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  1. All these mishaps seem strange. -aircraft in recycle bin unexpectedly. -effects folder in recycle bin unexpectedly. -this gauge issue--possibly because of using the wrong Aircraft config file without your edits to electrical section. Could it be you are logging into the wrong user account for your computer? (If you install FSX available for all users it's user will have there own config and other file versions!)
  2. You may need to be at the start point/takeoff position of a runway for that to work. (It may well need to be an active runway.)
  3. in messages i see only a inbox. I can't find outbox or sentbox. sent a message to test but still no outbox or sentbox showing. (I do see the sent message fine. no issue there. but the sent message lands in the inbox) Is this a feature, or something on the to do list? il.
  4. hi Adrian, well met! big things in progress I see. thanks for the explanations. thumbsup! Big changes, but feels ok. Clear good people are at the wheel. I was wondering, have all old posts been moved over? (or will they) Those form a huge compendium of info after all. (Looking at my post-count here makes me think they've all been moved over. So just checking.) Thanks much for all the good work, il.
  5. your f l ight should not start with schiphol ground... an IFR flight should have started with "Schiphol Clearance delivery".
  6. doesnt sound like an fsx message. what app is the message from? and whats the error message?
  7. found this. is for fs2004. if also works in fsx no idea. on Avsim https://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004acrp&DLID=113821
  8. its a complete aircraft. unzip. place resulting folder in the: ../Simobjects/Aircraft folder. that folder is the folder in fsx that all other aircraft are in also.
  9. maybe this: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/convert-from-x-file-to-mdl-in-fsx-format.7720/
  10. Those files end with .fsf_VFX_PFX So they are not .cfg files.
  11. to change the crash detection setting: In flight press for menu bar then click: Aircraft Realism settings
  12. just so you know. this thread is not really about downloading via ftp. It was about getting an error when downloading in the normal way. (and that works fine now.)
  13. maybe info here helps: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?238082-Marker-beacon-lights-not-operating
  14. new texture? other textures ok? then missing texture.cfg file in new texture folder. open other texture folder of same aircraft. 'copy' the texture.cfg file from that folder. 'paste' the file into the new texture folder. (if Windows asks "Overwrite file?", click o.k.) done start fsx see the result.
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