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Everything posted by terrylawdinn

  1. I keep all my addons on a separate 2TB SSD and manage them with MSFS Addons Linker - I've got around 1TB so far. This keep the Community Folder under control by utilising the presets and only loading what I need for a particular flight. The main MSFS is on a partition on my 2TB main drive. Just a note of caution, never let a disc (or partition) get above 80% capacity as Windows needs some headroom to manage the files.
  2. There's no need to delete the existing FBW installation when using their installer, in fact updates sometimes only change a few things so, in my case, only take a minute or two. Try it at the next (quite frequent) update and see if that makes a difference.
  3. Only thing I can think of is that the liveries you've downloaded aren't compatible with the aircraft models. Just a last thought - have you unzipped the files BEFORE putting them in your C/F?
  4. Another possibility is that the original stutter was to allow scenery to download - the more sophisticated airports sometimes cause this. It maybe didn't happen again because you then had the airport data in your Rolling Cache and the sim didn't need to download it again. That's the idea of Rolling Cache - but rolling means when the cache is full some of it gets deleted........ Just an idea, something to think about.
  5. Make sure from the General Options menu that you are on-line i.e. Bing Maps is active. Updates have been known to randomly make changes to settings.
  6. Yes, there's an option to change the speed of the drone in the Camera dropdown menu on the screen toolbar.
  7. I always say if a day goes by without learning something new, it's been a bad day! Thanks for that, never knew!
  8. It's a well-known problem and there are multiple threads about it on the official MSFS forum, including work-arounds which I have found often work out okay for me. The whole ATC thing is currently being looked at with the excellent Working Title team being involved I understand. But it's not just a quickfix, the sim developers know the whole ATC thing needs a total revamp and it's not a simple adjustment of lines of code. MS/Asobo haven't "broken" it, it was poor right at the start and attempts to fix it have been largely unsuccessful. Patience, my friend!
  9. Just out of interest, does your copy of the sim update normally? What version does it show? Sorry my friend but I think you've been scammed.
  10. When I moved MSFS into another location I found I had a second Community Folder in a different location. If you have the same, and you'll have to check/search your files system, test which one the sim is using and make sure all your addons go there. I believe you can only change the location in the sim on a re-install but I may be wrong of course. I use an add-on manager which can be set up to use the correct C/F although that's not necessary - but I've got around 800GB of addons............................!
  11. Haven't encountered this in VR (yet, only just started using VR) but seen it occasionally in normal view. It is usually related to a livery mod also seen it using a Co-pilot addon too so likely it is the same. As usual try without anything in the Community Folder then if it's okay add back your addons one at a time to identify the culprit.
  12. Are you using a third-party livery? That is most likely the problem, try removing all third party liveries and seeing if the hands go away. Add them back one at a time to see which one is causing the problem. Suggest you either just use one of the supplied liveries or have a word with the livery dev. I've also seen this on a co-pilot addon which I no longer use as it's not supported any more.
  13. I've just noticed - you have several threads open covering performance problems. Not trying to be critical but it suggests to me something isn't right, either with your system or your methods. I've responded to one of them but now I'm thinking you're expecting too much out of your system. Also what version MSFS are you running?
  14. What I find puzzling is that many simmers suffer from this settings changing problem but there is no consistency in what or how much. Sometimes I get no changes; other times it can be a very subtle one that I fail to notice untiul it crops up "in flight". Just a maybe thought: although MS suggests we empty the C/F before updates, it's not really necessary. I usually do (thank you MSFS Addons Linker!) but last update I didn't - and had a settings change. Hmm!
  15. Yep, the sim is an absolute glutton for storage space. I've got a 1TB stick just for the sim plus a 2TB drive for my addons - I also use MSFS Addon Linker to look after those so that I only have what I need in my Community Folder. If that's 16GB of RAM in your specs you would really benefit by upgrading to 32MB if your pocket will allow, lets the sim "breathe".
  16. As for (3) I never use the sim Pause, causes too much bother. If I need to stop for more than a few seconds I just hit ESC then Resume when I'm ready. Only thing that it maybe affects is the AI Traffic addons but as far as I can see they quickly adapt.
  17. Yes, every update makes changes to my settings somewhere - this time I "lost" the ICAO-EU-ATC mod, also an addon that reduces the size of the taxi arrows as well as the windows setting. Nuisance which I don't always spot until I'm established into the sim!
  18. MS have just (about 12hrs ago) issued a new release that is mostly about the A310, supposedly fixing a few of the problems that beat the beta testers. Sitting here waiting for it to complete as I've encountered the corrupt file problem; deleted that file but now got a 7.67GB download!
  19. Encountered the repeated file download problem for the first time, where the downloader keeps trying to get the same file. Closed down the sim, went in and deleted the part-file affected but must have also deleted something else because I'm now waiting on a 7.67GB download! Ah, the fun of flight simulation!
  20. When you say Navigraph are you using SimBrief to input your flightplan into the sim? Personally I export the SimBrief flightplan into Little Navmap using SimBrief Downloader, make any adjustments such as departure stand then re-export that into the sim. I've found that generally ATC will then keep up with what you're doing, although occasionally I have to "remind" it that I'd like higher/lower levels. As long as you've got the SIDs and STARS also programmed in they tend to work fine too.
  21. 522.30 is a Studio driver. I installed it and had excellent results after a bit of tweaking. When the latest Gaming driver was released I gave it a try and was immediately disappointed although after a bit of testing I realised it was the more sophisticated aircraft and intensive scenery that was causing the fps drop. However I've gone back to the studio driver and am very happy with it.
  22. One thing that helped me a lot was matching monitor refresh rate to the sim settings. I reduced the monitor down to 60hz (which was the lowest it would go) in Windows settings and switched on Vsync to 60fps. To my surprise I'm now getting solid 60fps and my GPU is no longer at 100% all the time. AND I've managed to increase graphics to Ultra on everything with just a lowly RTX3060. Should just add, this was with the latest Studio driver 522.30.
  23. Are you on PC or Xbox? What version are you on? On startup the sim checks for updates and I thought also checked for missing files, downloading them as required. If you're on a PC AT YOUR OWN RISK you might try the Repair option in Windows App settings but you might cause a full reinstall. Actually, thinking about it, that may not be such a bad idea as long as you ensure you "direct" the re-installation to your existing files location. It should then only download missing or corrupt files. Anybody else care to comment?
  24. I used to get this also with the .25 driver so tried going to the Studio driver, 522.30 if I remember correctly, and no longer saw this warning. Actually it also made a significant improvement to the performance too after watching PilotPete's Utube on tuning the settings - worth a watch. I see Nvidia have dropped a new Gaming driver earlier today but I'm going to wait for a few reports before endangering my new-found fps!
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