them full monty

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. . .but don't stop there get the regional land classes of orbx too!


FSX looks stunning with them full monty


The regions are regional scenery, not just landclass, and include airports and mesh, as well as the landclass and textures (and other stuff -- tractors in some farm fields, birds, etc.). Neat stuff, and very worthwhile IMHO.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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Thank you very much for all of your suggestions... they have clarified my understanding of orbx and given me food for thought...


My only other question is relating FTX England, Scotland etc... my main 2 are whether or not you need to, or can't have, global and vector running at the same time, how negligable the FPS impact is, and, of course, how worth it it is.


I fly mainly out of Newcastle, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham and Gatwick and a few other UK2000 airports in the UK, so more detailed approaches into these areas is my main concern, I don't need photoreal as I fly IFR but a few landmarks and more realistic surroundings would be great.

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Global and vector are designed to work together, each complementing the other -- Global is the base for the others (except for the regions, which are independent of the rest). Vector supplies roads, rivers, etc. Frame rate impact is negligible, in most areas, a little impact in very dense areas, though the big cities in the regions can have a bit of additional impact.


But there are many areas which, at least at a distance, look like videos of the real thing as you fly along, though that isn't always the case -- but it all looks good.


I've got all the North America regions, Global, Vector and OpenLC NA running all at the same time. The regions override everything else, while outside of whichever regions you have the others take over, so you have worldwide coverage. The roads, rivers, etc. are pretty accurate, enough to fly VFR by the chart.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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Thank you very much for all of your suggestions... they have clarified my understanding of orbx and given me food for thought...


My only other question is relating FTX England, Scotland etc... my main 2 are whether or not you need to, or can't have, global and vector running at the same time, how negligable the FPS impact is, and, of course, how worth it it is.


I fly mainly out of Newcastle, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham and Gatwick and a few other UK2000 airports in the UK, so more detailed approaches into these areas is my main concern, I don't need photoreal as I fly IFR but a few landmarks and more realistic surroundings would be great.


ALL FTX products are active at the same time, by default. So obviously Global, Vector, LandClass and Regional products are designed to co-exist. I would check their product lists for the coverage areas for where you fly, else you may fly out of detailed UK scenery and into default, and that is NOT a happy mix...


Yes, there will be a fps issue if you go with Regional products as it combines textures, vector, mesh, landclass and animations. How much depends on your system and settings, which you seem to be keeping to yourself.


Buy FTX Global. You'll need it anyway as a base option to avoid weird transition effects if you do buy a Regional product or two. It may be enough for you. If not you can at least see by comparison with screenshots whether the Europe regional products are needed.

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Perhaps purchase the following


global base, Vector and then the LC Europe. As Europe has every kind of land scape, from lush forests to mountain ranges, glacial lakes to cote d'azur waters crystal it gives a great scope on the range of scenery FTX can muster. Yes, its a fair chunk of money but it is worth every penny and more. I don't know anything else that comes anywhere near as close and beautiful.


If you get hooked. .The papa new guinea is a must! Jungle flying and jungle strip landings really up the fear factor and your pilot skills. Turn off you GPS and navigate the old way. . map, stopwatch, compass and hope!

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I have the ORBX England, Wales, Scotland Irelands, etc software. They are truly wonderful. I've spent enough time RW there so I recognize a lot of on the surface sights which are very well done!


Yes, when you get scenery that detailed there is a frame rate issue. However if you set your sliders as recommended based on your system's capabilities, I believe you'll be happy.:cool:;)


If you have Scot heritage as I do, you might also want another addon. It's called ScotFlight and is done by locals in Scotland. They even have one specifically designed for and called Scotflight for ORBX. It adds a lot of airport details, the Falkirk Wheel, and lots of Ferries and other details as well.


I was shocked at how good the Falkirk Wheel looked with Scotflight! :cool: Though to be able to appreciate and/or even find a lot of these details you'll need to do a lot of low and slow flying! And an Ordinance Survey map or atlas sure is handy as well! ;);)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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If you get global and vector, what do you eliminate? GEX? UTX? I have lots of blue sky scenery, does that go out the back door?

Brian W.


I5-8400, EVGA GTX 1070.ti, 16 gigs ram, 500g Samsung SSD, 1.5 T HDD, 1 T HDD, Win 10, 64bit.

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If you get global and vector, what do you eliminate? GEX? UTX? I have lots of blue sky scenery, does that go out the back door?


You really need to read up on what competes with what. You CANNOT have GEX and FTX Global installed at the same time, NOR can you install one to replace the other without restoring default textures first.

On the other hand, Vector and UTX can co-exist but realistically it's usually one or the other.

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On the other hand, Vector and UTX can co-exist but realistically it's usually one or the other.


I have both installed, but I have the UT roads, rivers and railways disabled, leaving certain other pieces active. It works fine this way.


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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I have both installed, but I have the UT roads, rivers and railways disabled, leaving certain other pieces active. It works fine this way.


Until Vector 1.45 I would have agreed with you.


Not any more. The only advantage UTX has now is in the actual depiction of the roads with a wider variation of surfaces and types. I expect ORBX to revisit those for a future Vector enhancement.

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just to add....

I am adamant that if one is into low VFR flying, and they like things to look right, they should have:

In order of importance

1. ORBX Global+Vector

2. REX

3. Pilots FS Global 2010 Mesh

4. at least one ORBX region to play around in and

5. You will then work extra hard to buy all the regions, and then all the airports u can afford, its addictive. Very clever marketing.


I simply pitty anyone flying with anything less than that. When i had to reformat and i had a clean install of FSX, i thought to myself; what rubbish is this. FSX now requires these products to be worth anything to me.

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When i had to reformat and i had a clean install of FSX, i thought to myself; what rubbish is this. FSX now requires these products to be worth anything to me.


You got spoiled... :pilot:;):rolleyes:


Larry N.

As Skylab would say:

Remember: Aviation is NOT an exact Science!

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