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Everything posted by llivaudais

  1. how to find in FSX? Remember that with the map feature, you can just plug in those co-ordinates and GO there. Do it in slew mode and once there, the easiest thing is to create a user waypoint --- you are using Plan-G or something like that hopefully (it's free and absolutely great for stuff like this) -- and you'll always be able to find your way back. Don't forget to also save a flight at this location... Loyd
  2. RE: the airport flattens.... just creating an airport location without specifying any runway or surface features just gives you an "airport LOCATION" that is listed with the other airports. I used this technique to create labels across a lot of the UK Lake District on specific hill and mountain features. Creating an 'airport' at the hilltop elevation gave me a visible airport label 1500' above the mountain for VFR touring. The same should apply to any desired location in the FSX world. Loyd
  3. I can't say that I KNOW what is going on but let me throw out a couple of ideas/questions... Zoom level 4 shows the view from hundreds of miles up and your screenshot doesn't contain a normal terrain view; it looks more like a LACK of texture perhaps from insufficient resources RAM/GRAPHICS CARD memory... This is also NOT a default zoom value and may be coming from a user-made 'default' flight while the top-down view was set at this value. You say this is the default you always get when you select top-down (zoom level 4)? What happens if you restore the default zoom by pressing the [backspace] key? the default zoom is defined in the TopDown view section of the cameras.cfg and my copy of the original shows a default zoom value of 14.5. You can edit the config file and change that value while the sim is not running if you so choose. If you are using the original MS default flight with the ultralight your starting zoom should be about 80, not 4; something has changed. If you open any saved FLT file (with notepad), you will find a camera listing showing saved camera views: this is what the Top Down looks like (and its unique id) -- default microsoft flight at Friday Harbor stored at ...\FSX\Flights\other\FLTSIM.FLT [Camera.1.8] Guid={A2849229-938A-448F-8AC6-01EF2291C171} Zoom=80.300003051757813 // Translation=0, 0, 0 Rotation=0, 0, 0 If you have a custom default flight it's possible your default saved flight has a zoom of 4 here instead of some more normal value. Check around and see if you are dealing with any of these situations... Stuff like this is frustrating but there's usually an answer to be found when you look in the right place with your mouth twisted just so... Loyd
  4. C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml is THE file that tells the sim what DLL's are to be allowed to run. It is initially empty except for the code that tells FSX it should use this file to load various DLL's. When you install FSUIPC the installer adds that block of code to this xml file. When YOU want to enable a SDK tool YOU manually find the appropriate code block in the identically-named (dll.xml) files in the SDK section and add the specific sections to the APPDATA version of dll.xml. It is confusing to see all these dll.xml files but everything in the SDK folders is a sample/example. The AppData version is the only one the sim looks at for instruction. It seems like you were saying in paragraph 1 that you have a little dll.xml file and then in paragraph 3 you seem to say you don't have the file. ??? My dll.xml code that I showed is what that original small file looks like AFTER the appropriate sections have been added to make all the tools usable. Hope this clarifies. Loyd
  5. The directions at steam seem accurate BUT I didn't see them list one "seemingly obvious" step... VERIFY that you actually have the "object_placement.dll" in the Steam\Steamapps\Common\FSX\SDK\Mission Creation Kit folder. If this file or the folder isn't there, editing the dll.xml won't make things magically work. If it is, then make SURE that the path to this file is accurate in the dll.xml file. my dll.xml looks like this. Your install path will be different - My Steam/fsx is NOT in program files and it might help to write it out completely without any ..\.. shortcuts. Launch dll.xml False False Object Placement Tool False False ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll Traffic Toolbox False False ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll Visual Effects Tool False False ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll FSUIPC 4 False Modules\FSUIPC4.dll If the dll.xml is merely missing the object placement section just copy mine but get the portion correct for you system. If all the necessary files are there, just keep at it; you'll get there! Loyd
  6. And for super-easy-to-try (and free 1m resolution) photoscenery of many of the states on our western side, try some offerings from Bluesky Scenery. I'll take any amount of visual navigation with BSS over being the passenger of a flight computer at 33,000' Loyd. Plan-G is my Map/Planner; Bluesky is my Scenery! I never before realized/appreciated how barren portions of Oregon were...
  7. I'm not a meteorologist, nor have I played one on T.V. and some people are too into realistic to enjoy an alternate view but... If you take an opposite approach and throw in a HIGH-SPEED (80 - 120 kts) wind layer with clouds a few thousand feet above your flight level it can feel more immersive as you are forced into an awareness of that real massive river of air just above you. One that can kill you if you stray too close... Loyd
  8. dang, you guys! I'm always learning something new here... Maybe if I'd gotten FSRecorder working on this last build I would have known about it. I had to use the recording function of JoinFS instead for my videos. Tilneyg88, if you don't get it working you should be able to use two co-located scenery cameras directly in FSX, one with tracking and one without and just hotkey switch between them as needed; they could also have different zoom levels or be at different positions if desired. Loyd
  9. My disk install is Win7 - I have FSX SE on my W10 OS - I don't recall if I had such a message on W10 but I can't see any downside to doing OK if it wants to run in some compatibility mode. L
  10. I hope this is not TOO MUCH... New Install via Disk on Win 10. generic advice: Take your time. Installing FSX is building the base for long-term enjoyment - not a race. Write stuff down - memory is frail. Make backups. Be extra careful when you feel like rushing. No messing around when you're tired - just don't! A. When I built my 7/10 system (separate ssd's installed manually into hot-swap bay) I followed these two guides: 1. simply the FSX install guide at FSDeveloper site to keep all the variations straight! 2. considerations for comprehensive approach to the OS setup as well as the FSX install by NickN. B. when starting the install from disk watch for that little checkbox at the beginning that allows "Advanced Install" or "Custom Install". If you miss this, back up and get it checked or you will be locked into the default install location. C. Sim component locations: The sim doesn't 'care' where you install scenery: the Scenery.cfg keeps track of that. I have scenery scattered across numerous drives as space is available. Most scenery is shared between FSX and P3D. D. AI traffic is SCENERY. It can be placed in any active scenery folder and managed the same as you manage scenery (easy to turn on/off at will). It does NOT have to be all bunched up in Scenery\world\scenery - leave that space for stuff with installers like ORBX. example [Area.180] Title=Ship traffic X Local=Addon Scenery\AI Ship traffic X Layer=234 Active=TRUE Required=FALSE E. Aircraft - I keep the aircraft folder for default aircraft only. Addon's and added AI models go in separate folders; doesn't matter where, you just have to specify their locations in the fsx.cfg my cfg entry as example: [Main] User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter SimObjectPaths.0=SimObjects\Airplanes SimObjectPaths.1=SimObjects\Rotorcraft SimObjectPaths.2=SimObjects\GroundVehicles SimObjectPaths.3=SimObjects\Boats SimObjectPaths.4=SimObjects\Animals SimObjectPaths.5=SimObjects\Misc SimObjectPaths.6=G:\AI_Boats SimObjectPaths.7=G:\AI_Aircraft SimObjectPaths.8=G:\Addon_Aircraft I keep a limited number of 'active' aircraft here to reduce the sim load time; the other 300-plus working ac are in an unreferenced 'hangar' folder; I just drag n drop back and forth from the addon and hanger folder as needed. F. I don't use alias sound/panel folders. I copy a full set of files in each aircraft so no A/C is dependent on the presence of another aircraft. I keep ALL gauges IN the aircraft panel folder; it is NOT essential to place addon gauges in the generic gauges folder. G. Make a copy of the aircraft and panel config files so the original settings are still available if you do any editing. This also applies to the scenery.cfg, fsx.cfg and the standard.xml (keybindings) H. there are multiple FSX folders. A few created links/shortcuts will save lots of time over the years my desktop has a flight folder; in the FSX section are links to the FSX.cfg in the appData\FSX folder Cameras.cfg also in the C:\Users\Username\Microsoft\FSX FSX.exe in the install G:\FSX folder Standard.xml in the appData\FSX\Controls Scenery.cfg in my C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\FSX ( I installed for 'all users') - yours may be in YOUR user folder. I. I always manually add addons to my sims. Except for ORBX, I don't allow any addon, automatic installer access to my sim folders. I force them to install to a dummy/empty/temporary folder. J. I'm not a total 'neatnick' but it's a whole lot eastier to make changes when you can FIND the parameters in config files... instead of scrambled config entries like this [CameraDefinition.2] Title = "Tail" Guid = {D8D67955-2E9B-4e75-9D8B-8EFFBBFAC64A} Description = Looking forward from the tip of the vertical stabilizer Origin = Center SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel SnapPbhReturn = FALSE PanPbhAdjust = Swivel PanPbhReturn = FALSE Track = None ShowAxis = FALSE AllowZoom = TRUE InitialZoom = 0.60 ShowWeather = Yes InitialXyz = 0, 2.0, -6.5 InitialPbh = 10, 0, 0 XyzAdjust = TRUE Category=Aircraft MomentumEffect=TRUE ClipMode=Minimum I gradually neaten thing up like so [CameraDefinition.0] Title = "Tail" Guid = {fd9ad6d5-5841-4915-8f2c-7a3c668797b7} Description = Looking forward from behind the aircraft Origin = Center Track = None Category= cockpit // (user preference for use with Track IR) MomentumEffect=FALSE Transition = No HotKeySelect = 9 // ctrl+5 SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel SnapPbhReturn = FALSE PanPbhAdjust = Swivel PanPbhReturn = FALSE PitchPanRate=15 HeadingPanRate=45 PanAcceleratorTime=0 AllowZoom = TRUE InitialZoom = .90 // not 'initial' but rather the 'reset' value. ZoomPanScalar = 1.0 SmoothZoomTime = 0.0 XyzAdjust = TRUE XyzRate = 10 xyzAccelleratorTime = 0 ClipMode=Minimum ShowAxis = FALSE ShowWeather = Yes ShowLensFlare=FALSE InitialXyz = 0, 0.5, -18.0 InitialPbh = 2, 0, 0 K. Back up your install folder - just because! good luck with the reinstall Loyd
  11. yes https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?2063
  12. One final thought about the reinstall: if you are using the disk version (which I assume you are since you didn't mention Steam) you will need to watch for the little checkbox on one of the starting windows of the installer: it'll probably say something like "advanced install"; If you do not check this box you will NOT have the option to install to a location of your choice. Good luck on the rebuild. Loyd
  13. my experiences with Flight Sim suggest: As much as I dislike Windows 10 perhaps you should be discussing those issues FIRST. I don't run my W10 Steam edition FSX much but I've not encountered any FSX problems yet - but my Steam install is NOT in ProgramFiles so neither is FSX. FSX can be moved; Steam can be moved. Issues might be resolved without a reinstall so approach with patience. If you finally decide you need to move FSX... Q1 Uninstalling Uninstalling could give you the best/cleanest file structure but if you like what you have, it is possible to simply MOVE to the new location and adjust the registry to reflect the new location. There are tools to do this for you - I've done this several times over the last decade. This does not necessarily mean add-ons can be moved the same way. They may have to be removed and reinstalled. It is something to consider if you have such add-ons. Q2. Multiple copies mean nothing; you have only one INSTALL location, and that's what matters. If there are multiple users on the machine, each user can have unique features in their fsx.cfg but all share the same base game and the same scenery. I once accidently ran a backup copy and it was a while before I noticed a "missing" aircraft or something... Q3. External (not the C:\ drive) HDD install location is a non-problem. I've never installed FSX to program files. My Windows 10 Steam Edition is on a single SSD with the OS. My Windows 7 install is on a different ( G:\) drive with my other games and applications. I have scenery installed on 2-3 different drives. There are no issues with either of these install methods. Q4. The best way to go about this A. Take your time. Allow time to think of questions B. Make a check list of all the steps needed. C. Back up or clone your OS drive - this lets you go back to what you had before... D. enlist the help of a friend or tech-savy acquaintance Us 'olders' can't always control the effects of aging but staying active and involved in life helps helps keep us functional. Best wishes. Loyd
  14. I also counsel waiting a while... FSX is CPU bound and was designed for the high speed single threaded computer. The industry took a design turn to a slower speed, multi-cpu model that is not ideal for FSX. My 4 yr old computer runs it fine at 4.4GHz but the 'new' sim may be better suited to current computer design. While I don't expect to see them recommending a 3.0GHz CPU with 16 cores, I don't yet know anything about the game's requirements. If you want to be sure that what you buy is good-to-great for the new sim also you really need to know what are their recommendations to get the best performance. Until you know that, it's going to hard to proceed with certainty. Loyd
  15. as best I recollect: you can view with the 'radar-like' screen; you can select and view (spot view) aircraft in range of your location ( somewhere between 100-140 nm out); you can take control of existing ai aircraft; you can place static ai aircraft (as scenery); you can create an AI aircraft and assign it to an existing flight plan... so, yes, I think that pretty well covers a very affirmative answer. Loyd
  16. You can see the ACTUAL ground speed in the GPS window at the bottom. This is what determines how long it takes to get somewhere but that's not what the gauges show (as they depend on airflow at different air pressures). Wikipedia can explain the basics between those different kinds of "airspeed". Loyd
  17. You probably just need to squint a bit and stick your tongue out the left side of your mouth. I downloaded and tested this AC from the Flightsim.com library completely before the linked site was even 1/2 way downloaded. It works fine (except for starting out 48000 lbs overweight - i hate sloppy coding!) so I cannot even begin to guess what is going on with your copy. Download the one here and try it, if you will. filename tdsx_7879_klm_fixed.zip now I'll try 'your' version...I see no difference in their behaviors. Loyd
  18. The Learning Center has a section on using the Flight Planner, a section on Navigation, one on the basic Autopilot and another on the G1000 for Glass Cockpits. Essential reading for everything beyond FVR. If your sim starts with the default flight, you must exit the flight to get to the main menu where you can access the Learning Center, your pilot records, Lessons and missions. This window is called 'opening screen' in the General settings and is NOT the default so you can set it that way if you choose. First you must have a flight plan: you can make it using the built-in flight planner or an external utility. Plan-G is a good (and free) map utility that includes a route planner similar to the one in FSX but a little easier to use and edit. The Learning Center gives a step-by-step procedure to making a flight plan; the thing to note is step 4 (the auto-routing method - be sure to select GPS). After leaving the ground on your flight, before turning ON the Autopilot, make sure that you have GPS selected or the autopilot will default to looking for VOR directions. Note!! Not all aircraft will have a physical NAV/GPS switch; In this case you MUST assign a keybinding to the "Nav 1/GPS toggle" function before you try to use it. Set your altitude and Nav Mode, then turn the autopilot on and it should follow the route you set up. I use GPS almost exclusively so my default flight has the GPS mode selected so I always start the sim with that mode pre-set. My flightplans are always VFR; they don't have to be IFR to use GPS and autopilot. What is a bit confusing is the NAV/GPS switch nomenclature - it really should have been called the VOR/GPS or something similar to avoid confusion. The NAV switch on the autopilot selects that NAV/GPS navigation mode as distinguished from HEADING hold or APPROACH hold. The autopilot also has a DIRECT mode. you enter the destination apt code and you fly there direct (using GPS). A user-created waypoint probably needs to be part of a flight plan. Hope this helps, Loyd
  19. I hope the new sim is more of a successor to FSX than Flight but we'll all know eventually... Why don't we all just bookmark this thread (I am) and when the dust settles we will all see exactly what MS hath wrought and make our subsequent choices in an informed manner. I suspect that I will be too old to deal with starting over with another (airplane/world) simulator. I have to save my energy for dealing with all the angst of the still-developing Star Citizen. Just so you know, I've got FSX/P3D on each of my OS's and fly with a MP group twice a week. I favor unusual a/c for downloading from the library here and have been making flightplans for our group flights for nearly a decade. I'm set for the rest of my life and I don't begrudge what path or sim choice anyone else prefers. I did not try Flight and probably will give the new sim a pass also regardless of its features. Happy flyin' Loyd
  20. Disk version saved flights consist of 3 files: the weather x.WX, the flight data x.FLT, and the IMAGE that the sim shows connected to the flight x.FSSAVE. Only the x.FLT is critical to resuming a stored flight. Open the correct x.FLT file. It is editable so you can adjust features like time and date. I have SE in my W10 OS. Let me try that also.... Same results: I saved a flight, removed the FSSAVE and the WX and it still loaded. Don't know what else to say... Loyd PS. Try this as a workabound- make a copy of any other FSSAVE; rename it the same as the flight you want to fly - should work (Computers/programs are fast but not terribly smart sometimes)
  21. if you are using default aircraft, do give a try to Douglas_C-47_V3_12_Beta.zip in the file library (and any updates that are available); it may be more to your liking. I don't even remember if there is a FSX default DC-3... Loyd
  22. I've had Microsoft Sidewinders for a couple decades but I also added a Thrustmaster 16000M a couple of years ago. Grip components allow for left or right handed use; slider for a throttle and 12 buttons on the base instead of the Sidewinder's 4. Very basic and reasonably Priced at $50-ish. Recommend. I did buy a used Sidewinder but it only lasted a couple years before the wiring gave out like the previous one. A flying buddy sold me his no-longer-used MS force feedback Sidewinder that I'm using now in FSX/P3d. The T16000 is my left hand stick in Star Citizen - couldn't live without it! Loyd
  23. OK, just to be clear... I have a F4B download [f4-vmfa531upx.zip]with the VMFA 531 and 1 Air Force skin, as well as the F-4 'reborn' collection (that uses the same model). Neither package shows the defect you picture at KEDW as test site (the only place I checked). You might try a reinstall and see if that makes any difference. I'll check at a few other airports the next time I fire up the sim. Using Disk set w/Acceleration in Win 7. I can test with SE in Win10, if that's what you are using. Loyd
  24. Welcome Tex, to the sometimes wacky world of FSX. Sometimes it's more frustrating than wacky; crazy frustrating when something breaks and you find yourself going "wha...?" Then drop in here and get some sympathy and some support BEFORE you just decide to uninstall and reinstall because that doesn't always work. Actually, stop in daily. I learn something almost every day and this Flight Simulator franchise has been my hobby and passion for a quarter century now. There's literally hundreds of years worth of experience with FSX available at this site - almost at your beck and call - don't fail to take advantage of it! How about a "30 second" biography: how did you come across FSX; what aspect(s) appeal to you the most; preferred aircraft type; what AC type are you training in? what's your home apt? Are you flying the disk version or Steam Version? I fly 'em both but the Steam version is still still pretty default while the older disk install is pretty loaded down with scenery and extra AC. For a lot of us, this ain't just a hobby, it's a 'lifestyle'. Welcome. Loyd
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