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  • Birthday July 5

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  1. Xbox is Microsoft's gaming brand, which covers the Xbox consoles as well as PC games now too.
  2. Based on what? The below is a good read as well. https://fselite.net/content/everything-we-learned-about-microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-at-the-global-preview-event/
  3. Here's a list of the included aircraft. https://fselite.net/content/all-aircraft-featured-in-microsoft-flight-simulator-2024/
  4. The only place to buy a new copy of FSX is through Steam at the link Nels provided above. https://store.steampowered.com/app/314160/Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_X_Steam_Edition/
  5. Steam was created by a company called Valve. Valve releases Steam...
  6. To help clarify what Nels is describing, it's called a "reverse image search".
  7. For those that don't want to use Google, TinEye is a great place to do reverse image searches. https://tineye.com/
  8. loki


    Files in OneDrive will still take up space on your local machine when they are downloaded. As you have a second larger SSD, you can move the OneDrive folder to a different location. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/change-the-location-of-your-onedrive-folder-f386fb81-1461-40a7-be2c-712676b2c4ae Another feature that can help keep OneDrive's local drive usage down is Files on Demand. By default this will keep files on the OneDrive servers and only download them when you need them. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/save-disk-space-with-onedrive-files-on-demand-for-windows-0e6860d3-d9f3-4971-b321-7092438fb38e
  9. Is the sim using up all of the drive space? What else is on the drive? If you're not sure, one of the tools in the link below can help track down the culprit(s). https://www.howtogeek.com/113012/10-best-free-tools-to-analyze-hard-drive-space-on-your-windows-pc/
  10. As Jim asks, do you see some icons at the top or bottom of the menu? The article below might be of help. The right-click menu in Windows 11: All you need to know! - Digital Citizen There are ways to tweak the new menu. Haven't tried them myself though. How to Change the Right-Click Menu in Windows 11 - Guiding Tech
  11. Note that the cut/copy/paste icons can appear either at the bottom or top of the right click menu in Windows 11, depending how far up or down the screen the cursor is. Still on the first page of the right click menu though.
  12. A well designed laptop can certainly run games and sims well these days, though I would be leery about using FSX as a benchmark when looking at a laptop for MSFS 2020. The latest sim will push both the CPU and GPU, unlike FSX, which will generate more heat. Cheaper gaming laptops have a history of failing after prolonged use as the heat eventually does cause issues, or things like the hinge or ports fail. If going for a laptop, I would make sure it had a good warranty/support plan. The advantage with a desktop is you get more bang for your buck when it comes to performance. That Starforge system linked above looks like a good option.
  13. While they may not be particularly special, you do need to watch the specs. As the first one you linked shows, they will play games such ass using a several years old CPU to keep the cost down, and not make it very obvious. That Vostro isn't suitable either. Nvidia's Quadro GPUs are aimed at professional graphics use, not gaming/simming. The amount of VRAM on this system is also quite low at 4GB, where 8GB+ would be much better. With Dell, you would want to look at their XPS or Alienware lines.
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