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Posts posted by UPHILL3

  1. In 1979, it was thought that Munson's knees were giving out and that his catching days were numbered. It was thought he might go to either first base (dubious), or catch on occasion. This was way before the DH.


    I myself become a staunch Yankee fan around 1960 after the Brooklyn Dodgers, (my hometown back then) flew the coop. I've stuck with the Yanks in the really bad years, (CBS ownership) and have been rewarded with some incredible years.


    I was working nights in the NYPD 911 center when I heard the Munson news...

  2. I think everyone, and I mean everyone in the U.S. and around the world must assume they may be infected, or someone they know may have the big "C" virus. With this in mind, the danger lurks every where. You don't want to possible kill your mother, father, brother, sister, grandma, or best friend! And they don't want to kill you, (we hope). The virus may also reside on inert surfaces for hours or even days: So also be aware what you touch!


    So, do not mingle or congregate! Let's get this really bad movie over with.

  3. Maybe Brad Pitt will star in the sequel, "World War C"


    And hey, Millennials out there. Stop that congregating! - It's Six Feet Apart for you all! You don't want kill grandma, do ya?

  4. I find that in the TDS 787 for FSX, the three models all have a different problem: The center of gravity seems to be off, constantly pitching the nose up, even at cruising altitude. This leads to a constant steam of condensation from the wing tips. Trying to fix the C of G with different fuel or cargo configurations has no real effect on it.
  5. What amazes me over the last few years is that very few members here seem to have installed Windows 8 to run their flight sim app. They seem to want to hang on to #7 like Linus's blanket.


    I did, in fact, install Win 8 and FS9 ran OK - until I bought a gaming PC with Win 10 pre-installed - except for Win 10 intrusive updates every so often, FSX has had very few issues...

  6. This is a generalization, but anyone still using FS9 probably has little chance of taking a quantum leap to ever installing the upcoming MSFS 2020 version. It will probably require a rather serious gaming PC costing mucho $$$ to fly with that new baby...
  7. Yes, go with no-hassle FSX-Steam. I installed it four years ago and have no regrets (never had the Gold edition). Steam (Dovetail Games) even has an an app that will check FSX files for errors and repair them for you at no fee. Besides all that, the Steam version reduces some of the quirks inherent in the Discs.


    In the meantime, I'd bide my time until "2020" is released...

  8. Now would be the time for a good tip to avoid losing Licensing keys, and then having to go thru the hassle of recovering them from payware developers:


    Copy and paste the key and order #: Then type-in the payware name (and perhaps the vendor) to a single word processor file, or document file as soon as you make a purchase - all your payware keys will now be in one place, hopefully forever (Make a backup of the file to another disc or thumbdrive).

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