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Everything posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. One man's trash is another man's treasure... thus eBay. :D Dude started that company right out of his garage. Well, so did Harley Davidson, Amazon, and Mattel I do believe. The doll's name is Barbra Millicent Roberts BTW. ("They're coming for you Barbra." And watch Barbie run through a graveyard. LOL) I wish I was 18 back in circa '93 when I saw the television commercials for eBay, Google and Yahoo. Being the person I am I would have made bank in the stock market. That goes for buying domain names. Now-a-days it's a very fine art. But boy would I have loved to have amazon.com et al. x.com was the precursor to PayPal. Guess who owned and now reacquired the x.com domain? There's nothing there but a text document, but he bought it back for nostalgia purposes, and I would do the same thing.
  2. Have a look at this blog where it says "Getting Started." Looks like Sat imagery to me. http://mutleyshangar.com/reviews/jack/plang/plang.htm I never knew it either, and I need to try that plugin for Little Navmap as well.
  3. I just have to say congratulations. You have earned the crown for lurker king. LOL
  4. Something else. Deactivate all flight plans and just fly the default Cessna or something else default. So long as its texture weren't touched. The idea here is to not render ANY AI and just have your default aircraft on the tarmac. My theory here is that maybe something hiccups when loading your AI texture files and the taxi signs with shadows turned on.
  5. Does your CPU have onboard graphics by chance? Coupe things I would try. 1) Make sure that if the BIOS/UEFI doesn't already disable onboard CPU graphics, turn it off and anything related to it in BIOS/UEFI. The same applies to sound if you use a dedicated sound card. Though, this isn't your issue. Just mentioning it. 2) If your CPU has onboard graphics, then I'd run Revo Uninstaller portable to uninstall the dedicated GPU driver (once more, I know) and just run straight from the CPU onboard GPU. You can also customize your driver install with NVCleanstall. https://www.techpowerup.com/nvcleanstall/ I'm here to tell you a lot of what's in the Nvidea driver is crap - monumental crap. And they send telemetry from the driver to their servers. Read my post here. Careful on what you don't include in the driver install though. Because some components are needed. What, I don't know. LOL I have yet to run this software but many swear by it. For those computer savvy it shouldn't be all that difficult. Addendum - There's actually a lot of crap in Windows and other software its self, but that's another story. Test again with shadows using the onboard non discrete GPU. You've cranked all the settings down in the Sim? Is it just some airports or all airports? I imagine it's universal since on its face this does sound GPU driver related. Especially after reading that ADE forum thread again. That thread is interesting and I'm always saying to myself, "self, what are the odds?" Because Longmont is just south of me. The thread creator there was reworking the airport in Longmont... The airport near me, KFNL is the first with a "virtual control tower" I believe. Not sure how it's working out since I don't fly for real, but I did see a job opening there on Indeed for a controller. LOL Many moons ago I almost got a job at KFNL but I couldn't take it due to the odd hours. Anyway...
  6. It's called Plan-G, not G-Plan. A G-plan is something a sex therapist would have you conduct for the maritals... LOL! Moving on. Read this blog entry dated from 2011. I can't link the section since the code didn't anchor it, but the title is: Live Google Maps integration. That part there talks about it and has a link to the Plan-G help forum. No, not for medicare in the U.S. Plan-G website: https://www.tasoftware.co.uk/ For those with FSX, you can do this for Little Navmap thanks to Bina at AVSIM. https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/548994-new-maps-for-lnm/
  7. I was going to mention this early on and forgot. I use something called TaxiSigns HD for my Sim. It's compatible for both FSX and FS2004. This might work in your favor in lieu of the default taxi signs and at the same time will make your signs much better to see. I bought this product because for years and years I found it hard to read the default signs. Especially when I try to taxi without the magenta arrow most of the time when I'm given taxi instructions. I think it's called the follow me arrow something or other? The better looking taxi signs help when I like to speed down very long taxiways so I know when to expect A3 when I'm expecting A5 for example. That way I can gauge my slow down and braking. Since there are no tire blowouts, or as far as I know, brake issues simulated in the core code of the Sim, it's nice to do about ~50 knots taxing. DIA (KDEN - Denver International Airport) has got to have some of the longest taxiways I've used. Even in the real world, I've been aboard aircraft at KDEN that step up the thrust taxing. There are many other airports I've been to all around the world in the Sim that have long taxiways, but not near as bad as KDEN. The land KDEN sits on is pretty damn big as well. And, well, the runways have to be around 15,000' long (about as high as the Rocky Mountains are tall) to accommodate elevated density altitude during the summer. According to Little Navmap, the MSL altitude at KDEN is a bit over a mile. So combine that with the heat of the Summer and even in the Spring sometimes, and it'll make for some thin air for lift and slow down. In fact, at Coors stadium there are blue or purple seats that denote that area in the stadium is exactly a mile high. You can try the TaxiSigns HD demo and see if the new taxi signs show up at all. I know this doesn't fix the issue, but maybe the add-on would be better anyway, and maybe, just maybe after running the demo and if you decide to uninstall it the default taxi signs will miraculously render as they should. http://flightsimtools.com/taxisigns/ Addendum- When I update airports using Airport Design Editor, and if I remember, I make all the taxi signs a max size of 5. The other sizes are just too small and hard to read. Yes, I wear glasses for astigmatism, but still... LOL
  8. To check enter aptsign.bmp in Everything.exe and it'll list all areas where it exists. https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/ Try this too? You said, "I've installed nothing more than some AI textures for some months." For planes?
  9. You went in a messed with different settings in the NVIDIA control panel? Try these exact settings. Make sure any application settings for FS are off for testing. (Click images) As a test, uninstall Inspector. I never use it and figured it may be too much code creep with the GPU to be worthwhile. I know many here use it though. Yeah, I manually install everything as well. I'm looking at you World of AI. LOL I just extract to a folder and manually add the stuff. Check out SHA512. 606A37ABB1117503A7EDEA9FB270DF41F3EA533394E9A4C260DB15AD38A420FCAC03A64890EE00923215DAEE87CBAE5D437190AB98CB6207B461327154216E79
  10. If the taxi sign image file was converted, the hash wouldn't math - match. :D
  11. I'd like to verify if the taxi sign texture file isn't corrupt. Follow these steps exactly. 1) Download and install a free program called HashTools here. Optionally, scan the download at VirusTotal. (Owned by Google, and they get malware samples from the U.S. Cyber Command). The general consensus is four hits and it's bogus. Though, for other stuff it depends on what it is, community score, and the file's execution chain and what not. Nerdy crap, man. 2) Go to your FS2004 install directory and find the folder named Texture. Inside the Texture folder look for a file named aptsign.bmp. Right click the aptsign.bmp file and in the right click context menu chose, 'Hash with HashTools'. In HashTools select the SHA256 option. Does the first four and last four characters of the hash match my hash here? 6222406F6FC77755D3408F408D7760BE26E110A3834AE562DDBF1CAD4259B3E5 If it does then the text file is fine. Moving on from here I'd investigate the GPU driver and/or its settings in the Windows Control panel. I'd also go to the Windows search box, enter dxdiag and check for errors in the 32 bit version and 64 bit version. You click each tab. The other thing I would do is start turning down the graphics complexity sliders in FS2004 and see if anything changes. Going back to when this issue reared its ugly head that resembles the flipping Predator, did you make any changes to the Sim, install any add-ons, modules, etc? Perhaps an FS9.cfg rebuild is in order. Do you know how to do that? Backup the original first if you do. Side note: You can also take the SHA256 hash of a file, paste into the search of VirusTotal and if that file has been uploaded before you'll get a report. SHA (pronounced 'shaw' like Shaw communications) is an acronym for Secure Hash Algorithm. It's what drives Bitcoin because that number there is unique to data and ONLY that particular data. Change one smidgen part of the data and the whole number changes. Check out the hash I gave you. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6222406f6fc77755d3408f408d7760be26e110a3834ae562ddbf1cad4259b3e5 https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6222406f6fc77755d3408f408d7760be26e110a3834ae562ddbf1cad4259b3e5/details Edit- Now here's something interesting. The U.S. Cyber Command website is using a cheap, free, Lets Encrypt TLS certificate. LOL! What? No Sectigo, DigiCert, Cloudflare, Comodo, etc? WTH?! :D I guess they don't need insurance... That padlock you see in the address bar? That certificate. They are using the CDN Akamai so maybe that has something to do with it. I know in Cloudflare a custom certificate upload is costly.
  12. Based on how you described the problem, on its face it sounds like perhaps one or more of the AI planes may have texture issues. What might be happening is that when you go to this airport or near it and that AI renders so does its texture. If that specific AI plane/s has a bad graphic it'll crash your Sim. That's my assumption thus far. The other probability is a bad traffic file. But to me, if the code for the traffic file was bad from the get go, it shouldn't have been able to be compiled without error or able to be compiled at all. I often times read about half baked add-ons and I wonder why the Dev would release it to the public with known errors. Either that, or it's your configuration in some way. Either Sim or computer. But I have my doubts. If it's feasible. Go on into the AI plane folders themselves that get rendered at this airfield and cut/paste ten or so of those AI plane folders to the desktop ten or so at a time. Each time restart the Sim and go back to this airfield. When the CTD is not produced anymore you then know the little bugger is withen the ten folders you temp copied to the desktop and out of the Sim directory. Doing it this way not only helps you to deduce down what plane/s might be the issue, but it'll be a lot quicker on your part. Once the CTD is found again from a specific set of ten AI planes, then you have to test one AI plane folder at a time from the group of ten. And since there could be more than one problematic plane, all ten plane folders need to be tested one at a time for flaws as well. It's just like testing RAM in a way. Well, at least for me anyway. I first boot up Memtest86 and scan the whole lot of RAM in one go. If any issue is found I then test one stick of RAM at a time to find the culprit. I do this ALL the time with RAM purchases on eBay (or anywhere, really). Last time I bought laptop RAM on eBay I found bad RAM so had to send it back. About the Windows 10 thing not behaving with AIFP on the desktop. This is more than likely due to how Windows (Especially 10) protects certain directories. It sounds like Windows 10 not only protects the program files folders, but also the desktop path as well. Since AIFP is acting in a way Windows doesn't like, Windows' built in protections block the execution of AIFP from happening thus rendering AIFP inoperable. So having said that, you never want to install the Sim (in this case FS2004) into the default directory of the programs folder. Doing so will eventually lead to potential issues further down the line. It will become apparent with a certain add-on or module. Especially if that add-on or module behaves in a way Windows doesn't like. Non-GMO food for thought tip #302 I'm not exactly sure if this is "kosher" or not, but how I install AI is in the following way: The traffic files themselves are placed in the path of: Flight Simulator 2004\Scenery\World\scenery and the AI planes themselves are placed in the aircraft folder. I always, ALWAYS separate out any aircraft and add-on scenery in this fashion. Even for FSX. The \Scenery\World\scenery folder will render the traffic file/s like any scenery in the add-on folder. Just more on a universal basis. If there are issues, that one traffic file can be renamed to something like MyTraffic321.bgl_old The addition of the "old" renders the .bgl file extension null and void so that the Sim won't render that traffic file anymore. Rename it back to a .bgl and it'll render once again. Of course you first need to go into the Windows Control Panel | Folder Options and make sure show extensions is turned on. This should be common practice after installing Windows for the first time anyway. And there are MANY reasons why, too. The very obvious is masquerading malware looking like a jpg or PDF, et cetera. So a file named mycatphoto.jpg.bat might look like a seemingly innocent mycatphoto.jpg or something in Windows WITHOUT show file extensions turned on. You double click the "mycatphoto.jpg" file, the batch file executes and you're computer just got pwned and tea bagged to no end. Of course jpgs, PDFs and other files can harbor a malware payload withen themselves... And I could write seven paragraphs on this mitigation. Non-GMO food for thought tip #303 There's a really great free program at SourceForge for scenery management for both FS9 and FSX called, SceneryConfigEditor. This program is to add-on management as AIFP is to flight plans. It is written in Java however. So, if you install Java I'd make sure it's disabled in the plug-ins facility of your browser/s. This is for security reasons. You never want a browser plug-in to render code without your approval. I could probably type seven paragraphs on all this stuff as well, believe me. LOL In conclusion. To me this issue sounds texture related and not so much a flight plan issue. I don't think it lies in the model MDL its self though. That too would probably spit out errors while trying to compile from the get go by the Dev. P.S. What is the name of this add-on? That might help. LOL P.P.S Yes, I'm in the typing mood. I used to write for the Antarctic version of Playboy magazine at one time in the '70s. :D LOL Juliet/Kilo
  13. You might be able to pipe the audio though something called a virtual audio cable. But I'm not too sure. Just thinking outside the box. I use a few virtual audio cables and will have to see if it's possible. I do use more than one screen so going between tasks does make the Sim audio mute, but not the Sim as I found that option early on when I installed more than one screen.
  14. Check out UnGoogled Chromium... You can always have more than one browser. There's also Brave and Pale Moon, though Pale Moon is pretty niche and for people like me who are nerds and can edit the useragents and what not. Brave claims to be private and all that. While it is to an extent, there's still things there I don't care for. I do use it in my tablet and phone. DuckDuckGo has a mobile browser and I hear they're coming out with a desktop browser. But, I take all of what Brave, Firefox, DuckDuckGo or even Proton Technologies with a grain - no, mine cart of sodium. There's also portable Firefox and portable Chrome. https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium (I wouldn't install an extension into the browser though)...
  15. Batch files are great for lots of tasks, and can be fired off from Task Manager on timed intervals. Also, you can convert a batch file to an executable (.exe). I'd like to mention a software that I use that performs one of many iterations of my backup needs. It's called FreeFileSync. It might not be very intuitive to those that are not very well versed in computers and what not, but if you're willing to read the manual and figure out things it's great. You can also have the aforementioned Task Manger fire of the backup from the FreeFileSync file. Or, I've used something since my XP days called StartupCPL. If you install StartupCPL it'll be in the Windows Control Panel. For those interested in batch file commands, this is a great resource: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/batch_script/batch_script_commands.htm
  16. And I'm surprised the YouTube algorithm didn't find my crapy video . I kept saying distinguished instead of "EXTINGUISHED" It was my first attempt. I may try creating a video that's a lot better. My video may give you a better idea on ILS and how I used the default GPS for situational awareness.
  17. Actually never heard of an A220 before. Designed by Bombardier and is an Airbus. HAHA! Anyway, you need to look at this website: https://www.flightsimbooks.com/ I can't say exactly how the ILS works in that particular aircraft, what I can say is the basic gest of the whole thing and leave you to figure it out. It's really not hard. First, ILS stands for Instrument Landing System. There is an antenna array next to the runway that sends a radio signal up and outward from the runway. You program that frequency into your Nav radio/s (both for a backup. I do). This antenna on the side of the runway is for glideslope (GS). GS is what tells you to go up or down as you descend onto the runway. There is another antenna array (I think at the end of the runway) called the localizer or LOC. This signal tells you how to move left or right. So GS gives you vertical guidance and the LOC gives you lateral guidance. The goal is to keep both the GS and LOC needles centered. Easier said than done, trust me. Now the autopilot (AP) can do this automatically. I think it's cheating, but it is what it is. In addition to the the website I liked to, doesn't this aircraft come with a manual? You need to read it, ALL of it. See these Wikipedia articles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrument_landing_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marker_beacon It's all about learning.
  18. Did you forget your original thread here? https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?331054-How-to-with-three-monitors-for-FSX This might be pertinent. Either now or in the future. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?326774-Second-monitor-for-instruments
  19. I probably did the same thing with building Area-51 in FS2004. Hours and hours getting everything right, looking at Sat imagery and doing some research. I even had a Beechcraft 1900 go from "KXTA" to Nut Tree, California (KVCB) since I saw that aircraft was recorded doing that and its flight path was recorded on the Internet. Oh, I bet the Air Force and CIA love that stuff... LOL Travis AFB is nearby so maybe that's why the Beechcraft flew to Nut Tree. Don't know, really don't care.
  20. I used to think my bike was a jet of sorts, and since I used to watch the old Batman shows with Adam West, and it was the time the first Batman movie came out, I pretended my bike was the Batmobile and the fence gate was the entrance to my Bat Cave. The classic cartoon Muppet Babies covered imaginative stuff like this. Gone are the days of great television. Even today as an adult I like cartons because it's a great escape from reality, I think it stimulates your brain or something, and I'm sooo damn tired of the back and fourth on cable news. Just sick of it all. Of course! :D
  21. Have you tried right clicking the files in the USB thumb drive and copying those to the desktop or where ever on the computer, and then installing from the computer its self rather than from the USB thumb drive? This issue with executing a file (data) from a USB thumb drive could be a permission issue. Like Read Only or some other shenanigan that prevents installation. In theory, a Read Only would allow the installation, but the .exe or what ever may need to write a hidden temp directory you don't see which gets deleted after execution. The problem could be exacerbated if Windows places certain restricts on types of files delivered via USB. In a nutshell, just copy/paste installation data to the hard drive and execute from the computer rather than directly from a USB device or even via a SD card, etc.
  22. I always enjoyed Snoopy's alter ego as a WWI flying ace. Snoopy's response. :pilot:
  23. I have many fond hours playing that game. I must have beat it three or more times I reckon. The ending in Star Fox for the SNES reminds me of that "master robot" thing (the God bot?) at the end of the movie Matrix Revolutions where Neo has his final battle with Agent Smith. I did have the first Nintendo prior to the Super. Got that puppy due to a Kmart certificate I got as an award for selling more Boy Scout candy bars then I don't know how many districts in Southern Californiastan. I had won all the prizes so they had to come up with stuff to give me. LOL! If I can remember, the Kmart gift certificate was worth a $100 smackers and I knew EXACTLY what I was going to buy! A Nintendo. Oh, I spent so much time in Mario 1 it wasn't even funny. Back then there were no real saves unless the game gave you a code to return to that spot again much like how Metal Gear gave you codes. Yes, Metal Gear was on Nintendo. Freaking brilliant plot. The Metal Gear version for the first PlayStation was just AWESOME! The music? Superior. I can just hear that Into. music now and see the Ohio class submarine and me talking on a burst transmitter, which is right up my alley since I know my far share about TSCM/clandestine stuff and radio communications. The first "burst transmitter" was for Morse code in WWII. Anyway... Even my mom got into the Nintendo fray. My Bro. and Sis. and I would watch my mom go from one Mario world to the next. No save I might add! Finally she made it to World 8, Level 8 and met Bowser and panicked. I said, "Just run underneath him!" Nope, she ran INTO him instead. LOL That was the last time she tried her hand at Mario 1. Back in the '80s my parents ran a bar and had a Pac Man arcade. I guess my mom was really good at Pac Man back then. I really liked the Pac Man version that came out for the Super. It was Mr. Pac Man and you walked around town and what not on "adventures." His eyebrows would go up in the air and had different facial expressions. Somewhere here I have a stand alone Flash version of the Atari Pac Man which I tried but failed to convert to HTML5. Now even though I played Star Fox on the Super, the first flight game I played would have to be Top Gun and To The Earth on the first Nintendo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_the_Earth On the PlayStation 2 I LOVED Ace Combat Shattered Skies. I was pretty damn good in that game, let me tell you. I actively hunted down EVERYTHING on the far reaches of radar and latter found out from a gaming Mag that when you did that you acquired the F-22 and what not which I got and could never figure out why until I read that piece in that gaming Mag. LOL Going back to the N64 there was of course Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Two words: Binary Perfection! I have the ROMS for my computer and USB N64 controller. Oh, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, but I gamed my rear end off. Often times the Sun saw me for two days straight. LOL! Even today I'm on the computer just learning my actual butt off! I don't play a lot of modern games though. Played ARC, 7 Days to Die, GTA V, PUBG and I have the latest COD Warfare, but I still enjoy my BF2 with AIX Mod, Generals Zero Hour (which had an awesome Mod call the Retarded Mod), ROMS and what have you. When elementary school let out I'd walk down the street, cross a busy street to the 7-Eleven and play Street Fighter on the arcade. I'd always buy candy and what not with what little money I ever had. I know the following is going to sound kinda corny or what ever, but I have to mention it. I'm a history buff so I can see things in their historical perspective. In this instance of me being a free American kid walking down to a 7-Eleven in Southern Cali. of all places (should have never did that). This was during the time of the Berlin Wall, the division between the East and the West. If you lived in the Communist East side of Berlin you would NEVER have this opportunity of going to a 7-Eleven and playing Street Fighter, let alone owning a Nintendo, an Atari, etc. Maybe if you were lucky, and I mean freaking lucky. FFS, Levi jeans were hard to come by. A month after the Berlin Wall came down the first episode of the Simpsons aired. I was the same age as Bart at the time. Just a little history there. High school introduced me to Sim City 2000 which they should have NEVER did, let me tell you. HAHA. I borrowed the giant book on it all from a friend and read the thing cover to cover and took copies of pertinent Info. Yeah, the grocery stores used to have copy machines... I'd make copies of magazines all the time. LOL! Today I play Sim City 4 on occasion. And yeah, when I realized I could fly around the world in FS2004 I made a first attempt in the PMDG 737-700 I think it was, maybe 800, and got as far as Auckland, New Zealand. Almost biffed it there too which is something I never do. Today in FSX I must have been around the world five or seven times. I've lost count, but what I do know is where damn near every country is. When I land I check the place out on Google Street View and sometimes read about the airport on Wikipedia. Yeah, I'm a freaking nerd. HAHA 1.7 MHz CPU. Unreal how things have changed today. Speaking of Tandy, I must have been Radio Shack's #1 customer back then. I had so many damn police scanners. LOL Today I still have three. Two of which are digital trunk capable since most public safety has migrated to P25 and what not. Though, sadly many departments are flipping on the encryption switch. So much for transparency and knowing what's going on in case of a major emergency and what have you. You brought this on /\/\otorla! I'm assuming this was with the NYPD. There's gotta be a Sim City 4 meme somewhere here... :D Anyway, I think I wrote Deuteronomy part deux.
  24. I didn't get a computer until 2003, and at that it was a Dell Latitude C600 laptop which often times made me late to work since I was on it for hours on end. LOL Back in ~2006 when I had a desktop, I acquired the FS2004 disks from my brother and I was hooked. I then latter became a member here. Prior to all this I played the earlier versions of Flight Simulator on other people's computer and longed to have a computer of my own but could never afford it. In 1997 I was trying to hack the school At Ease computer system on the Macintosh computers. LOL I still have the At Ease manual somewhere here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_Ease https://jurassicsystems.com/ https://jurassicsystems.com/about Edit- NSFW LOL https://app.box.com/s/d771rgbvwnz2f1wgi4lg8bfnj1itqogt
  25. Yeah, I saw that on YouTube. I don't remember what channel it was. I must tell you though that those are not really GPUs. They're called ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). As the name suggests, they are a unit "specifically" made for one thing: mining cryptocurrency. While high power GPUs can do this as well (depending on the cryptocurrency), and ASIC can do this job waaaay more faster.
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