FSX Missions
542 files
FSX Mission--Gatwick To Dublin By Air
FSX Mission--Gatwick To Dublin By Air. Welcome sir. In this mission you try to get from Gatwick to Dublin. It's very dry. A lot of learning still to do (very sorry). By Pierre G. Shlimon.1,154 downloads
FSX Mission--Short VFR Trip To Lake Chelan
FSX Mission--Short VFR Trip To Lake Chelan. Welcome. See if you can get from Pangborn Memorial to a local airport by air. Weather is clear skies this Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. By Pierre G. Shlimon.785 downloads
FSX Switzerland 2008 VFR Mission
FSX Switzerland 2008 VFR Mission. Baden Birrfeld airport trip down to Bad Ragaz. By Mr. P. Shlimon.694 downloads
FSX Mission--Shaw Island Very Short Trip
FSX Mission--Shaw Island Very Short Trip. You are Jack Sparrow, a young guy camping on Shaw Island. You decide to take a quick trip around in the air... By Pierre Shlimon.334 downloads
FSX Flight--East Africa Cargo Airways
FSX Flight--East Africa Cargo Airways. FSadventureSky Captain Flight--Memo To: You, Subject: Prove your Resume. In order to prove the stuff you sent to our honorable company in the way of a "Captain Resume", you will make your first flight with us in the "Babaloo", the IL-18 at the end of the field. You will be carrying some delicate cargo, according to the manifest--Not very Legal rotting alligator skins, 3000 baby snakes of all kinds, 200 boxes of Terminator eggs, 100 boxes of 1940 silk stockings, 4000 shoes en need of repair from Bulgaria, 35 drums of hot water and some 600 dozens of not well painted oil paints from varios "artists" of old Yugoslavia---As indicated you will leave our home base at Dire Dawa International at 5:43 AM and proceed according to plan. Weather is lousy at this time of the year so take your rubber shoes. Remember to help unload as you stop to deliver the merchandise in the different "airports" (joke). ThatA's it. Take your breakfast with you and have a fun flight. Your Chief Pilot and boss. Eugene Korkolof. (Have a laugh with the video!) By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Adventure--Ghost Ship Of The Southern Sea
FSX Adventure--Ghost Ship Of The Southern Sea. Read the story and fly the adventure series. FSX/E-short story of an expedition is south Chile and you will be in the middle of it together with Max Rex, Dr. Buenas and a beautiful lady... "Santiago tower, this is CP559 about twenty miles from your station to land". Max shut the microphone and waited through the radio static a response. After a few seconds a noise crackling voice said "CP559, land as you see fit, there is a large thunderstorm over the city but two planes just landed without much problem, be on the lookout for lighting". So the story starts! Beware the ship is cursed! By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Adventure--The Forgotten Tomb - A Story Plus Flight
FSX Adventure--The Forgotten Tomb - A Story Plus Flight. FSX/FSadventureSky e-short story and flight series. One more "e-story + flight", not an FSX mission" Dr. Ding finished his tale and took a long drink of Vietnamese red wine. Max was looking at him wide eyed and followed him with a large glass of cold beer saying "It is hard to believe what you just told me but if you are right it is imperative we find that tomb". "I think we should not tell anyone where we are going and keep this secret totally to us" said the beautiful Lee-Huan looking at Max straight in the eyes. Max felt as if a thunderbolt crossed his skull. Her eyes were so penetrating that he felt the 7% beer kicking him hard. "Yes, I agree with you, this could be very dangerous and cause panic if others find out what we are looking for." answered Max. "I have arranged with the authorities for a special permit to search for strange butterflies for the museum" said the doctor... Well the flight is on, the expedition leaves tomorrow. You can tag along with the beautiful French-Vietnamese Lee-Huan, Dr. Ding and Max and resolve the mystery or just wait and see what happens... if you go, keep a sharp eye for the Tomb! By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Mission--Amy Johnson
FSX Mission--Amy Johnson. This mission follows the route taken by Amy from the UK to Darwin, Australia in 1930. Roger's FSX Aussie Scenery. By Roger Leupold.628 downloads
FSX Adventure Flight--The Mermaid Lake Of Nepal
FSX Adventure Flight--The Mermaid Lake Of Nepal. E-short story and adventure flight: "Max Rex woke up as the far away thunder and wind made the flaps of his bedroom window slam against the wall. He got up and walked to the window and felt the humid wind from the coming storm. He looked at his watch noting it was very early, only 4:55 am. He saw huge cumulus clouds churning as the stormwind pushed them toward the small city of Bhinga in northern India. Max had come to visit his old friend Dr. Ernest Wingall Bloom, archaeologist and man of great knowledge."
Read the short story and join Bella, her father, Dr. Wingal and Max Rex in an adventure into Nepal. The Mermaid lake is said to be cursed but the expedition must go on! Experienced bush pilots will find all the clues to the lake and solve the mystery. Pilots must be able to read maps and navigate and fly by the seat of their pants; no easy GPS stuff around the Himalayas. Join the expedition and either succeed or go bust! Use any amphibian you like or helicopter. By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Mediterranean Island Hopping Set 2
FSX Mediterranean Island Hopping Set 2. Mediterranean Island Hopping Set 2 continues from Set 1 with a series of flights round the Greek Ionian Islands and the islands in the Aegean Sea. All flight plans are included along with flight briefings giving information about places visited and tips to the pilot to assist in the flying. A set of screen shots is also included. Full instructions are in the PLEASE START HERE folder. By Gordon ("Jock") Wilkinson. (See also MEDITERRANEAN_ISLAND_HOPPING_SET1.ZIP)1,641 downloads
FSX Flight--Anatoly's Vacation
FSX Flight--Anatoly's Vacation. FSX Flight... Each Soviet citizen could take a vacation for 22 and more working days. Some groups like the military, doctors, etc. would take one for 30 or 40 days. People would go to the sanatorium in their region, they could go to the Crimea, the Caucasus, Bulgaria and sometimes to other Eastern Countries of Europe. A boom place was Sochi. To the Russians the equivalent of the Mediterranean Coast with palm trees, hotels, large beaches, hot weather, vodka and women. You can join the IL-14 crew and take a batch of comrades to this sunny paradise, spend the night there and return to Moscow tomorrow... Stalin was here once, never came back again. By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Mission Amelia Update--Lae Aerodrome 1937 PNG
FSX Mission Amelia Update--Lae Aerodrome 1937 PNG v3. Important Lae
airport update. This version is the correct location that Amelia
Earhart took off from in 1937, and is part of the Amelia
Mission (AMELIA-1.ZIP). Delete any previous version of the Lae Airport. By Roger
FSX Flights--Tour de France 2012
FSX Flights--Tour de France 2012. On 30 June 2012, the Tour de France 2012 starts in Liege, Belgium. The 21 flight plans, mostly for the default Cessna 172, follow the stages to a large extent. By Nis Verkijk.897 downloads
FSX Mission--Juan de Nova...Oil Island
FSX Mission--Juan de Nova...Oil Island. FSadventureSky FSX Mission: Juan de Nova Island (French: locally Ile Juan de Nova or officially Ile Juan da Nova), also known as Saint-Christophe, is a 4.4 square kilometer (1.7 sq mi) low, flat, tropical island in the narrowest part of the Mozambique Channel, about one-third of the way between Madagascar and Mozambique. This is where five oil rigs are looking for oil. Once a year the "rig guys" get a week of vacation to Mozambique or Madagascar "Caguachatti Oil Rest Camps". You are one of the pilots who flies them there and returns them after the "Boosy week" as it is called. No time to waste, pilots get on with the job. Warning: Very hard! For pilots with both twin engine and helicopter licenses only! Please do not bang the heli! By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Mission--Amelia Earhart's Last Flight
FSX Mission--Amelia Earhart's Last Flight. Amelia Earhart and her navigator's last flight from Lae, Papua New Guinea to Howland Island in 1937. The scenery updates Lae airport and adds Howland Island. The flight is 2,242.13 nautical miles, heading of 79.85 degrees. Use Amelia's Lockheed L10 (L10EAE.ZIP). Fill up your fuel tanks and see if you make it. Roger's FSX Aussie Scenery. By Roger Leupold.1,580 downloads
FSX Mediterranean Island Hopping Set 1
FSX Mediterranean Island Hopping Set 1. A series of flights exploring the islands of the Mediterranean. This first set contains two groups, starting with the Balearic Islands of Spain and continuing to Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and Malta. Appropriate airlines are used, along with airport and other sceneries, with full details of downloads required. All flight plans are included, with full briefings for each flight, containing background information and tips for the pilot. A set of screen shots is also included. By Gordon Wilkinson.2,499 downloads
FSX PMDG 737NGX Mission--Oslo To Amsterdam
FSX PMDG 737NGX Mission--Oslo To Amsterdam. This is a real flight, Scandinavian 821 from Oslo Gardermoen to Amsterdam Schiphol with real ATC voices. By Patrizio Migliola.2,856 downloads
FSX Mission--Jungle Merchant--Jungle Flying DeLuxe
FSX Mission--Jungle Merchant--Jungle Flying DeLuxe. An FSadventureSky FSX Flight. "Dear Sir... You have inherited the one aircraft "Amazonas Air Freight Airways" from your ex Air Force buddy Siverton Ecceter or "Chewing Gum Gogo", he flew over the horizon yesterday after getting drenched in the "Mother of all Thunderstorms" as some heavy rain showers are known here in Bolivia. You get a Beechcraft 99 with a big pod in the fuselage underside. You also get his "Merchant Route" which is valid for one more year. His widow, Iliana, is waiting for you in their home base airport in Tarija. She will be your manager so all you will have to do is fly the turbo and pay off the bank before they get it! Iliana will be your secretary also and show you around, she is only 29 years old but sure knows the airline and its clients very well, so it should be a piece of cake for you... You lucky dog!" Yours Truly: Efrarin Mocoso; Barrister, Lawyer et All. (It has been said that flying in the jungle is for parrots mainly). By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Mission--Ancient Machines
FSX Mission--Ancient Machines. FSadventureSky FSX Mission--The Prime Minister has ordered for you to fly Dr. Sing and his party to a Chinese village beyond the mountains. There you will listen to the oldest Lama and proceed accordingly. This is a super secret mission without the authorization to use Chinese airspace. If you fly higher than indicated their radar will pick you out and a missile will surely hit you so fast you will not know what happened. Very little instructions have been provided to you by the air authorities so you must use your "detective" instincts to be successful in this quest. Obviously a very hard mission for experienced pilots and connoisseurs of foggy situations. Uses the Carenado Beech C-90 but you can change it for any good turbo..... Yang ping kung go pu! (Translation: "where did the machines come from!") By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Flights--Out To Grass UK
FSX Flights--Out To Grass UK. Out To Grass (OTG) is a series of ten flight plans covering most of England and using only grass airfields. The flights are intended to exploit the VFR Photographic Scenery X and the UK2000 Scenery airfields for the three areas covering England. Full briefings are included describing the areas and airfields visited, along with some help with the flying. The Readme has full instructions for installation and recommendations for freeware add-ons required. By Gordon Wilkinson.450 downloads
FSX Mission--Rome To Asmara - 1936
FSX Mission--Rome To Asmara - 1936. FSX/FSadventureSky Historical Flights Series. Ala Littoria flew the SM-73 over mountains, the Mediterranean Sea (Mare Nostrum) and the sands of North Africa to arrive one evening at the beautiful city of Asmara. Passengers and crew lived together for three days in order to get there. Fly the dangerous skies of the 30s where a navigator would be the owner of many lives for many hours and pilots literally battled the elements in order to bring his souls on board safely to their destination. New Scenery, landclass and hours of adventurous flight. By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX Mission--Amazonas Wings Regional Needs You!
FSX Mission--Amazonas Wings Regional Needs You! FSadventureSky Airlines Series Episode. Airline founded in 1932, flying today in a dense region of the Amazon River Basin. Need pilots with captain qualifications. Will fly several types of aircraft to large, medium and small towns in the central Amazon region. To some villages too! It's hot here, lots of mosquitoes and all kind of wild animals. Hard work, pilots on some airports carry the clients baggage to the plane and serves coffee while waiting for plane to be fueled. Not too many VOR's around. Thunderstorms riddle the sky most of the year. Better read a map and use your compass as an expert or... Airline flies all week, even Sundays! One leave per year, all expenses paid to Rio on Gol Airlines from Belem for three days. Come guys, we need you, the water is fine (watch out for the piranas!). Salary? We'll talk after a week or so seeing you fly and work here... Sign Here.. Thanks. (Capture Pilots Inc. New York, NY. Our Motto: We catch 'em == tel 434-5678-888 ask for Mirth Baloomy). By Gera Godoy Canova.
FSX UK Island Hopping Phase (3)
FSX UK Island Hopping Phase (3). UK Island Hopping (UKIH) is a series of flights exploring many of the islands off the coasts of the UK. Phase (1) (UK_ISLAND_HOPPING_PHASE_1.ZIP) started on the most northerly of the Shetland Islands, Unst, and finished in Kirkwall, the capital of the Orkney Islands, visiting many islands in between. Phase (2) (UK_ISLAND_HOPPING_PHASE_2.ZIP) continued with the Western Islands of Scotland. This is Phase (3) which explores the islands of England and Wales, including the Isle of Man, Anglesey, Isles of Scilly, Isle of Wight, and the three Channel Islands. Some payware and freeware scenery is strongly recommended to get the best from these flights (see start here, please for details). By Gordon Wilkinson.705 downloads
FSX Mission--Oregon Ablaze Correction
FSX Mission--Oregon Ablaze Correction. If you have a problem with an immediate crash after starting the Oregon Ablaze fire mission (PHMISX_1.ZIP) this may help. It is thought that the tailboom of the helicopter is in contact with the hangar. By William D. Smith.648 downloads
FSX Mission--Barton To Cardiff Update
FSX Mission--Barton To Cardiff Update. This is an update to Barton to Cardiff, July 1995 to correct an error in the flight plan location. All files are included. By Andrew Webb.334 downloads