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Everything posted by terrylawdinn

  1. I read somewhere that this problem may have been due to two controllers talking at once - presume you have both radios on. May also be linked to having AI Assist on RT (the co-pilot handling the radio). Those areas have a lot of traffic thus plenty of RT but I've also heard crossovers from other airports as well which might also have something to do with it. Think it's on Asobo todo list but might have to wait until the full RT overhaul currently being undertaken by Working Title.
  2. 3rd week in September according to MSFS own roadmap, although a date not yet confirmed.
  3. Are you flying the WT CJ4 or the MSFS stock version? Whatever, I'd strongly recommend the WT version which is currently as near to real life as anything else in MSFS. The "discontinuities" you're seeing when putting in a SID are actually normal, although it doesn't happen everywhere. Basically what it means is the aircraft is expecting to be told what to do when it reaches that point - IRL you would be given radar vectors to your next waypoint. And, yes, you can't clear a disco after a "Vectors" leg. I let the aircraft fly the plan to the vectors point then do a "Direct" to the next waypoint, not forgetting to "Execute" of course, as the sim ATC currently can't handle vectors. If you do nothing the aircraft will continue on its last heading until you do do something, such as manually turn it (using "Headings" if you want) back to the next waypoint where, by ensuring you have NAV selected, it will carry on with your flightplan. As to fluctuating airspeed, the CJ4 does not have autothrottle so you need to watch airspeed yourself and control it accordingly. I've never had it suddenly jump although I have heard that crossing a sim weather boundary sometimes affects indicated airspeed and may cause the overspeed warning you are seeing. Finally I have a programme "Flight Recorder" which I think I got on Flightsim.to which seems to work very well, although I've not had much use of it. There is a good Utube review but, sorry, can't provide a link. Search Utube maybe?
  4. Firstly, files downloaded from Marketplace don't go into the Community Folder, they're installed directly into the sim via the Official folder over which the only control you have is the option to uninstall or reinstall from the Content Manager. As regards downloaded files installed into the Community Folder, they'll often show in the Content Manager as uninstalled - but are in fact installed, it's just one of the many minor bugs yet to be fixed and has been around from day one as far as I can remember.
  5. Have you used the verify files in the settings menu on AIGTM? This usually sorts out any problem files. Just so you know, depending on how many files you've downloaded it can take quite a long time. AIG own forums and Discord have a lot of good info.
  6. Edge of a mesh boundary, can be quite visible in certain circumstances unfortunately and may also be affected by your LOD settings, although I'm no expert on that.
  7. There's nothing to stop you manually instructing the autopilot what to do as regards altitude, speed and direction even with a flightplan loaded. I'm only familiar with the A32NX ( FBW version) which should do what you want and you can "follow" the course etc on the MFD by simply using the manual rather than managed modes. It's not unusual for me to have to instruct the autopilot during a flight............. Without a FP loaded you are dependant on an external flight following programme. As regards integration with LNM, out of the box they don't always agree and really the only way round it is to use the exact same database, such as Navigraph but to get it in sync you'd really need to subscribe to Navigraph and get the latest data, which can also be loaded into LNM - their help files show you how and how to get the best out of it if you don't already know.
  8. If funds are not an issue..................... maybe the amount of room you have may be a limiting factor! I have the Logitech Yoke and quadrant plus Thrustmaster pedals but as my computer is multi-use they do sometimes get in the way. As an alternative I have a Thrustmaster Hotas 1 which takes up a lot less room and provides perfectly satisfactory controllability - even works with the pedals.
  9. Your GPU is okayish - I run the sim quite satisfactorily with it (desktop but it's the same thing). But your problem is your HDD is never going to be fast enough to run it properly. Also 16GB RAM is really a minimum although plenty of folk do manage. The good news is your CPU is fine............. Surprised actually to see a "new" laptop with a SATA disk, most are SSD's and Nvme drives are becoming standard fare. Can you upgrade your laptop with an SSD or even better if you've got the funds an Nvme. 500GB will do but 1TB would be preferable. It WILL run with your existing setup but, as you've found out, loading is incredibly slow and you will suffer freezing and stutters if you try anything more than the stock sim - no decent addons or better aircraft. Sadly, have to agree with your sentiment - yes IMO you're wasting your time. Plus you'll forever be disappointed with MSFS2020.
  10. Have this problem too, have watched various vids and read all of FBW's articles and still cannot work it out. I find myself handflying the aircraft until I'm settled into an on-course climb and then the AP will engage and be fine for the rest of the flight. Only thing that has been suggested is that the throttle isn't properly in the "Climb" detent before selecting AP but it all looks okay to me, even re-calibrated the throttle just to be sure. In case it was a controller problem I've messed about a bit with my USB connections and got rid of the USB3 powered hub I've been using - just got to test it out now.
  11. Sorry I have absolutely no idea how to provide a Discord link. I understand you have to be "invited" but how that happens I haven't a clue! I'm sure someone will come up with it though. Suppose you could try Googling FBW Discord Channel? Yep that works!
  12. Are you using the FBW A320? By updates are you referring to MSFS updates or A32NX updates. If the FBW product try uninstalling (deleting) then re-installing using FBW installer. If that doesn't work FBW tend to suggest doing a "clean" install which involves deleting a couple of files that have been created in the Windows system. Full info on FBW Discord or their own forum.
  13. Been mentioned on the FBW Discord. Think you'll find the ETA is for your destination so unlikely to change much.
  14. Interesting. Trying to get to grips with FBW Airbus but having problems when it comes to the flightplans. I use Simbrief and check it through Navigraph. Simbrief doesn't include SIDS, STARS and approaches (as a RW flightplan of course) so I end up importing Simbrief into the A320 then trying to make amendments from the Navigraph map. Last couple of flights I've ended up manually flying when the AP refused to fly the f/plan until I got at least to the first waypoint. Then this afternoon it completely threw away the STAR into EDDF and once again a manual flight back onto the ILS (R25R) which the 'bus then flew perfectly down to a beautiful autoland. Still playing with Navigraph - it would be nice if somehow I could import the f/plan from there.
  15. You're probably right, I can't see how a sim update could affect items in the Community Folder although MS do recommend emptying it before a sim update, which an addons manager can help with. But with close to a terrabyte of addon files, without some organisation I'd never know what I've got and updated. And trying to load huge amounts definitely slows my sim loading time down even though I've got loads of RAM to load them into (I've always presumed that's where it goes?) One of these days I'm going to have a sort out and get somer disc space back for new addons!
  16. Suggestions - delete rolling cache, turn off photogrammetry (both in Data section of Options) reduce trees setting to around mid-point.
  17. I've had the same so tried that fix. Unfortunately all it did was empty the cockpit completely (CJ4 no flight crew?) in flight. So I reinstalled Mugz copilot mod I use in other aircraft fine and problem was even worse! This is with the CJ4 and also the Bonanza. I believe it's a mod problem that might be associated with some liveries and doesn't seem to have much priority so I just fly without a copilot if it happens.
  18. I've recently invested in one, for basically the same reasons and as an alternative to mouse and/or keyboard inputs - trying to move the keyboard out of my way on a limited desk area. On the whole it's been quite successful so far but it does take a little setting up - You Tube has several vids which prove useful, search on "Flight Sim & Other Stuff" for a good series. You also need additional software, explained in the vids, and of course the best is payware, though not too expensive. It also helps to get an understanding of how it works as some of the profiles, which you can download from Flightsim.to, I've felt the need to tweak. Again the vids have tips to point you in the right direction and I sometimes make changes "on the fly" which work straightaway, no restarting the sim!
  19. As long as the GPU temperature is within normal limits 100% usage is fine, shouldn't do any damage. I have a GTX1650 which actually is the limiting factor on my rig, almost always at 100% - the CPU just normally loafs along at 35% - but until prices and availability get reasonable I'm sticking with it. That said I get good FPS at 1080p with all the settings tweaked until it starts to drop.
  20. Full info on their website and Discord channel, and also on the MSFS forums. However doesn't seem to have percolated to this one yet. AIGs service provider pulled the plug, basically, leaving them high and dry. They are organising a replacement but it's going to take a couple of weeks to get sorted, mid-February being a target I believe. There's no point griping about AIG, it isn't their fault. Incidentally it's not MS or Asobos fault either so no point in blaming them. Until then it's not possible to download or update the Manager element of the addon although if you've got the Controller installed it should still work fine - mine does. It's unfortunate if you deleted the programme, expecting to be able to re-download it - but that's life. Just hope that they do indeed come back to the sim asap.
  21. I tend to agree with you. In cockpit view I keep trying to line up using the aircrafts centreline, rather than "between your legs" as someone put it - not at all natural to me. Try to ensure the runway you are approaching is straight up and down from your viewpoint and keep it there. This tends to work for me but often the ATC winds don't necessarily agree with what is actually happening and I find I'm drifting again. It was certainly easier to fly the actual aircraft; I used to fly a variety of GA stuff including light twins.
  22. You can get rid of the "Objectives" from the on-screen drop down menu - go to the settings option and switch off that particular window. A quick way to get rid of the copilot talking to ATC is from the Pilot Assistance, again in the on-screen drop down menu. Turn off the ATC option, about halfway down.
  23. Thought I'd try this for sightseeing once I've landed my main aircraft, rather than use the drone camera. At least with the Volocopter I can follow my progress on LNM and view the touristy bits. However it is quite slow and has only enough "power" for 20 mins - once it quits there is no control whatsoever, unlike a chopper and you crash! No mid-air refuelling optioneither! I'm not really a heli pilot but it does seem to use similar control inputs.
  24. Depends if you're looking for freeware or willing to pay. Generally the pay sites are pretty good but even they aren't always spot on. For freeware I use flightsim.to and if there is something I like the look of I check the number of downloads, how often it's been updated and the reviews. At least with freeware if it's c--p you can just delete it!
  25. Have you run the "Verify Setup" and Verify Texture Format" in the Settings/AIGAIM-OCI screen? Not really sure what it does but the excellent and detailed instructional video I found said it was an essential part of installation of new liveries etc. (really worth watching IMO). Just finished inputing a pile of ailines ready for the next leg of my Imperial Airways to India trip and it does take a little while to run the verify checks. Loaded just short of 100 with only a handful of "missing" airlines, all fairly minor that not many will have heard of. Google is great at finding which airlines serve which airports! Not tested thoroughly yet but so far I'm impressed - even to the first "airmisses" I've ever had! At least the liveries showed up and were correct.
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