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Posts posted by deauxwolf

  1. Np's ty,


    Credit to Swobbie1, aka Robin of South Africa for the move fix, getting it into the registry was me, and poster I credited below for leading me to the right place to manually add the reg entries.


    My fs2004 has survived 3 moves from Windows xp to 7 to 10...I was running this program from DOS in early 90's then win 3.1 and so on...


    All of my addon scenery looks way better, of course going through the move again got me clearing out conflicts and dual entries etc.


    I never really fly that much any more, it was just the challenge of the move to Win 10 that got me going.


    I also got the original Call of Duty4, and COD 1-2 aka Call of duty expansion pack (finest hour and United offensive) and Return to Castle Wolfenstein, all from early 2000s original disks, each I was told by Steam couldn't be done w/o their versions...

    Screenshot 2021-08-04 071525.png

    Thx for your concern,


    Wasted early Mid age 2010-?



  2. https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/registry-keys-fsx-fsx-se-p3dv1-p3dv2.432633/


    This AM I searched for(where is registry entry for Microsoft Flight Simulator X)and the kind Person above verified I was in the right place in the registry.


    Since I have FSX installed, I looked at it's values, I missed posting the screenshot of the 10 (FSX) entry in regedit, listed above the entry for 9(FS9) in screenshot, where it clearly showed:


    AppPath REG_SZ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\


    In my case the path is:



    Key: \Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\9.0

    SubKey: AppPath


    I went to the 9 entry just above 10, and under the Flight Simulator entry and rt clicked in the right panel / new/ string value, named it AppPath.


    Then I opened file explorer, and opened C:\Flight Simulator 9, and rt clicked in tool bar/copy address.


    I went back to regedit 9(FS9) entry and rt clicked on AppPath/ edit and pasted C:\Flight Simulator 9


    I feel better knowing it's there now, and thanks to above website poster, they pretty much left a clear trail on how and where to create registry entries for all versions of fsx, and in my case fs9 on windows 10 by substituting 9 for 10, (if the tools mentioned below post don't finish the job)


    FS9Path_Utility can be found here on flightsim, and Registry Repair Tool @https://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library, that gave me so much crap.


    full disclosure: create a backup of registry before you change it...






    It still wanted to block d/l, whatever...I saved it, extracted it, ran it, froze me up for 10 seconds.


    It pointed to a directory/ documents where my saved flights are... Shouldn't it point to an *.exe file?


    I still need to know what file/folder to point it to.


    Thank you again




    Why don't I get email notifications when someone replies? TIA

  4. Fwiw This is the Swobbie1 fix I referred to:




    Step 2. Copy & paste your complete Flight Simulator 9 folder from your portable drive into C:\


    Step 3. Open up the C:\Flight Simulator 9 folder, right-click the FS9.exe & 'Send to Desktop'.


    Step 4. Double-click the FS9 on the desktop to run the sim.


    Step 5. It might/probably will not work.


    Step 6. Right-click the desktop icon, select the Compatibility tab, Click Compatibility Mode & select Windows XP (Service Pack2) from the pull down menu, & tick 'Run this program as an administrator' Then Apply & OK.


    Step 7. Run the program again.... It will/should work!


    Step 8. Go to https://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library & download the Registry Repair Tool, & run it. This tells the Registry where FS2004 has been installed.


    Step 9. If the Scenery.cfg had not been copied over from the drive, you might have to add your scenery from the Scenery library.


    10. You probably have to reinstall all payware add-ons.


    Phew, 10 steps, but it's easier to do than to explain.


    I've found re-installing the sim from it's disks is actually a pain, & the above way works.


    You can have multiple installs just by renaming the sim folder & the exe file, after copying BUT before running.


    Hope this helps :-)




  5. i just moved the entire folder from my old pc on to an external HD and run it from there




    Maybe ya'll all can help me out?

    Everything is for the most part copathethic after using zswoobie1's fix below-->




    I knew the registry entry/ lack thereof may be a problem with copy and pasting, old win 7 fs9 to C:\ on windows 10 machine.


    I've only only gotten 1 registry error(So Far, I'm only a day into new copy of fs9 from win7 to 10) it happened when I tried to install Ultimate water, an old purchase, fwiw the only pay ware I've ever used in 20 years.


    I think it may popup again sooner or later...


    When I use FS9Path_Utility I Get error (It appears registry entry is blank/ does not exist)-----> see attached pls...fs9 path.jpg


    I also use FSTscenery it works fine, does nothing for the registry though...


    All the forums say use FSX/FS9 Registry Repair Tool @https://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library,

    Every browser I've used ie, chrome, edge blocks the file as malicious, I've tried to get around it, but I can't...


    Can someone get me the file? If you can and it's safe, and repairs my registry I'll be grateful...


    I have no problem editing the registry if someone has a clear path to adding the entries.






  6. thx robin,


    your fix worked for me, see above post, from last night...



    i tried to grab a screen shot of my South African refineries and such, but it seems to need updating, north africa/ egypt, morocco etc seemed ok...


    ty again, saved me a few steps.









  7. Hello,

    Is this thread still open?


    Are you still helping folks out moving fs9 over to win10? I did it from xp to 7 years ago by reinstalling the original fs9 4 disks on win7 and copying planes and scenery folder over to new install on 7, worked well enough...

    did the updates 9.1 and no cd crack etc., I'm sure I ran the registry fix, but now when I go to flight1 com it says(connection not private) then 404 error.


    What I have on this win 10 computer now are widows image files(created with windows backup/restore) of all my old computers hdd's; win7, win xp,,, and a data drive on an external drive. I have all my zip files, planes, scenery, etc., like dave I don't want to reinstall it all.


    After reading a couple of solutions to dave's post, and just copy and paste his actual copy of fs9 , on hdd, to windows 10 c:\ etc., It got a little choppy for me, at least 3 posters had different ways to do it, avsim and flightsim... My concern is the integrated graphics, wasn't a problem w/ other legacy games


    I just got through making Call of duty 1 and 2 aka Call of duty expansion pack, Finest Hour, and United offensive patched and running great.


    Yesterday it took about 1/2 a day to get Return to castle Wolfenstein going, lotsa tips and tricks etc., running great.


    I also have FSX installed, but I do not want to rebuild 1000.s of hrs., over every iteration of MSFT FS over the last 25+ years. again..


    Anyway I'm pretty computer savvy, 32+ yrs., at it, I'm just looking for the best way to do it and keep my registry str8, least loss of scenery etc.


    Yours ,



    fwiw, I do everything with k/b and mouse


    Here's another 1000 hrs., of Frapping, video creating, editing , uploading etc.




    Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 19042) (19041.vb_release.191206-1406)

    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

    System Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.

    System Model: MS-7C83

    BIOS: 1.40 (type: UEFI)

    Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-10400 CPU @ 2.90GHz (12 CPUs), ~2.9GHz

    Memory: 16384MB RAM

    Available OS Memory: 16250MB RAM

    Page File: 12809MB used, 8048MB available

    Windows Dir: C:\Windows

    DirectX Version: DirectX 12

    Intel integrated graphics

    256 ssd, and 2tb hdd


    ty all,


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