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Everything posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. I invested a lot in FS2004. It's a massive 55GB on two back up HDDs right now. But my main sim as of now is FSX.
  2. That's a nice site BTW. Bookmarked. I didn't have to register.
  3. I've used Flightaware's plates when I flown in VATSIM, but I go to airports that are small and remote. I need to know where to park otherwise after I save and come back to the spot I was at I can't contact tower or clearance since the Sim wants you to park in the spot they designate. So I really need to have progressive taxi to work. I do write down the last two or three taxiways that ground gives me in preparation for a missing segment which happens sometimes. But at KLAX for example the progressive line disappeared prior to getting into the parking spot and I had no idea where they wanted me. So I just had to end the flight without save and when I took off again from KLAX I had to create a flight from there. Really pissed me off to have to do that. I've been saving my flights since Thailand. Made it all the way across the Pacific from Guam, Wake Island, Midway, Hawaii and then finally Los Angeles.
  4. No way. The Sim I would have made wouldn't break the bank from the begin with. I wouldn't want a middle man. Forgetaboutit.
  5. I don't think I'd have the ability to port any M$ A/C over to my Sim. The whole environment would be different and the A/C that are built are meant to be a LOT more realistic than M$ crap. Therefore a whole knew modeling and gauge system would be devised. So it would be impossible to port over FS9 and FSX A/C. Besides, right now I can fly some, not all FS9 A/C in FSX already. Like my Alphasim F-22 for FS9 flys in FSX. Although, my precious RealityXP gauges I had don't work in FS9, and I had the TAWS gauge in the F-22 cockpit. I was able to fly super fast at near ground level between the mountains near Area-51 that I made in FS9 in that thing. Loved that gauge. I wish RealityXP made that gauge for FSX. I don't know why they don't. It's a fantastic gauge and I also installed it into my PMDG Beechcraft 1900D
  6. I've had a few of those 737 cockpits in my eBay watch list. One was goning for the low, low rate of about 55 thousand. Not too bad I guess. LOL I'd buy a long lines bunker or decommissioned missile silo though. That would be my home and that's where she'd be; the cockpit.
  7. I have SP1. I have a bunch of .Net and C++ installs. I highly doubt that's the issue. I'll have to research this more and check my error logs. And if necessary reach out to the forums that handle scenery creation and use ADE. I really wish ADE didn't use BGLComp. I love my AFX and it must use its own compiler. It's just not as feature rich as ADE. But it is a very capable AFCAD design editor.
  8. I wouldn't want my Sim to cost that much, I would want all to enjoy it. Since I would be pretty much donating my time and money in such an endeavor it's a project I want to not really focus on profits. But I think I can help gain a return by offering the sale of addons like I mentioned. Both planes, helicopters, scenery and airports. I've always been of the philosophy that if you make it a cheap price, you'll sell more of your product. I don't believe in the idea of raising prices when you have high demand. That's why things are so damn expensive. Like fuel for example. When demand peaks the price goes up. That ain't right. And it makes everything go through the roof. Food, cost of living, products you buy. You name it. I have a restaurant idea too. It's a fast food idea. I'd like to create that out of pocket if I won the lotto. No middle man dirty rotten banker needed. LOL!
  9. Thing that gets me is that this OS of Win 7 is a fairly fresh install. I shouldn't have any issues with BGLComp. Why it crashes I'm not sure. I'll have to read my error logs.
  10. If I won the lotto I would fund the development of a full fledged "as real as it gets" simulator. I would focus on four primary aspects, and they are: 1) ATC realism. 2) Visuals. 3) Aircraft realism. 4) Weather The craptacular ATC in FSX and FS2004 has always been a huge pet peeve of mine. First, there is no facility to fly SID and STARS. ATC have you fly onto the runway when AI are taking off, there's no holding pattern for you or AI, your aircraft will often compete with others. A new simulator would fix all this without the usage of third party software that only half works or doesn't work at all. I would have the ability to file your flight plan with SID and STARS, I would have holding patterns and I would have at least 50 different voice sets that are regional based for variety. So if you are flying into Heathrow you will hear British accents. You fly into India, you hear Indian accents, you fly into Russia, Norway, etc, ALL will have a variety of voice sets that match that region and there will be such a variety of nice clear, crisp voices that you won't hear the same voice again for a long time as you are handed off. Visuals has always been a very big factor for me as well. When I fly I want to see that McDonalds down there where it's at in real life, I want to see ALL skyscrpers, I want to see buildings, buildings buildings and I want it all to match real life counter parts. As it stands now, you fly into an airport and what do you get? Mundane crap. It's just all too plain. Being able to fly somewhere I want the gamer to see new sites. And maybe sounds as well. Aircraft realism is a big one. I love a plane with all the knobs and switches and I want it to operate as close if not the same as the real-life counterpart. That's why I really like PMDG. They seemed to have mastered this. I also want a good looking aircraft from inside and out. Then there's the flight dynamics. I want that plane to fly just like the real thing. Weather. That's a big one. There are two very good weather engines for FSX and FS2004, but I want really great weather right out of the box. Why have to buy an addon? Have you ever seen a video on YouTube from the cockpit and was just awe struck by the CAT III landing or all that fog that hovers over some mountainous Norwegian town as the plane comes in for a landing? I want that. I want it to be as real as it gets That goes for turbulence. If there's light chop going over the Rockie Mountains in real life, then I want my Sim to have that light chop as well in real time. I would invest at least a million dollars or more if necessary for the production of such a Sim. I would seek the input of scenery designers and aircraft modelers alike to create this Sim. I would hire some of the best coders in the gaming market. I mean, we have first person shooters and everything else with really great visuals, etc, why not a Sim? I would definitely make this Sim use the full power of a multicore processor and video card. I realize everything I speak of has addons to do all these things already, but what I talk about, especially ATC needs vast improvement. I've already tried these addons and they all need work. They are not perfect. No addon can vector you into a holding pattern, or make sure you don't land on a runway with a plane lined up already. Perhaps it could be made, but the Sim can do a better job out of the box. The ability to declare an emergency would come out of the box as well. I would add to my little flight Sim venture the ability to buy addons and planes. By default this simulator would come with 4 planes and two helicopters. The Cessna 172, the Cessna Caravan amphibian, the bombardier challenger, the 737-800, a Bell helicopter and a Euro helicopter. One plane I would offer as payware would be a V-22 Osprey. And yes, that means planes like the F-35 and Harrier all have VTOL capability built into the Sim. I would sell airports as well. Not that the Sim doesn't have great airports already. My Sim will have most if not all major airports fully designed already. Like KLAX, KLAS, KSLC, KDEN, EGLL, etc, etc. But I would have the others and smaller airports all well designed and offered for sale as well. Even Area-51. And Area 51 won't look cartoony. It will look real and have real life buildings. And when the DOD adds more buildings I'll offer updates. This is just a small idea of what I have in mind if I won the lotto. LOL! I do play the same set of three tickets of the same numbers all the time. One day my ship, er, plane will come in. :pilot::cool::D One can only dream...
  11. So I went to flatten KLAX and got this message in ADE, "bgl compiler has stopped working." WTF! I used the BGLComp from my FSX disk. This is really pissing me off.
  12. So it's pretty bad at the FSDreamTeam airports as well as others, but not that bad. FSDT Los Angeles is horrible! Should I use ADE and just flatten the area? I will check for unconnected taxi lines. Thx!
  13. I don't have that DX 10 mode on. I do have SP2 installed though.
  14. You know those green or yellow (can't tell, color blind) arrows that show you where to taxi and park? Well, often times during taxi they just disappear. It's even worse in FSDreamTeam airports. Is there a way to fix this from happening? I can sometimes still see the lines if I go to spot plane view, but not all the time and it depends on the angle I'm looking at.
  15. HAHA Just went to Estonia and looking around Google Street View, they have a New York Pizza. http://i.imgur.com/zjBPm9y.jpg
  16. I keep it interesting by striving to do everything perfect. From take off to landing. I have now begun to fly the ILS manually instead of cheating by using the APP button. I've been quite good. Now I need to practice my crabbing. I also keep it interesting by looking at Google Street View at the destination I go to. Right now I'm in Helsinki Finland.
  17. Where's the panel and model? All I see are textures!
  18. Thanks again Ray! I really appreciate you making these airports.
  19. Thanks Ray! I really value your contributions. I especially love the fact you have made cross wind runways.
  20. Thank you very much for this! It's well written and to the point. I was getting cross eyed as you said from reading the default PMDG manuals.
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