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Posts posted by doering1

  1. We already have the whole world to explore with the Bing imagery so its not justified to spend another 60 dollars (that is double the price of the sim) for additional airports


    Seeing how good the default scenery and airports are (some just as good or even better than current pay ware ones) as a primary GA guy, you will have thousands of airports to explore for years to come in the standard addition. On the other hand, if you primarily fly the big stuff with or without ATC, I can realize why you want as much detail as possible flying in and out of the larger cities and going for the higher priced editions.

  2. Unfortunately COVID-19 fixed the pilot shortage. I have a number of young commercial pilot friends. The youngest got signed on with Air Canada about 2 weeks before this pandemic hit. He was told that it will be 2-3 years before he will sit behind the flight deck. On the other side, I have a friend with top seniority who was flying the 787 Dreamliner regularly before COVID. He is now flying 1 or 2 times a month! Big changes in the airline industry!
  3. Very interesting concept and ideas guys! I certainly wouldn’t rule it out for the future. I don’t think anyone could have imagined (say 5 years ago) what we have been observing in the previews for FS2020. I was blown away yesterday watching the videos of all the animals (up close) in 2020, especially the elephants. Time and technology will take us to a point where we will be able to flip in and out of air, land and sea transportation within a combined simulator platform.
  4. from Austria

    Meteoblue from Switzerland

    Asobo from France


    What strikes me from MSFS2020 is that its an international consortium by the best companies in their tech field. Not to mention orbx from australia or addon developpers from either UK russia etc.


    Be it computer graphics, climate or ai, ever since the 80s press and midia keeps saying that Europe is in decline with people in rich countries living out of incomes or retired. skiing in the alps..


    And yet there are no american or chinese companies much notable in this venture. Interesting.


    Europe is not to be underestimated

    So very, very true. Microsoft really did their homework searching out the best partners possible to blend this technology together. If only everyone realized the years of effort behind the scenes to make this version possible with such a leap in realism, I think there would be even fewer people drawing attention to minor issues that some seem compelled to not let go. This is a landmark point in flight simulation history/evolution that has introduced a touch of awe in everyone ... and to think this is Version 1.0!

  5. Started around 1985, give or take a year.Think it was called Sub-Logic or something like that. I remember heading south from KORD to look at any scenery. Only thing visible was green until I reached the Gulf of Mexico, then blue..


    In one of the later versions I spent oodles of time trying to improve KMSY, my home town field where I briefly worked for the National Weather Service. Created buildings, improved ramps, added fuel storage tanks, etc. Even closed most of it in with page-wire fence. What a waste of time. I think all it did was give me crummier frame rates. Should have used that time reading some Tolstoy novels.

    Yes it was SubLogic! Check out the video in my signature!

  6. I've flown every version since FS1.0 (1984). But I'm through chasing rainbows. FSX is the end of the line for me..........Doug

    Very cool Doug! Congrats! I started with FS 4.0. Please check out my new trailer on the history of Flight Simulator. Should trigger some great memories. Really enjoying the research and putting this together!


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