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Long Absence Over ... At Last!

Firstly I must apologise for my almost month long absence from this Blog. This has been due to the usage of my hands and arms at times being limited by me developing osteoarthritis. Confirmed officially in mid-September to be the reason I have been unable to hold my joystick and / or mouse correctly in order to fly successfully on FS2004.   However the treatment I am receiving for this condition has now begun to take effect and allow me sufficient grip to use my joystick / mouse. So the good ne



Shoreham: Two Years On.

On 22nd August 2015 the crash of Hawker Hunter T7 G-BXFI (WV372) brought an end to that year's Shoreham Air Show down in East Sussex.   It was the deadliest UK air show accident since the 1952 Farnborough Air Show calamity in which de Havilland Test Pilot John Derry was killed. With 11 killed and 16 injured the event has never recovered and the accident itself has changed air show flying forever.   What I was hoping for this year was to be able to commemorate this event somehow on FS2004 but w

Hope and Pray For Airberlin.

Well at the end of today's FS2004 antics I answer my cellphone or mobile phone to some unwelcome news: It's pretty much curtains for Airberlin.com. Here we are talking about BER filing for insolvency and receiving some form of three month bridging loan from the Government. So BER in itself may only be afloat for the next three months whilst it's Austrian subsidiary NIKI is a solvent entity with it's own AOC - so this collapse may shape up like the XL Airways collapse of August 2008. The UK propo



Return To The Line.

After my last Blog entry featured plenty of thrills but thank heavens no spills with a multitude of RAF Trainer Aircraft (Historic) I have returned to something a little more routine just recently. Having found the textures for Emirates A6-EDA and A6-EDH both of which are Project Airbus A380-861s I decided that both needed a test-run one after the other.   However this time rather than flying the Emirates 17 / 18 Rotation I researched their third daily flight into Manchester which is the Emirat


flyingheavymetal in The B Side.

A Great Way Not To Sleep At Night ...

No matter how hard I tried I could not get to sleep last night so I sat up for what I originally thought would be for a bit on FS2004 ... Wrong and I have only just finished flying! Before I knew it seven hours had passed and most of this was spent in the air.   SimShed Folland Gnat TR1.   As well as 1/400 scale airliners I also collect 1/72 diecast models and I am a huge fan of Aviation72 aircraft. So having recently just acquired two Folland Gnats I looked on here and found the TR1 by SimShe

Cracked It! Flying not my pesky left hand that is!!!

OWZAT!!! Or for those not familiar with the great Mike Gatting in 1987 ... Victory!   Even though I still have rheumatic problems in my left hand my right hand is recovering nicely thanks to a course of steroids. As proven by my recent Finnair and Airberlin.com exploits both involving the Airbus A321 my new method of flying combined keyboard / joystick (the key assignment process was a pain in the fundament though!) is working. Thank goodness for good hand-eye co-ordination although all of my v

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

Many years ago I wrote a piece on the internet about my departure from a company's employment in scathing terms. Back then I wrote how the place would close and the site redeveloped. It has been announced that such will come to pass, my prophecy having been proven correct.   Working there in the good ol days was a different experience than you normally get in warehouses today. There were no agencies involved in finding jobs there, a family atmosphere, and good rates of pay. The rot set in wh



Welcome To The Sock-In!!! Status: No Fly!

BUMMER!   There has been no Flight Sim 2004 activity over the last seven days as I currently have some form of rheumatic problem in both my hands which my doctor has been totally confused by. Unable to grip my control column properly I tried to revert to flying using the keyboard / arrow keys.   Blimey ... What a cock-up that turned out to be!!!   So far back are the days when I used to fly in FS98 before my real flying career came to an end in 2003 (grounded through disability and what's cur

Car 67.

Who else is a big fan of the song 'Car 67' by the one hit wonder band Driver 67. There were two versions of this song but the one I am having a laugh about is the UK version where the controller has a Brummie (Birmingham) accent!   Car six-seven we want you to pick up a young lady at 83 Royal Gardens!   So what has brought this on? The state of some of the ATC services in FS2004 that's what! Oh ... Plus something about the onboard meals served on Emirates.   Being a frequent flyer on the Emir

My FS2004 Class 1 / Class A Medical Certificate Has Nine Lives - PROVEN!

GRRRR! The Medics are trying their best to ground me all over again like what happened in November 2003 to my real world flying career but as far as FS2004 is concerned:   'I get knocked down. But I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down!'   This time the blighters are all over the latest discovery that I have rheumatism in both hands which have been painful to a degree for over a year now. Previously thought to have been Gout and so I was put on Allopurinol tablets for life this furthe



More Airbus A380-800 Stuff / VFR Sight Seeing Flights FR2017 & FR2018.

Well, since my last Blog entry I am safely landed in KUL via HKG from MAN as Malaysia Airlines MH8159. The flight was uneventful and a worthwhile accomplishment. There has been more Airbus A380-800 action from MAN on FS2004 since this flight's completion thanks to my decision to take Emirates Airbus A380-861 A6-EEO from MAN to DXB as EK18 yesterday real time. A6-EEO is also by Project Airbus and is available from this website to download. As a result of flying these 'Supers' to completion over t



Malaysia Airlines MH8158 / MH8159 Brand New Service On FS2004.

In response to my last Blog Posting I decided to fly MAN to ALC (Alicante) on FS2004.   Well my latest venture has all been inspired by a very significant development concerning Manchester Airport (MAN) where I last visited the Aviation Viewing Park on July 16th 2017. The development is that having last been seen there in 2005 Malaysia Airlines returned to MAN from KUL via HKG using the Airbus A380-841 on July 15th 2017 (MH8158 KUL-HKG-MAN.) After a nightstop the aircraft returned on July 16th



MAN to ... ALC or IBZ today. Cannot decide!

Having landed successfully at Innsbruck yesterday in the Project Airbus A321-211 G-NIKO (TCX Old Colours) for FS2004 I have a brand spanking new Project Airbus offering which I would like to test today. It is the Monarch Airlines Airbus A320-214S G-ZBAB although I have the MON Airbus A321-232S G-ZBAM downloaded and in need of testing too now.   As those who are familiar with this carrier will be aware of they operate an extensive network of scheduled services out of Manchester. The carrier also



Facta non Verba ... Deeds not Words!

I am 44 years old and first saw MS Flight Simulator back in the days of FS98. November 1999 to be precise when I was introduced to FS98 by university friend Scott Dawson. Eighteen years on here I still am but using FS2004 still as I prefer it over anything which has appeared since. My machine will not run X Plane 10 anyway as the demo would not run properly when I tried it recently. This being rather reminiscent of the days of me being asked why FS98 and not FS2000 although that all stopped when



Just Me And The Night

As I type this blog entry it's nearly half past four in the morning. The blackness of the night is giving way to that pale blue twilight before dawn, the amber street lights still shining . It's too warm to sleep anyway. With the window open, I can hear birdsong outside in the street.   Birdsong? There used to be a time when you never heard birds until the sun was up. These days I hear them chirping all night and I find it very hard to get used to it. A couple of weeks ago there was one night w



GoodWay 5.1.0 available

Dear Pilots,   GoodWay 5.1.0 is now available. Numerous new functions and improvements - Description on Video bellow or on GoodWay web site.     http://www.xpgoodway.com   Cheers, Stef - GoodWay Team



When am I too old for sim aviation?

I am now 54 years old. No longer drink alcohol, no longer smoke. My only vice, is spending as much time as possible, on my computer. No, not on Facebook, or Twitter, but, flying my Sim Aircraft. The other evening, one of my kids, said to me, "Bit old for that aren't you" After some consideration, I came to the conclusion, that one can not be too old, to fly a simulator, as long as, the eyesight, works well enough to see the gauges, the co-ordination, allows one to have control of the air



The Grim Struggle With Popularity

Some of my work colleagues are not too impressed with me right now. Pfah. As if I care. The reason is that one of the youngsters is having his birthday celebration today and I have no intention of turning up. Truth is he's always kept me at arms length as it were, and never really conversed with me. No problem, but his big party is therefore of no importance to me whatsoever. Another colleague attempted to persuade me to turn up during the queue for the end of day attendance scan - I told him I



Problem with FSX install in W10.

Trust me I looked and I am confident the question has been addressed. I am reinstalling FSX Gold into W10. Long ago, I had it installed over W7 and everything worked fine. Now, I have the bug again and do not wish to lose my FSX piloting skills. In the interim I earned my Single Engine Float and Instrument licenses on real airplanes. I am a bit under the weather with temporary maladies and am not flying out there. Now, I am inside hoping to fly FSX.   When installing, the install stops at



Oh Yes, It Will Be Mine

Money is a funny thing. Some people are almost supernaturally capable of accruing it, others simply take what others earn without permission, and most of us get by with what we can get. How we spend our cash is another matter. Younger people tend to be hedonistic - there's a young lad at work who has spent his entire monthly pay cheque in two days each and every time. To be fair, he doesn't moan about the hassles of having no money like some do, but all the same time, he desperately needs some f



Doris, Dunces, and Dubious Practice

Doris has been across England. It just isn't English to have storms and gale force gusts blasted the country, and someone really ought to do something about this freak weather. I mean, really.... But it happened. So I trudged four miles to work in a sort of unsteady zig-zag pattern depending on which way the wind was blowing. Luckily the rain held off. It was damp, a sort of fine spray, but no deluge made my life even more miserable than having to brave the elements each working day and endure t



Almost Nothing

Good grief. It's nearly half way through February and my poor deprived readers have had no news and whinges from me since the festive season. Fear not, brave public, you are not forgotten. At no cost to the country's economy and tattered finances, without the need for UN convoys and airlifts, without the need for drone and bombing attacks to clear obstructions, I bring the latest, and I mean late, news from the Rushey Platt Villa.   Snowfall There I was, knee deep in cardboard boxes, stuffing



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