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Everything posted by terrylawdinn

  1. Just an update. Tried with a few other aircraft and they all seem to have the same problem. Wish I could remember how it was sorted.
  2. This cropped up a few months ago after an update and, I believe, was traced to the Co-Pilot mod which the dev sorted and not seen since. Until yesterday when I finally managed to get back into the sim and took the Bonanza (G36 Bonanza Improvement Project mod) for a spin. The strange graphics appeared again so I just shut down, removed the Co-Pilot mod and carried on "on my own". Not tried any other aircraft. Obviously (to me) the latest update has screwed it up again so I'll just wait until someone sorts it out again.
  3. Don't fly the Kingair but I'd be deleting it in the Content Manager, rebooting then reloading in case there is a corruption in the file.
  4. This happened a couple of months ago on another update. In the end it came to a co-pilot addon affecting certain aircraft. The instant solution was to remove the addon but the (aircraft) devs produced an update and it went away. Didn't seem to happen on every plane though.
  5. This mod is perhaps the most frequently updated item for MSFS - at least every two weeks (usually on a Sunday) but occasionally an interim revision if something important arises e.g. a bug. However this I believe only applies to the payware version so yes, the freeware has probably not been revised. But the latest sim updates have made earlier versions unusable - there was a major rewrite for the payware offering. Having invested early on in this mod I wouldn't now be without it. The ability to change between the four seasons makes everything that much more realistic. IMO it is probably better to buy from Simarket rather than the in-sim Marketplace as it is updated much more quickly and there is also a range of options to choose from. I bought the 4-seasons pack which is a good all round choice for flying anywhere. Just Google Simarket MSFS for a link.
  6. Try updating MS Store, in particular X-Box and Gaming Services, both of which have had a recent update -this is often the cause. Also make sure Windows is up to date as well. Empty Community Folder then try again. Hope that helps.
  7. I reduced airport ground crew to 25% in the sim settings. Doesn't get rid of them all but seems to be less "suicidal idiots".
  8. I downloaded 0.4.1 and installed it - same result, black screens. I reinstalled V0.4.0 and back to a working instrument. Okay no range knob but I can live with that for now. TBH can't be bothered to mess around. As I will be away from the sim for a while decided to leave the NXi version for now to let them keep updating it until it's a "full" version - or I get back to my desk!
  9. Had this happen on a flight in the Bonanza. Later did some testing to see if it was the enhanced B36 addon, then various other addons I use covering co-pilot, liveries etc. After over an hour I couldn't reproduce it at all with any combination of settings. I did notice at one point the "crew" were slow to appear in the aircraft but a repeat start was okay. Have come to the conclusion it's a bug somewhere, probably because the sim is still not fully stable, and am just going to get on with flying. If the crew are invisible, well that's okay, not worth worrying about.
  10. Your third-party download is probably only a livery - it won't be the actual aircraft.
  11. When you plug in via a separate USB socket does the throttle quadrant show up as a separate unit in the Options/Controls menu as I think it should (you may have to "slide" the selector bar across to show it). If not I would guess it's a hardware fault.
  12. For ground vehicles try reducing the amount in the Options settings - mine is at 25% and I rarely get vehicles in the way. Same thing goes for personnel. As regards the pushback cart, it can be removed by editing the aircraft.cfg file, but has to be done for each aircraft. Open the file with notepad and scroll down to the "SMALL_PUSHBACK=1", change 1 to 0 then save the file. It probably also works with larger aircraft but on the basis I'm more likely to need a pushback I've left those alone.
  13. Flying the WT CJ4 (Collins avionics) if I have time, once I've programmed in arrival procedures given to me by ATC and accepted by the aircraft I'll put new/extra waypoints into LNM, which I have running on a second monitor just to see where I'm being taken. Of course this is also depicted on the MFD but saves me having to keep adjusting the range, which can be hit and miss with a mouse. Currently the WT CJ4 can import flightplans direct from Simbrief, but I've never tried to import a new FP in flight.
  14. In the end the only limit is how long you are prepared to sit and wait for the sim to load.............!
  15. I've recently had a couple of CTD's during longer flights - never used to happen but this thread has put me on to a strong possibility that the GPU is overheating. It's almost always running at 100% (GeForce GTX1650) whilst the CPU is just pootling along at around 50%. As a first step I've cleared a bit more space around the case to try and improve ventilation. However if I think about it, it's occurred on a couple of the significantly warmer days we're getting here in the UK, also I cannot recall the fans running................. I've downloaded HW Monitor and will keep an eye on things to see if this could be the cause. I'll also have to research some additional cooling if it turns out to be the problem although a more powerful graphics card would obviously be a much better solution. But not at todays prices!
  16. I've recently had a couple of CTD's during longer flights - never used to happen but this thread has put me on to a strong possibility that the GPU is overheating. It's almost always running at 100% (GeForce GTX1650) whilst the CPU is just pootling along at around 50%. As a first step I've cleared a bit more space around the case to try and improve ventilation. However if I think about it, it's occurred on a couple of the significantly warmer days we're getting here in the UK, also I cannot recall the fans running................. I've downloaded HW Monitor and will keep an eye on things to see if this could be the cause. I'll also have to research some additional cooling if it turns out to be the problem although a more powerful graphics card would obviously be a much better solution. But not at todays prices!
  17. How are you looking for shipping? It's an excellent mod but the world is a huge place and his ships don't actually fill the seas! You have to look in the right places, usually coastlines near the bigger ports. To enable realism the depicted ships, which are actually extremely accurate models of the real thing, are all following their real-life regular routes and schedules so you have to be in the right place at the right time. Also worth noting is that from a height it can be quite difficult to spot them unless you know where they are. I use Little Navmap for my flight planning etc and with a minor tweak it shows where the ships are. Instructions with the programme.
  18. Rather than checking/unchecking every time I change flights I use the Presets function, creating a specific set of addons for whatever I want to do. It's then easy to make minor changes to suit a particular flight e.g. I'm currently flying a tour of European Capitals in the CJ4 and all I do is change any scenery/airports - the amended preset can be saved by using the icon on the right at the bottom of the left hand panel. I also like to fly locally VFR so have another preset for that.
  19. Quick answer, which has also been pushed on another thread, is empty your Community Folder then try and restart. If this goes okay it's something in your addons causing the problem - quite common after an update until the addon dev produces a fix. The bad news is identifying which one (or more!) it is.
  20. Have seen this a couple of times, on C172 and BE36, it's also been reported a couple of times on the MSFS Official forum but as far as I know nobody has yet found a cause or been able to replicate it. As said, best solution seems to be to restart the flight. I've persevered with full throttle and "waggling" the controls, such as you would if bogged down on soft ground, and eventually it's freed itself.
  21. Just a stupid thought - HAS the autopilot dis-engaged and can you re-engage it? Don't fly the TBN but it seems sort of basic to me.
  22. It is possible to move MSFS from E to C by going to Apps in Windows Settings, clicking on it then clicking Move. However it doesn't move everything, not sure why, so then reformatting the E drive might cause a problem. Also when an update next becomes available you need to instruct MS Store where to download the update - the default will show your original installation path - otherwise it will try to download the entire sim (135GB) to the E drive! I did this not long after installing the sim, moving it to a new very fast Ncve SSD, and I had to do a little tweaking of files to get it to work properly. One of the problems was a second Community Folder. At some stage I'm going to uninstall the game completely and do a fresh re-install onto the fast drive, when I've got a couple of days to spare as my internet connection is not very fast. To me this would be the better option for you. As regards the contents of the Community Folder, once you have amalgamated all your addons into the right folder, why don't you invest in an addons manager? Makes it easy to control addons and you can then choose what to load on each session, avoiding slowing load times right down by loading everything into RAM. I use MSFS Addon Linker but others are available.
  23. Don't think it's possible within the sim itself whilst "flying". You do, of course, have the VFR map but that just shows where you are. I use the much-respected (and free!) LittleNavMap for all my flight planning and monitoring - there are quite a number of flight planning tools around but LNM links to MSFS so you can monitor progress. I run it on a second monitor but LNM can also be run on a tablet, laptop etc and linked with a little setting up. Full instructions within the programme. LNM also supports a window you can select from the toolbar (top of screen) but it only shows your route and progress. In the more sophisticated aircraft it's own navigation systems can show your flightplan - I fly the CJ4 although I'm sure anything from a twin-engine up has this facility - but unless you are already used to these systems they do take a bit of learning.
  24. Little Navmap, an excellent and well supported free utility, allows you to set up any flight plan you wish and you may even create your own "approach". It is fully compatible with MSFS and also connectable to Navigraph so with a subscription you can ensure you are fully compatible with the real world - Navigraph can also be linked to MSFS by the way.
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