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Everything posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. Been around the world about five times already. That's just in the span of two years. LOL Touched all seven continents and probably know where damn near every country is. To further enhance the nerd aspect of the whole thing. I'll read about the airport at Wikipedia and check out the country in Google Street View. Did you know Google has Mongolia on there? Mongolia! There's also North Korea, but it's panoramic still images only. Actually looks like a nice country, but that's what they want you to see though...
  2. You can download a little utility here in the library called AirEd (godaired.zip) that'll allow you to open and edit .air files. I have no idea what parameters define when an aircraft takes off and comes to a stop, but there are drag and braking parameters defined in an air file that could be what the Sim is using.
  3. LOL Yeah, I saw some interesting fixes when I would fly into Vegas. I can't seem to find them, but I could have swore there was a POKER and CHIPS. I do see a LUCKY. In Florida there was a TRUMP, but political correctness had them remove it.
  4. I'm not in the mood to list step by step instructions right now. But read the following two links and research using your favorite search engine if necessary. https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/2688/fsx-boat-traffic-compiler/ http://lc0277.gratisim.fr/boat/
  5. I think you need to use the "duplicate" option. It's probably like the clone option I talked about.
  6. HAHAHA! "Seems" being the operative word here. I have a GTX1050TI and two monitors run quite well with it. Best part of it all is that the card doesn't even require a dedicated PCI-e power connection. Back when I was in the market for a new GPU I wanted a GTX1060. Well, that was all shot to hell and sent to Mars thanks to the first bitcoin craze back then. I looked and looked and couldn't find a 1060 anywhere, and if I did the price was inflated beyond belief. So instead I stared to look for 1050TI's all over the place. Those too were gone until I found one lone 1050TI at the price of what a GTX1060 would have cost prior to the bitcoin craze. Knowing full well if I didn't buy the 1050TI I wouldn't be able to upgrade my GPU from what was a GTX 560 TI for God knows how long, so I bought it. Well, it's been pretty decent. As I said, I run two monitors so that works. I have played GTA V, the latest Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, and ARC with this GPU and so far so good. Will this GPU kick out 4K on more than two monitors or is VR ready? No. But it should handle three monitors just fine at 1080p. I'd have to look up the specs to know for sure. You can't touch anything less than a 1050TI right now for a "reasonable" price anyway thanks to the now second bitcoin craze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To answer the OP's question, this may or may not work. I don't know if it's entirely possible. What you're trying to do is span two monitors as one and the third for gauges. So I think in order to do this you'll want to go into the Nvidia control panel and click "Set up multiple displays." Now right click a display and chose the clone option to clone to another display. I'm not sure if this will do the trick, but that should span the display across the two chosen monitors of your choice. Now when you're in the Sim you need to go into the Sim's options and enable windowed mode. I'm thinking the first two screens will show your Sim, the cockpit and all that, the second display should be a blank slate to drag gauges to. This is just my educated guess as to how you can achieve this because I don't know if it can be done without perhaps some software which I might be able to find. I know damn well stuff like this is done in full fledged cockpit simulators. Now the port specs for the 1050TI are as follows taken from the first Google hit: There is one DisplayPort 1.4 output, one HDMI 2.0b output, and one DVI-D Dual-Link output. So if your Samsung and LG are using the Display and HDMI ports, you now have the DVI port left over. I don't know what you have there since you didn't indicate that. They do sell different types of adapters. You wanna go to Amazon or eBay and search for such search terms like, "VGA to HDMI", "VGA to displayPort" "VGA to HDMI" Now you should be able to use that VGA port for the ViewSonic.
  7. :D Check this awesomeness out. As a hard core flight Sim pilot who would wake up in the morning, brew a latte, fix a giant bowl of shredded wheat, and go to my computer to plan, program the FMC and fly my PMDG 737 NG, I never had the luxury of a yoke or pedals. I used a PlayStation-like USB connected game pad, and I was actually pretty damn good with it. If I can remember, the left joy stick was elevator and ailerons and the right joy stick was just the rudder. I was pretty decent in crabbing and manually flying the ILS with that configuration, but it wasn't the greatest. It was really apparent that it wasn't the greatest setup while trying to crab my Lear 45 upon landing at an airport at one of Alaska's archipelago islands where it was as windy as a local, state or federal corrupt politician. Because of the inability for real crabbing ability and complex ILS landings with next to no viability (I love manually flying those), for years I yearned to have the money to buy a proper yoke and pedals, but I saw the price for those at around ~$200 a piece. Then one Summer I was at a yard sale looking around and like manna from Heaven there they were glistening in the sun: a CH Products yoke and pedals. So I asked the guy sitting there in a lawn chair next to his wife how much he wanted for the yoke and pedals. He said, "$25 bucks!" I immediately couldn't believe it. $25 for a yoke AND pedals?! Nah, something isn't right here. But I looked them over and all looked good and figured if they were broke I could probably fix them. And $25 is not bad at all for a yoke and pedals that may need some tender loving care. So I handed the guy the money and as I was walking off I heard a faint voice say, "glad those are gone." So now my suspicions about the yoke and pedals being a dud was even more heightened. Got home and before I plugged them into the USB ports I prayed to the tech God of all things silicon they wouldn't take my motherboard or PSU out. Once that very scientific test was done and noticed nothing went *pop*, I checked the controls in the Windows Control Panel. I moved the elevator, ailerons, rudder, brakes and pressed all the buttons and all had full functionality. So now I'm like, "wow, so far so good, now lets see how they react in FS2004." Fired up the Sim and as I sat in my aircraft moving the wings and what not I was surprised FS2004 had already assigned most of the configurations. Prior to that I downloaded the CH Products software in case I needed it. So yeah, to this day after some 10 years now (yes, ten damn years!) I have had these yoke and pedals and so far so good in both FS2004 and FSX. Now why can't I have luck like that in the lottery? :cool:
  8. LOL You're right, but I'm a type of guy and love my tools and what not. I have tools for most jobs, even some minor surgical stuff like suturing a wound! LOL Yes, I have a surgical tool kit. I mentioned it because the price for those air pushers are very inflated due to marketing and for the money you can have a one gallon air tank with motor for about the same cost. It also doubles for other projects... Someone had the great idea that metal eating utensils were inconvenient in certain situations like picnics and what have you and thus created a throwaway utensil. Probably the best invention since the Romans(?) created the fork or who ever created the "spork." Now a little advice to those that will use a plastic fork. Depending on the sturdiness of these things, be very careful what you use it with. In my case, I was eating an over done chicken cordon bleu with a plastic fork, then as I was taking another bite I noticed a piece of the fork was missing and realized I must have swallowed that small piece of plastic. So knowing damn well that could potentially mess my intestines up, I went to the ER in preparation to have an IV to induce vomiting. I also knew this was very important because a surgery for that could have you in a case of sepsis after surgery. But no, there was no induced vomiting. They took X-rays and didn't see anything (probably due to fecal matter) and said it would probably just pass. I also think he said the stomach acid would help break it down a little. I'm thinking the acid made the small piece of plastic more malleable and not pointy to be passed on through the tubes. At least that's what I hoped would happen. So there you have it. Be extra cautious eating hard food with a plastic fork. I have one of these and it's made of a different more sturdier plastic so it wouldn't do that unless you apply lots and lots of force.
  9. Found this nugget of information and thought I'd share. https://abcnews.go.com/Travel/history-airport-codes-logic-letter-codes/story?id=11684406
  10. In all honesty, the difference between a closed loop liquid cooling system and air is very marginal. Probably about 3 degrees if that. Not only that, but you run the risk of a coolant leakage (rare, but I've heard of it happening) somewhere and now you have a massive mess and a paper weight unless components are under warranty and they'll honor it. This is also true for that Artic Silver thermal grease and the other products. You'll get maybe a few degrees lower on the temps versus that with which comes stock with the CPU cooler. I used the stuff that came with my cooler because I figured the manufacturer tested it with that cooler. Then again, maybe not, I don't know. In any case, I don't care much because I wasn't blowing money on a fluff product for marginal temp differences. I'm actually using the good ol' tried and true Cooler Master Evo (overly used word) 212 CPU cooler. My temps are pretty damn good at load withen COD Modern Warfare or GTA V, etc. I can't remember what the temps were off hand, but know they were decent. I just checked and at idle I see ~75 degrees Fahrenheit (~24 degrees Celsius). I'm an inventor and have a waaaay better system to all this. But there's a few things I need to work out. Since I'm not even patent pending yet, I can't say what it is. :D LOL
  11. So, they sell lots of these on Amazon and they're all massively inflated in price marketed to people like you the computer user. The bad thing about this is that you can build up static in the plastic (ESD) and zap your computer parts. Since I see a lot of these things all made of cheap plastic priced in the range of $50-$100 (£36-£72), I'd be more apt to spend that money on a real pneumatic system with metal parts. So this along with this would work and you just connect your ESD wrist strap to the blow gun. The reminder of the whole ensemble would be grounded via the wall outlet. Providing your wall outlet is grounded. Both products are A and B grades for review quality at fakespot.com. Meaning you can trust the reviews not to have any deception paid in part by the company. They do this with fake reviewers and fake YouTube reviews. It's withen the realm of what is called Astroturf and is used in the pharmaceutical industry to push overly priced medication. Note that the compressor only stands some 35 CM in height and 28 CM in width and length and is just a 1 gallon (3.8 liter) tank. Perfect for hobbyists and what not. Maybe even for spray painting model aircraft. There is a Craftsman equivalent here. I don't know if Craftsman is popular in the UK, but in the U.S. they are pretty much notorious for great tools.The others would have to be Makita and Milwaukee. Although, I don't have much experience with those except for Craftsman and that's all I buy. Except some Snap On wrenches and what have you.
  12. I'll check my other hard drive one day and see if I happen to have an older version of the updater. If I do, I think you could uninstall all of your FSDreamTeam products, reboot the computer, reinstall and use the updater I have. Though, this may not work if it goes online to retrieve the new crap. The Wayback Machine didn't archive the older add-on installer and that's probably because the web Dev made it that way. I also tried some "Google dork" and couldn't find an older version of this add-on manager. I know I had that damn thing sitting here years ago, I just don't remember if I backed it up or not. Now I wish I did after reading this.
  13. This is probably what the problem is. Though, I'd like to see this new plan to make sure it's properly formatted. I seem to remember this happening to me years ago. Since I hand create my flight plans and use some regex search and replace and other tricks in Notepad++, sometimes just one little mistake will cause the whole thing to crash and burn like a misplaced character in a PHP script file. This AI flight plan was made for FS9 and not FSX? Or perhaps the accidental mixture of the two formats in the plan? By the way - If your Shadow Copy service is active and you have a recent shadow copy, that deleted flight plan might be able to be retrieved with the program ShadowCopyView. Keyword to use here in Pee Wee's Playhouse fashion is might. I've had some intermittent luck with the program, but that might be my OS configuration. https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shadow_copy_view.html At the top, pick a snapshot date. At the bottom you might have to manually enter into the path of where that deleted flight plan existed from the jump. An alternative to ShadowCopyView is ShadowExplorer, though I have yet to try it for myself. YMMV. https://www.shadowexplorer.com/ Edit - I see Nirsoft has another program called PreviousFilesRecovery https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/previous_files_recovery.html
  14. You ran this? I mean, download that stand alone executable from that web page and run it? I found the built-in updater to be massively FUBAR which only confirms my suspicions about modules and how things can go to hell using them. Especially if you have a ton of modules installed. Does this happen in other aircraft? Gauges might interfere with the communication path from the add-on's module functionality. Though, that's just a guess. They create these modules and what have you to protect their product from being pirated yet it doesn't prevent it at all. It just adds more complexity for things to go wrong. There are better ways. Off the top of my head, a once in a while integrity online check for license verification using the block chain. The license can be buried and encrypted using ChaCha20 or AES in the software its self so that it can't be reverse engineered or facilitate the use of some hack wrapper.
  15. I really don't no the parameters behind this. It's odd as well with what planes land on what runway. I don't remember how the Sim chooses that. (No, not wind parameters. Weight and what not for parallels). All I know is that there's something there in the logic of the code that does it. If you look at your O'scare airport, are the frequencies referring to a magnetic orientation at all? Like North: 118.535, South: 122.300, etc. Or perhaps there's some other variable that's being use to indicate what runways correspond to what frequencies. Beyond that, you could check the airports in question using ADE for errors.
  16. If you still have the old URLs, paste them in the Wayback Machine and see if they have an archive of the websites. Sometimes this doesn't work because of the way the web developer set up the website blocking the Wayback Machine. It may or may not be intentional. https://archive.org/web/
  17. That's probably what it is. I have been forging my UA for at least 14 years and have had no problems once so ever until this recent update in my niche browser Pale Moon. I could try it in Firefox, but I really don't care right now. As I said, I'd have to look at the core code in the browser to see what is going on. Even then I'd be making a guess as to what it really is. My best course of action would be to ask at the Pale Moon forum. Edit- And never mind. My opening post said I used three browsers and got the same results. Forgot I did that. Yeah, it's something browser related and the interaction with this older vBulletin forum. Nothing like this at my forum, and if there ever was I'd fix it right quick or make a pull request or what ever at the phpBB website.
  18. Chances are it's still on. Just ask the State Department, the NSA, CIA, etc...
  19. So, does the MD-83 in FSX have nose wheel steering? I don't even see the entry in the aircraft.cfg. And I see no mention of it at all as a possible parameter. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/microsoft-esp/cc526949(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN#mozTocId38401 If this is an add-on (like a paid for add-on), you'll want to read through its manual or go to their help forum/contact email.
  20. While I mention Windows 10 being the source of many issues in posts pertaining to Windows 10, it's not because I want to hate it out of thin air. It's because I base it on facts of people's post's all over the tech forums I'm a member of and all the other reading I have done on the Internet. My post is not a hate Windows 10 post, I'd have to go back and look now, I don't care, but I'm pretty damn sure I told the OP specific things about what he should be concerned with in a very abridged way (I could have wrote ten paragraphs) and mention to look up how to use FSX in Windows 10. I say that often because there is indeed a method to the madness. One for sure thing is the missing Directx 9c that FSX and FS2004 use. I think a lot of users come here with a brand new computer running Windows 10 and have issue after issue and because of that there really needs to be a sticky here on how to use these old Sims (FS2004/FSX) in Windows 10. That way I can just point to a link and be done with it. Yeah, I run Windows 7 because I'm not a fool. LOL Well, I do run a pretty damn tight ship. I don't want to write 5+ paragraphs on what it all entangles, but monitoring the NIC, and hard drive read, write and deletions are also monitored. ALL downloaded files (that aren't VBS scripts and what have you) are scanned at Virus Total. I also make periodic full 1:1 disk clones. Have I used Windows 10? Yes, currently. I have two instances in VMware. One is a normal Windows 10 install and another is something called Windows 10 AME. I've monitored all input/output traffic on the network interface with Windows 10 running and there is an abhorrent of crap reaching out to no less than 20 ASNs. With Windows 10 AME there's maybe a few IPs I caught and there's some other things I noticed that I've been meaning to let the creators know about. Windows XP and 7 have no such data pouring in and out of a fresh install. You'll see just Windows time checking and a connection every now and then to an Akamai cloud server IP to let you know if you have Internet or not. Ever see that exclamation point in the network adapter icon when there's no apparent Internet but just networking? That's because Windows couldn't ping an Akamai server IP, and when that happens the OS assumes you have no Internet and then invokes the exclamation point in the NIC icon in the task bar letting you know there's no Internet. But that could be bad DNS resolution or something as well I'm sure. Well, I'm not sure. There may be no DNS resolution with that at all. What I've noticed on the Internet is lots of people defending Windows 10, and lots of people say it's crap. And these are facts and I can cite sources if you want. I've seen it since 2015. Really funny because when Windows 8 came out everyone defended that crap App OS as well. YouTube 'Francis hates Windows 8' for a good laugh. LOL At any rate. I've looked at all the CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) for Windows 10 since its inception in 2015 to now, and compared its number of CVEs to Windows 7 for that narrow time frame of 6 years. You know what I found out? Windows 10 is already over taking Windows 7 in the CVE department. Yet they claim Windows 10 is "really secure" and all this crap. No, it's an OS that is built upon low QC (Quality Control) requiring constant updates to fix those things and that's why it's so-called "secure." The other thing here is the marketing. It might stem from the whole "Surface" thing, but Windows 8 and 10 are built on the premise of "Apping" / mobile devices and kicked the PC user to the curb. The massive amount of telemetry in the Windows 10 OS is like a smartphone or tablet (I control that, too). Final thoughts: You can strip Windows 10 with NTlite, but an update will just reinstall everything and blatantly disregard anything you did. You can turn of updates via the update service or group policy, but then you can't use critical updates if you want them. The Windows 10 AME website has instructions to do this in a better way. Microsoft has turn the user into their corporate cash cow, your phone also owns you, and you're the product. Just scan a product QR code for example and let them know everything about you in an instant right down to some 16 feet via satellites over head. The directional capabilities of the 5G cellphone band (around 30 GHz) has even better position awareness. So there's another possible metric to go alone with the metadata. Will work great for the 9-11 dispatch console though. I know a little about that technology as well, encompassing radio communications, modulation schemes and what have you. I also know about criminal investigation, escape and evasion, how to stay invisible in society, private investigator tricks, cyber security, TSCM, I read books on Delta Force, Navy SEALS, SAS, CIA and you name it subjects. I know corporations hire focus groups and psychologists. That's why products have this specific name, this color and how that damn tune got stuck in your head. To think at one time they wanted to turn the moon's surface into a giant AD billboard. Now a little marketing scheme brewed up in India and is else where where your TV will play an ultra sound blip you can't hear (maybe your dog and cat) and your "smart" phone picks it up and sends the data back to corporate HQ letting them know what TV channel you had on, what you were watching, along with all the metadata from your phone or tablet. I'm waiting for the Amazon Echo Public smart speaker that issues profanity citations like in the movie Demolition Man. Well, silicon is going the way of the dodo, so perhaps we don't have to worry anymore.. Remember that old saying money talks & BS walks? It's extraordinarily true like you wouldn't believe. Just ask the CIA, or some big time corporation, gang, super PAC, you freaking name it. Anyway, you quoted and I answered. I could go on and on like the Energizer Bunny since the '80s. I remember that commercial...
  21. About the logbook. You need to backup those files yourself on a periodic basis. That goes for whole 1:1 hard drive clones to another external hard drive. There are many cloning programs to do this. Some people use the Chinese made AOMEI Backupper (the simplest to use), others use Macrium Reflect. I have used AOMEI Backupper to clone my parent's computer. I went and scanned my version of AOMEI Backupper at Virus Total, watched all hard drive activity with the program and monitored the NIC (Network Interface Card) I have not seen any shenanigans as of yet. And do believe me I run a very tight ship. For myself, and since my computer's are all encrypted, I use Clonezilla because that's the only cloning software I found to clone encrypted hard drives. But that requires some reading. My external USB hard drives, USB drives, optical media, etc are all kept in a ~$35 fire proof safe. Just food for thought. (No, the safe won't keep people out. It's to mitigate possible fire/water damage) Run a program called everything.exe. The 64 bit version will do for your case. Now search for the following items in Everything. Then right click that item, copy and then paste to your backup USB stick, hard drive, etc. I keep no less than four copies on optical media, hard drives and USB sticks. I even use the "cloud." You want to backup these on a periodic basis: dll.xml exe.xml fsx.CFG GrantedRewards.BIN Logbook.BIN scenery.cfg Standard.XML Most of these will be in the AppData folder of your computer username folder. The dll.xml and exe.xml are for added modules. GrantedRewards are for rewards obtained (there's an additional add-on here in the library for this). Your logbook, no brainer. scenery.cfg is the state of which scenery is executed in the Sim and what's all installed. (Check out Scenery Config Editor which will be found at SourceForege). Standard.xml contains yoke, pedal or other control assignments. Though I back it up, when I needed it the controls weren't set as before. Don't know why, but I back it up anyway. Make sure you read page one of this topic as I have a post there at the bottom: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?330558-FSX-wont-install
  22. There's a lot going on here and in all honestly I would need to sit if front of your computer to get it to work. Let me just itemize some things. 1) Windows 10 can be a real PITA when it comes to installing FSX. There is a method to the madness and you'll want to search or ask how to install FSX in Windows 10. I've never had to do it because I'm in Windows 7. I do know Windows 10 apparently lacks the Directx 9 driver version and that'll need to be installed for FSX to work correctly (could be why people get a black screen). No, it doesn't overwrite your current version of Directx. It adds to the DLL library of Directx so to speak. 2) Windows 10 updates have a low QC (Quality Control) and can and will muck things up. So once you get FSX up and running, the possibility of an update hosing the whole thing over is pretty good. Not to single out Windows 10, but I've read the same thing over and over from many tech forums I've been a member of for some 15 years for Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1. 3) Instead of using Ccleaner to remove a program, use Revouninstaller instead. Also, never EVER use Ccleaner's registry cleaner. That is mostly snake oil and can and will mess your system up. The registry should never be messed with unless you know exactly what you are doing. The registry is just a database and while it will grow, with today's modern computers and speed you don't need to optimize the registry and all this stuff. As they say, leave well enough alone. I do. Unless I'm doing something. And of course I know what I'm doing. 4) You need to install FSX to the root of C drive and not in the programs folder. The programs fold is protected by Windows and can give you issues. It may not be apparent at first, but it will eventually and then you'll find yourself moving the whole installation and reinstall a mass of bought add-ons. So since you're starting out with a new install, install FSX to a fold on C drive it's self called FSX. So the path would be C:\FSX The FSX folder would have your install. You can create this folder first on C drive and when you go to install browse to that folder to direct the installer to install to that location.
  23. Read this: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/flight-simulator-how-to-shut-down-or-start-jet-engines-230e6c30-8696-370c-212f-0f93bacbac1d You can see and set your keyboard commands withen the FSX settings. You'd need to press the ALT key to get the menu bar on top to find all those options. I have to right click in window and show hide the menu bar or what ever it is. But I have to do that twice. I think there's also a keyboard command to hide the menu bar. It should be pressing ALT again, but that doesn't work for me. I may have changed the key.
  24. You just delete the FS9.cfg file or if this is a freash OS install it'll be created automatically as well as the default folders throughout the OS.
  25. Your path is not valid. It should be something like C:\\FS2004 or what ever drive letter. C:FS/FS2004 doesn't even make sense. There's not even any backward slashes. Forward slashes are used in networking. And you NEVER want to cut a massive folder. Just copy it then after that procedure is done delete the original folder. This is especially true portable USB data transfers. Don't use cut, only copy & paste. Cut should be only reserved for on the hard drive data moving or between two installed hard drives that are not USB. And I would never cut a large folder. I'd only use cut for small stuff. Reason being is all you need is data/OS hiccup or a power loss and your cut data is gone. Now you have to use some recovery software or hope a shadow copy has that data.
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