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My friend have issue to install repaints for FSX!


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Hi all and Happy Easter!


I tried to help a friend to install a repaint but

Microsoft denied it!


My friend have Windows Vista Premium 32-bit!

FSX is installed like this:

C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\FSX


If I am not wrong: you should never install anything under

C:\program files you should install like this instead

C:\program\Microsoft Games\FSX


I helped him with creating the new texture folder etc

but then he was going to save the Aircraft.cfg file! It denied to do so!

A message about it was denied and could not find the path etc!


I don't have Windows Vista myself so I ask here on the

forum for advice!


Hope someone have an idea to fix this!



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Or long term, unless he has a ton of files already loaded, reset the whole FSX program to something like /C/FSX. Otherwise he'll run into this issue time after time in the future.


A step in time saves nine.;)

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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COPY the aircraft .cfg out of the FSX folder - the desktop works just fine.


Make the changes to install the repaint. Save it.


COPY it back to its original position. Overwriting the original.


Bigger issue: If your friend hasn't got proper control of his system with admin rights and correct permissions he might be better advised to NOT install repaints.

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With fsx in C:\Program files\

you will keep having these issues. The folder is protected from changes by anyone but the system. That means even changes by the user are not allowed. Only installers can access it.


Fine place to put your other progs. It helps protect them from changes by a virus. They can't get infected. UAC helps protect it too.


to be able to edit fsx, install that somewhere else.

For example:


(or even


if you want.)


Then you'll have access.

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Thanks again for all replies!


I thought I heard something!

Never install anything in C:\program files!


I talk to my friend about it! He might not be happy to reinstall FSX

again cause he mess the aircraft folder once and just reinstalled FSX!


He don't have any addon etc installed and not so good with computers!


Now I know how to fix it and thanks again!



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Just my 2 cents...


- UAC does not protect you against a virus. It limits what you can do, not what programs can do - that is why installers work, if you let them. If the virus or ramsomware is embedded in the executable that you are installing, there is no protection at all. Just be informed and careful about what you have on your computer, that is the best protection of them all.


- If you make the access easier for yourself, you make it easier for everything. IMHO it is a bit of circular logic to say "I need UAC for protection" and then moving your programs outside of the reach of UAC when it gets in your way.

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Just my 2 cents...


- UAC does not protect you against a virus. It limits what you can do, not what programs can do - that is why installers work, if you let them. If the virus or ramsomware is embedded in the executable that you are installing, there is no protection at all. Just be informed and careful about what you have on your computer, that is the best protection of them all.


- If you make the access easier for yourself, you make it easier for everything. IMHO it is a bit of circular logic to say "I need UAC for protection" and then moving your programs outside of the reach of UAC when it gets in your way.


OK??:confused: What's wrong with putting your FS software where you can easily access and work with it? Especially if "UAC does not protect you against a virus. It limits what you can do," :confused::confused:

Being an old chopper guy I usually fly low and slow.
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OK??:confused: What's wrong with putting your FS software where you can easily access and work with it? Especially if "UAC does not protect you against a virus. It limits what you can do," :confused::confused:


Because then anything (=virus, ransomware or some fancy "optimizer tool") can access it and work with it, not just you. It is just that the logic is lost on me. If you circumvent UAC anyway, you might as well turn it off - and then the reason for moving FSX to another location is gone too.

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This cross-talk is a byproduct of the fact that the simmer's friend is not being helped by taking his advice second hand.


Have your friend come here, make his own account and get help from those who know what they are doing. It is ABSOLUTELY NOT the case that FSX needs to be installed elsewhere, only that the simmer needs to know how to control access and writing permissions to the files and folders. I have never ever installed FS2004, FSX, P3D or any other simulation or game product outside of those Program Files or Program Files (x86) folders. And neither should anyone else unless they want to put it on a unique hard drive.


But he can't be a successful simmer and `not good with computers`.

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...the logic is lost on me. If you circumvent UAC anyway, you might as well turn it off - and then the reason for moving FSX to another location is gone too.

Some of us use our computers for things other than FS.


There is more to UAC than the nag screen.

WWOD---What Would Opa Do? Farewell, my freind (sp)


Never argue with idiots.

They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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Some of us use our computers for things other than FS.


There is more to UAC than the nag screen.


And what makes FSX less prone to an attack than those "other things", so that it can happily live "unprotected" (if you believe in UAC having protective capabilities)?


If you really want UAC, then there is no need to disable it for good (although I admit that I did on all my systems). You can easily disable it for the time being while you do your edits in FSX, then turn it back on if you like.


To stay in the correct terminology, what you are creating is an "exploit". Any halfway decent programmer could write a small ransom app, that when downloaded, checks for your FSX registry key and tries to write itself into this location with the name "FSX.EXE". This will either work or not. But if it works, then once started, it will display the plain standard FSX splash screen, maybe with the progress bar about scenery index database recompile. Once the user realizes that he is staring at this screen for too long and notices that his HDD light is constantly on, it will already be too late.

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