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Posts posted by ianhr

  1. I would go for the lowest resolution that works for you, to minimize the drain on CPU and GPU resources. 1080p may be too low: I have a 55" 1080p screen 30" in front of me and I can see the pixels. Mostly I don't notice them, but these old eyes are not what they used to be. Figure out how far away you want to place the monitor, then go to a store with operating displays and check them out at that distance.
  2. I have often seen some of my screenshots from this forum in Google images when I am looking for a certain aircraft and also many other peeps screenshots can I sue Google lol?




    No, but you could sue someone who copied the image and claimed it as their own, especially if they were to make money from it.


    To the OP: No money, no problem. Just don't add any captions like "This plane is cr#p."

  3. "Why is there clear bias toward MSFS?"


    Easy. It's the sim du jour. Several manufacturers have dropped their FSX/P3D lines altogether to respond to the current craze, and most new releases are designed for MSFS.


    It really comes down to personal preferences. I will probably never move on from my dark-ages P3D because it's a better choice for what I want to get out of a simulator. But that's just me.

  4. Some years back I found a way to adjust the smoke effects in FSX. It's possible to change the color, thickness, and duration. Unfortunately, I don't remember what I used to do it.


    With a little digging I found a program called FXEditor here: https://www.scenerydesign.org/development-releases/. It allows you to adjust effects in Flight Sim versions up to P3Dv5, and comes with a (brief) manual.


    As always, back up your files before tinkering. Have fun!

  5. Glad you're enjoying it. I could never again fly any of the older sims, for once you fly over the real world with MSFS, you're never going to want to go back.


    Not strictly true for me. I bought it and installed in on Day One, flew over my house, then deleted it and got my money back. I bought it again last November, took the time to set it up for my rig and flew it for maybe fifty hours or so. I'm not deliberately avoiding it, but I notice I haven't gone back to it since January. Clearly I'm stuck in the dark ages with P3D. Oh, well . . .

  6. Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I’m unable to post my question in a forum and I get the following message “We are sorry, but you are not authorised to use this feature. You may have just registered here and may need to participate more in discussions to be able to use this feature.”

    Another week gine without being able to start up the darmed engine and no way to contact the technical support folks at A2A. It’s very frustrating!


    I'm sorry to hear you're having such problems. In my experience, the A2A support is second to none.


    Try them here, and they'll be sure to help you out. https://a2asimulations.com/contact/

  7. Plus another vote! Personally I always love the moving control cable as well. ;)


    I'm with you on that. It tickles me every time I get in and work the ailerons, I think because it's one of the few airplanes where a control cable is visible in forward view.


    We did another Misfit Squadron Cub flight the other weekend. I've just moved up to P3D (finally) and discovered that formation flying got much easier.

    Still trying to figure out why.

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