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Everything posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. Great question. According the the United States Air Force, the range is 1,600 NM and with external wing tanks you can add an additional 250 NM to that range for a total of 1,850 NM. Of course there are many variables to that. Cruise ceiling, how much thrust, weather and all that rot. Now for me personally in the Sim, I pretend like I pair up with a KC-135 for a refuel when I hit my custom auto refuel button in the cockpit. LOL Edit- Just think, if the Raptor fires just one Aim-120, Joe tax payer has to cough up a little over 1 million bucks. LOL! But seriously, does it really cost a state lottery win to manufacture that missile for that price? Even considering the added profit margin?! Edit 2- I guess military manufacturing is like selling a couch....
  2. I addressed this in your other post here. Please read it.
  3. I did this once in the Lear (albeit slightly modified). I was able to not cheat on fuel all the way until I crossed the Pacific to Hawaii. Boy, is that a stretch of water! Today, I use my F-22 which not only allows for a faster cruise, higher ceiling, but I can get in and out of pretty much any field. I've done this now five or six times. LOL What I like to do is once I land I go into Google Street View and check out the area for real. I also sometimes read about the airport I land to at Wikipedia as well.
  4. I use this: [TABLE=width: 100%, align: center] [TR=bgcolor: #EFEFEF] [TD]FSX - FSX Business Jets FSX Lear 45 Upgraded [ Download | View | Video ] Name: fsx_lear45_upgraded.zip Size: 22,707,291 Date: 08-08-2015 Downloads: 2,318 FSX Lear 45 Upgraded. Paint and panel upgrade for the default Learjet 45 with switch sounds, GPWS, traffic radar, large pop-up PFD and MFD, auto-smoke and shockwave lighting configuration. FSUIPC 4.60 required. By David Robles. (See also FORGOTTEN_GAUGES.ZIP) [/TD] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [/TR] [/TABLE] Here's me. Yeah, my Lear has a freaking flight attendant! LMAO!
  5. Old thread but I'll bite. Your IAS (Indicated Air Speed) is lower because there's simply less air up there. When you fly that high you go by the mach number. If you have a gauge that shows the ground speed (check here in the library) you should be going faster than you were at a lower altitude. Why? Because of a lack of air resistance. Think of ground speed like car speed. Speed of a car is ground speed. So, don't think your IAS is all about your "real speed", it isn't. Mach .82 would be the max this jet can fly in real life. I believe a Gulfstream can get up to .90 or thereabouts. So to reiterate, your IAS is an indicator of how much AIR is going past the plane - your air speed. Less air, less air speed. This is true for high altitudes. less air up there. The air sped is measured by a small hole in the front of the aircraft called a Pitot tube. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitot_tube Sometimes they freeze over with a cluster of ice. Now you have no air speed indication and thus the AP (Autopilot) will start to increase speed like mad. Now you throttle back and stall out. This happened to that Air France aircraft that crashed over the Atlantic headed toward Brazil. Pilot heat is what melts that ice accumulation in the Pitot tubes. The pilot heat is bleed air that is hot compressed gases off the engine at the compressor stage. Bleed air is also used to help start the aircraft. As well as power the air conditioning. It's like a small New York Edison Steam Works if you will. The bleed air is injected into the main engines via the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) A small jet engine to start the aircraft. Basically the the anus of the aircraft. LOL Ever wonder why the rear end inside an aircraft smells like jet fuel? Thank the starting of the APU.
  6. The flight characteristics are shot to hell. LOL!
  7. It is only now I'm see responses to this thread. The whole price market given the "niche" market makes sense I guess. From that perspective it makes one just want to fly experimentals. I'm sure you could use a car alternator replacement at that point, right? Or are you still having to buy FAA certified parts?
  8. Never heard of it, but thanks to bringing to light. Looks interesting, but do note this: https://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/compatibility/compatibility.htm And a little bit of funny. **Movie trailer with "that announcer guy from the movies" Don LaFontaine.** In a world where big tech reigns supreme. Where no matter what you do, what you say, and where you go, "they" know. From the collaborative creators of Demolition Man, The Matrix and Blade Runner comes an epic thriller worthy of a "thumbs up." Face-Track-Noir.
  9. Lets have a look at another key. How about the barometric calibration key. Look at the attachment above. It says 66,8. 66 is the key assignment and 8 means plain key. We look in the PDF and this is what we see.
  10. So, here's a nerdier way of doing this. LOL In your FS9.cfg file is where the keyboard assignments are held, right? Well, they have a number for the keyboard key assignment like this: THROTTLE_DECR=113,8 According to Opa's post here (I swear this guy still helps me today even though he's passed) that key command means plain key and the F2 key. As 113 is the F2 key. The pertinent information to all this is in the FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf file found in the modules folder of FSUIPC. That is, if you installed FSUPIC. The pages you want in the PDF are 30 and 23. At least in my September, 2013 version. So what does this all mean? Well, if you use Notepad ++ like I do (I guess Notepad would work or what ever) and you're trying to find what's assigned to the F2 key, just CTL+F (Find) in Notepad the number 113 or what ever other key according to the PDF. Now you can see EXACTLY what it's assigned to. Or maybe more than one, but you'll figure it out.
  11. Which aircraft? Only one having the issue? Post your aircraft.cfg file contents. It sounds like a cfg issue.
  12. Just FYI. The GUID is related to hard drives. https://www.lifewire.com/device-class-guids-for-most-common-types-of-hardware-2619208 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier For my version of Windows 10, I see that specific GUID of: 4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 is related to Veracrypt. A free and open source disk encryption software I use. This thread brought me here...
  13. Maybe it's the airlines.cfg file? Can you post the CFG file of one of these missing aircraft?
  14. It sounds indicative of a mesh issue. That, or hurricane season is upon us... Look for an Air Force One fly over...
  15. I now get the joke. LOL! http://www.calclassic.com/ But! Flat-files are pretty cool in their own right. He could host that website for free via Amazon AWS S3 and use a CNAME via Cloudflare's DNS...https://www.engaging.io/easy-way-to-configure-ssl-for-amazon-s3-bucket-via-cloudflare/ The other neat thing is you could use IPFS (Inter-planetary File System) and a node with Pinata to host your content via the block chain. As of this post, browsers like Brave can access an IPFS hosted resource. https://scribe.rip/a-guide-to-hosting-websites-on-ipfs-d2efad40ed3?gi=d1e3713d7333 Anyway, looks like the first recorded history of the website was in 2001, but none of the grabs render. 2002 does however. https://web.archive.org/web/20020802091538/http://www.calclassic.com/ LOL! https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hampster-dance
  16. Is span turned on in the NVIDIA control panel? If not, that may have to be turned on and you may have to press the Alt key in game to bring up the options and chose windowed mode.
  17. If you recently installed AI traffic, it may have been encoded in FS2004 format. If that's the case it'll nullify any and all FSX AI traffic you have installed already. You need to first remove the FS2004 traffic file and recompile with something like AIFP in FSX format. https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/limited-support-for-aifp.454500/
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_XB-70_Valkyrie Need a Windows wallpaper? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/North_American_XB-70_on_ramp_ECN-1814.jpg
  19. Yeah, felt bad about you guys in the New South Wales area with all that rain. Prior to that it was the massive devastating fires. So it all pretty much underscores that old adage, when it rains it pours. Here in Colorado, U.S. we had massive fires (Cameron Peak fire) a few years back during COVID and now because of all the burned out tress the ground doesn't absorb the water like it used to. So now there's flooding in that area every time it rains. Last I heard it's suppose to rain for at least three days I guess. And as I type this I hear the wind in the tress so something is moving in. It's great we're getting the rain because I see our lakes are down, but not so great to those that call the foothills of the Rocky Mountains home. In the fire fighting community they call this urban interfacing. I honestly think we've gotten more rain this Summer than last. I haven't taken the time to look at the numbers and I don't often watch the news much. I hope Overture takes off and is successful because I for one hate being in a plane longer than two hours let alone 10+! In this the 21st century we need transportation like this. Especially how everything is so interconnected and in a way countries are not oceans apart anymore (even diseases know...) It's amazing to think of how we now are in this era compared to the world's history back then. I believe it would take at least three months just to cross the Atlantic from England to New England (east side of the U.S.) just relatively recently in the 1800s alone. We're looking at at least 222 years ago. I hope this new form of travel isn't like the Concorde though where only those that could afford the ticket could ride. It will without a doubt start out like that though, but I hope it's scaled up for affordability. Honestly though, when I see headlines and stories about stuff like this with super sonic air travel and commercial space travel and whatnot I kinda go meh because I'm pretty sure we've mastered the power of gravity for propulsion. It's really just another form of force we've not mastered yet. Well, at least overtly anyway. LOL! Depending on who you ask, mankind has been messing around with fire for at least 50,000 years from that little area there in or near modern day Ethiopia. Since then, fire has not only been used for cooking but for work in/work out energy for electrical production, steam production, planes, trains, automobiles, boats and rockets/missiles... And I think 'change is on the rise.' Such a great power it is to utilize gravity as a force that it'll be like the technological advent of the Internet + satellites times a million let me tell you. Everything can now be self-powered and self-sustaining by small anti-gravity generators the size of say a modern day wrist watch. Your PC, refrigerator, washer/dryer toaster, you name it will have one built-in. The threat of a nuke attack is null and void with quite literately the ability to deploy a force field. Need the bomb squad? They can deploy a force field over the bomb and that's that. Threat is gone. Of course we carbon-based chimps will use it for control and military uses and so I don't think we're ready to have this awesome power. You could keep a population inside a border to say the least... I could probably write a short story on this technology alone. It's that massive in technological scope. Those that know the applications know about this possibility thus it's probably why you want it kept under lock and key. Well, until we've masted it so that others don't get the upper edge should they discover it. I hear China is trying to create anti-gravity. They're already making progress on quantum computers last I heard. Not sure how true though. Like anti-gravity, those that master quantum computing will own the ball in the court and break all of our encryption. Not very good in every sense of the word... This is where communication via quantum entanglement now comes in. LOL! It's always a constant tit for tat. (can you imagine the deployment of the blockchain using quantum entanglement and/or DNA storage)? Anyway, I said enough and had intended to keep my inventive thoughts to myself, but as it is, if I can think it, so has someone else. It's usually the case.
  20. According to Wikipedia, the Wayback machine was 'created in 1996 and launched to the public in 2001.' LOL!
  21. Would you believe I've never seen the movie nor read any of the books? I don't watch too many movies or TV shows and what have you. Unless it REALLY peaks my interest it's all just "meh." The Matrix series, Terminator series, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, Hunt For Red October, Enemy Of The State, a lot of war movies, Gangs of New York, Liam Nesson films, Universal Monster films and whatnot I do like. Truthfully, and in my opinion, they haven't released a good film since maybe Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List or Dances With Wolves. While Harry Potter or Avatar et al are great films in their own right, it just doesn't peak my interest. LOL! What I personally think is interesting about Enemy Of The State and Gene Hackman is that the movie is kinda like Gene Hackman's film The Conversation. Gene Hackman is 92 years old... First time I saw him in a movie was the great film Superman back in the '80s. Speaking of Superman. Is that Christopher Reeve riding a bike? :p
  22. I used to fly 2D only starting in FS2004, then I went VC and never looked back because I wanted the immersiveness and the "as real as it gets" perception. It also makes it easier to look out my left or right windows. Especially while taxiing. Perhaps the greatest VC I had used in FS204 was the awesome PMDG 737NG. I flew that sucker everywhere! Even to Hawaii and New Zealand island hopping along the way. The Lear 45, Challenger and Cessna Caravan amphibian were all flown VC. Now-a-days you can do this with virtual reality that I have yet to try.
  23. Sorry, gotta chime in here. Telegraph poles were made by AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph) company circa 1885 ("Great Scott!") and these poles you are now seeing are phone/electric. Or someone's idea of a good time... (Bring lots of money :D). I only mention this because I wrote about it on my website.
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