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TDS 737-800 Lights


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Anyone have a fix for the lack of logo and passenger window lights for the TDS 737-800...My Aircraft.CFG is posted below..Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've never added lights to an aircraft. Also if anyone has other tweaks to the .CFG I am all ears! Aircraft was downloaded from File Library TDS 737-800 Base Model with a follow on Texture also downloaded from the File Library.


// WARNING NEVER TAKE OFF "FREEWARE_©_TDS_16AUG2013" from title= -------------------------

// If you do those , wings will be gone and other unexpected things will happen. |

// Title must be under 127 character since FSX will cause error when exceed. |

// If you have any problems please find our Facebook Group Support Page at |

// https://www.facebook.com/groups/TDS.SkySpirit.B737NG/ |

// |

// +A ... Option Antenna |

// +D ... Option Decal |

// +B ... Option Beacon Position |

// |

// Number after Above is Hex and checks at Bit |



//2 = 0010 |---- THIS IS INFO FOR OUR


//4 = 0100 | OPTIONS.

//5 = 0101 |

//6 = 0110 |

//7 = 0111 |

//8 = 1000 |

//9 = 1001 |

//A = 1010 |

//B = 1011 |

//C = 1100 |

//D = 1101 |

//E = 1110 |

//F = 1111 ------------------------|





// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2

// 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567

title=FREEWARE_©_TDS_16AUG2013_738_CFM56-7B--W2_+A1200_+D70_+B0 AMERICAN N969NN












atc_parking_types=GATE, RAMP, CARGO




ui_variation=American Airlines N969NN


description=TDS/SSP2013 - Boeing 737-800\nVersion - FDE Version 2004.9.3\n\nModel Designer\n Hiroshi Igami\n\nFlight Dynamics\n Nick Wilkinson and David Biggar\n\nMaster Texture Designer\n Kyle Schurb\n\nTest Pilots\n TDS Members\n\nMaximun Range: \n 3,383 nautical miles





performance=Modeled by - Hiroshi Igami \nMaster Textures - Kyle Schurb \nFlight Dynamics - Nick Wilkinson and David Biggar





vertical_speed_time_constant = 999




max_gross_weight = 174200

empty_weight = 91110


reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0

empty_weight_CG_position = 15, 0, 0

CG_forward_limit = 0

CG_aft_limit = 1


max_number_of_stations = 13

station_load.0 = 7600, 27.9, 0, 0, 1st Class

station_load.1 = 6500, 15.6, 0, 0, Zone A

station_load.2 = 5550, 3.2, 0, 0, Zone B

station_load.3 = 3240, -9.0, 0, 0, Zone C

station_load.4 = 6525, -21.3, 0, 0, Zone D

station_load.5 = 1850, 22.9, 0, 0, Fwd Cargo

station_load.6 = 4800, 2.6, 0, 0, Rear Cargo


empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 1886301

empty_weight_roll_MOI = 672652

empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 4193105

empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0



cruise_lift_scalar = 1.0

parasite_drag_scalar = 1.0

induced_drag_scalar = 1.0

elevator_effectiveness = 1.0

aileron_effectiveness = 1.0

rudder_effectiveness = 1.0

pitch_stability = 1.0

roll_stability = 1.0

yaw_stability = 1.0

elevator_trim_effectiveness = 1.0

aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1.0

rudder_trim_effectiveness = 1.0

hi_alpha_on_roll = 1.0

hi_alpha_on_yaw = 1.0



engine_type = 1

Engine.0 = 17.71, -16.66, 0

Engine.1 = 17.71, 16.66, 0

fuel_flow_scalar = 0.740 //ORIG .785

min_throttle_limit = -0.25




bypass_ratio = 5.3

fuel_flow_gain = 0.005 //ORIG .002

inlet_area = 22

rated_N2_rpm = 15183

static_thrust = 24200

afterburner_available = 0

reverser_available = 1



thrust_scalar = 1.0



max_number_of_points = 21

point.0 = 1, 53.20, 0.00, -8.39, 1600, 0, 1.11, 75, 0.35, 2.89, 0.85, 6.0, 6.0, 0, 206.8, 281.6 //Nose

point.1 = 1, 3.50, -10.94, -9.70, 1600, 1, 1.60, 0, 1.00, 1.43, 0.65, 7.0, 7.2, 2, 206.8, 281.6 //LMain

point.2 = 1, 3.50, 10.94, -9.70, 1600, 2, 1.60, 0, 1.00, 1.43, 0.65, 6.5, 6.9, 3, 206.8, 281.6 //RMain

point.3 = 2, 58.26, 0.00, 0.99, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Nose Cone

point.4 = 2, 47.13, 0.00, -3.87, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Nose Gear Up

point.5 = 2, -3.87, 0.00, -0.04, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Tail Strike

point.6 = 2, 18.53, -5.02, -6.54, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Left Engine

point.7 = 2, 18.53, 5.02, -6.54, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Right Engine

point.8 = 2,-47.53, 0.00, 4.71, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //APU

point.9 = 2,-20.00, -58.75, 0.00, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Left Wing

point.10 = 2,-20.00, 58.75, 0.00, 2000, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //Right Wing


static_pitch = -1.0

static_cg_height = 8.8

gear_system_type = 1



eyepoint = 54.30, -1.31, 3.7



type = 1

span-outboard = 0.5

extending-time = 35

flaps-position.0 = 0

flaps-position.1 = 1

flaps-position.2 = 2

flaps-position.3 = 5

flaps-position.4 = 10

flaps-position.5 = 15

flaps-position.6 = 25

flaps-position.7 = 30

flaps-position.8 = 40

damaging-speed = 250

blowout-speed = 300

lift_scalar = 0.5

drag_scalar = 2.0

pitch_scalar = 1.1

system_type = 1




type = 2

span-outboard = 0.15

extending-time = 14

flaps-position.0 = 0

flaps-position.1 = 20

damaging-speed = 250

blowout-speed = 300

lift_scalar = 0.50

drag_scalar = 0.10

pitch_scalar = 0.40

system_type = 1

damaging-speed = 250

blowout-speed = 300



type = 2

span-outboard = 0.7

extending-time = 18

flaps-position.0 = 0

flaps-position.1 = 16

flaps-position.2 = 16

flaps-position.3 = 16

flaps-position.4 = 16

flaps-position.5 = 16

flaps-position.6 = 16

flaps-position.7 = 20

damaging-speed = 250

blowout-speed = 300

lift_scalar = 0.70

drag_scalar = 0.25

pitch_scalar = 0.8

system_type = 1

damaging-speed = 250

blowout-speed = 300



max_battery_voltage = 24

generator_alternator_voltage = 28

max_generator_alternator_amps = 160

electric_always_available = 1


flap_motor = 0, 5, 17

gear_motor = 0, 5, 17

autopilot = 0, 5, 17

avionics_bus = 0, 10, 17

avionics = 1, 5, 17

pitot_heat = 0, 2, 17

additional_system = 0, 20, 17

marker_beacon = 1, 2, 17

gear_warning = 0, 2, 17

fuel_pump = 0, 5, 17

light_nav = 0, 5, 17

light_beacon = 0, 5, 17

light_landing = 0, 5, 17

light_taxi = 0, 5, 17

light_strobe = 0, 5, 17

light_panel = 0, 5, 17

hydraulic_pump = 0, 2, 17

light_recognition = 0, 5, 17

light_wing = 0, 5, 17

light_logo = 1, 5, 17



light.0 = 8, 19.00, -15.500, 6.5000, TDSB3_wing_light

light.1 = 8, 19.00, 15.500, 6.5000, TDSB3_wing_light

light.2 = 6, 53.20, 0, -1.96, tdsnose_gearwell


[Radios] // availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope

Audio.1 = 1

Com.1 = 1, 1

Com.2 = 1, 1

Nav.1 = 1, 1, 1

Nav.2 = 1, 1, 0

Adf.1 = 1

Transponder.1 = 1

Marker.1 = 1



elevator = 350, 500

aileron = 450, 1000

rudder = 200, 1000



direction_indicator.0 = 3, 0



number_of_exits = 4

exit.0 = 3.0

exit.1 = 3.0

exit.2 = 3.0

exit.3 = 3.0



wake = fx_wake

water = fx_spray

dirt = fx_tchdrt

concrete = fx_sparks

touchdown = fx_tchdwn, 1



autopilot_available = 1

use_no_default_bank = 1

use_no_default_pitch = 1

flight_director_available = 1

default_vertical_speed = 1000

autothrottle_available = 1

autothrottle_arming_required = 1

autothrottle_takeoff_ga = 1

autothrottle_max_rpm = 98.5

pitch_takeoff_ga = 8

default_pitch_mode =0

default_bank_mode =0

max_pitch = 10

max_pitch_acceleration = 1

max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt = 2

max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt = 1.5

max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint = 20000

max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint = 28000

max_bank = 25

max_bank_acceleration = 1.8

max_bank_velocity = 3

max_throttle_rate = 0.1

nav_proportional_control = 9

nav_integrator_control = 0.25

nav_derivative_control = 0

nav_integrator_boundary = 2.5

nav_derivative_boundary = 0

gs_proportional_control = 9.52

gs_integrator_control = 0.26

gs_derivative_control = 0

gs_integrator_boundary = 0.7

gs_derivative_boundary = 0

yaw_damper_gain = 1



Center1 = 14.53, 0.00, 0, 4299, 20

LeftMain = 7.54, -17.12, 0, 1288, 20

RightMain = 7.54, 17.12, 0, 1288, 20

fuel_type = 2

number_of_tank_selectors = 1




wing_area = 1341

wing_span = 117.5

wing_root_chord = 25.8

wing_dihedral = 6.2

wing_incidence = 1

wing_twist = -0.5

oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.68

wing_winglets_flag = 1

wing_sweep = 25

wing_pos_apex_lon = 15.0

wing_pos_apex_vert = 0

htail_area = 352

htail_span = 41.1

htail_pos_lon = -52.16

htail_pos_vert = 0

htail_incidence = 4.5

htail_sweep = 30

vtail_area = 284.5

vtail_span = 23.5

vtail_sweep = 35

vtail_pos_lon = -52.16

vtail_pos_vert = 0

elevator_area = 71

aileron_area = 50

rudder_area = 56

elevator_up_limit = 30

elevator_down_limit = 30

aileron_up_limit = 19

aileron_down_limit = 16

rudder_limit = 30

elevator_trim_limit = 15

spoiler_limit = 75

spoilerons_available = 1

aileron_to_spoileron_gain = 1.5

min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 2.5

min_flaps_for_spoilerons = 0

auto_spoiler_available = 1

spoiler_extension_time = 2






[Reference Speeds]

flaps_up_stall_speed = 142

full_flaps_stall_speed = 113

cruise_speed = 450

max_indicated_speed = 340

max_mach = 0.82



gear_bump_nose_magnitude = 6000

gear_bump_nose_direction = 18000

gear_bump_nose_duration = 250000

gear_bump_left_magnitude = 6000

gear_bump_left_direction = 35500

gear_bump_left_duration = 250000

gear_bump_right_magnitude = 6000

gear_bump_right_direction = 500

gear_bump_right_duration = 250000

ground_bumps_magnitude1 = 3250

ground_bumps_angle1 = 8900

ground_bumps_intercept1 = 5

ground_bumps_slope1 = 0.48

ground_bumps_magnitude2 = 750

ground_bumps_angle2 = 9100

ground_bumps_intercept2 = 0.075

ground_bumps_slope2 = 1

crash_magnitude1 = 10000

crash_direction1 = 1000

crash_magnitude2 = 10000

crash_direction2 = 9000

crash_period2 = 75000

crash_duration2 = 2500000

stick_shaker_magnitude = 5000

stick_shaker_direction = 0

stick_shaker_period = 111111



gear_warning_available = 1

pct_throttle_limit = 0.1

flap_limit_idle = 30

flap_limit_power = 15



toe_brakes_scale = 0.69

parking_brake = 1




type = 1




electric_pumps = 0

engine_map = 1, 1, 0, 0

normal_pressure = 3000



attitude_indicator.0 = 1



turn_indicator.0 =1,0



direction_indicator.0 = 1, 0



airspeed_indicator.0 = 1, 0













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If I remember, American does not use logo lights, hence why you don't have them if the painter portrayed this accurately. As for the cabin lights, those are controlled via textures and XML codes. If you are on the ground, you've just pushed back, as soon as you set the flaps, the cabin lights go out. Once you take off and reach a certain altitude, not sure if it's 2,000 feet or 2,500 feet above the ground, the lights will come back on.

Captain Kevin


Air Kevin 124 heavy, wind calm, runway four left, cleared for take-off.

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Dear Mr. Kevin,


Thank you for your reply. That answers one light, that being the logo. However I'm still without Beacon. As for the passenger windows I believe those textures are missing completely. See image below taken moments ago at FL340. I thought about copy/past the LIGHTS section from the default 737-800 however my main concern was "floating" lights as the dimensions wouldn't be exactly the same as the TDS model.


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By default the cabin lights should be on until the flaps are deployed.


Lack of lighting would normally suggest that a third party panel has been added incorrectly.


There are certain entries that have to be made in the panel.cfg for everything to work as it should.


Here is a shot I took earlier of what I believe are textures by Carlos Eduardo Salas.


As can be seen, all the lights are working. I use the default panel that comes with the base package.




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With all of the lights turned on from the control panel, the beacon lights do flash if you stick your nose withing a foot or two of them. They seem to flash shadows instead of light, even at night. Sort of like the old joke "What happens if you hook up your car battery the wrong way?" "Your horn sucks, your radio listens, and your lights cast shadows."

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Thank you for replying. I posted the aircraft.cfg above, are there missing entries in the .cfg? I'm using default panel for the TDS 737-800, Additionally the file name for the texture is:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Jetliners

FS2004/FSX American Airlines Boeing 737-800

[ Download | View ]


Name: aal_n908nn.zip

Size: 12,342,621 Date: 10-31-2016 Downloads: 227



FS2004/FSX American Airlines Boeing 737-800, registration N908NN. Textures only for the TDS B737-800 model (TDS_B737-800_BASE_PACKAGE.ZIP). By Luis Castro.



What I did was take the TEXTURE and pasted that into the base package, and copied over the aircraft.cfg entry into the base model as well. Does that make sense?

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By default the cabin lights should be on until the flaps are deployed.


Lack of lighting would normally suggest that a third party panel has been added incorrectly.


There are certain entries that have to be made in the panel.cfg for everything to work as it should.


Here is a shot I took earlier of what I believe are textures by Carlos Eduardo Salas.


As can be seen, all the lights are working. I use the default panel that comes with the base package.




Dear Mr. Smutley,


Thank you for the name. I found that exact repaint and all is well. Optested this evening, OPTEST SAT thank you very much!

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  • 5 years later...
I'm glad someone else had this problem but I must admit I didn't understand the solution - was the fault in the textures the OP was originally using and this was corrected by him downloading different textures? Anyway, I can't get the cabin or logo lights on with my 738 with Transavia textures tds_b738_f-gzhy-Transavia I've seen in other threads this may be a bit of a problem with the TDS 738 and I saw there was a patch available on their FB group but there were tons of files there and I had no idea which one was the right one. I don't suppose anyone's able to post up a quick fix to this here, by any chance???
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