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Everything posted by welker

  1. Hi adamski, I am very sorry but I do not have a proper FSX-SDK and so I can't create native FSX-MDLs. That means I can't create seperate Interiors. And my old PC is allready with P3d.v3 at the limit. So my limitations for my models goes from FS2004 up to P3d.v3, sorry! Erwin Welker
  2. 2 persons told me that the Arado isn't flyable. This might happen if the scenery settings are set to autodensity EXTREM. In that case please reduce to NORMAL and you will get excellent flight handling. Enjoy your flights Erwin Welker
  3. Hi jamminjames, there is no difference between the model for FS2004 and FSX. But since FS2004 has no camera views it is strictly recommended to use the alternative files without brake chute to avoid the display problem. Better I had provided that models without braking chute as default and those with chute optional. Sorry, but I am not at the end of a learning process. I myself use in FSX the models with braking chute and instead of using spot or locked view I watch my airplane with my camera views. Thanks for your interest in my future work! I will continiue to provide models working from FS2004 up to P3dV3. I am very sorry that I can not support all the users of P3dV4! Erwin Welker
  4. Hi dleblanc I have a huge Freeware collection. Many hundreds of them are without gear or flaps or other issues. During the last 20 years I have improved more than 1000 addons for my personal use. Feel free to choose a radio regarding your gusto. And let me remind you: I am a modeller and not a FDE specialist. Of course the gear works, externly and also the gear gauge, at least in my FS9, FSX and P3dV3. The tailgun can be operated with the strobe light key which is on the 2D and VC panel and there is no endless smoke. My critics means those guys who are to lazy to read my README but who has enough time to spread public critics. I always write detailed READMEs but I am very sorry when I forget sometimes some details, like mentioning the operation of the strobe light effects. I am allways open for useful critics but why you do not contact me personally? Even my e-mail adress is in the README. Erwin Welker
  5. Hi nortopj thanks for your comments! I will change those parameters as you said. Please can you tell me and the others how to "adjust view distance"? Have fun Erwin Welker
  6. Hi complainers! All of you shoud read my README. Then you know what the problem is and how to solve it. Or just load the aircraft even you can't see a preview and then use my camera views! FS2004 users should use the alternative MDLs WITHOT brake chute! It works from FS2004, FSX, Accel and P3dV3 but reading the README should be an advantage! Erwin Welker
  7. A.F.Scrub made a pretty warbird and I like M. Pook`s new pabel which looks almost like payware. Many thanks to both!
  8. Hi Chuck, thanks for your compliments! The next project, the 007 Lotus Esprit will be a bit more crazy :-) Erwin Welker
  9. Hi Dom, thanks for your compliment! I hope you will not go lost in time by doing a time jump :-) Wait for my next project: A Lotus Esprit as normal Turbo version and as Roger Moore's 007 version which transforms to a submarine under water - even in FS2004/FSX and especially in P3d. Erwin
  10. Please download the fix "hoodfix_switchboard.zip" to get all the complete features. Sorry for inconvienience! Erwin Welker
  11. On my screenshots you see a pretty race track. I use the FS2004 German racetrack Hockenheimring from Team Bremerhaven with only 3 MB-zip. It runs with some tiny display errors also in FSX. But you will see some trees on the track. You can remove it by setting autgen scenery to zero. You will have a pretty racetrack without trees on the road. You find it here at Flightsim.com as: f1ho.zip Have fun Erwin Welker
  12. Thanks to Michael who made this vintage aircraft from the older simulators usable for FSX, Acceleration and even P3d. The cockpit with its new gauges is really improved.
  13. My FSX runs for years still good with a 4-core 8 GB memory. But with Lime Rock my FSX often got a hang up. I had to reduce the settings from almost max to almost min. And the cars? If the wheels would roll and steer very nice for FS95 of the last century but there are no animations. And for 2018??? Externaly more or less, but the VCs are for 5 year old kids. For me is Lime Rock good for the trash can.
  14. Hi Otto, thanks for your great scenery! I like it not only for helicopter flights and jet training but also and especially for my selfmade tanks. The area with the realisticly up- and downhill surface and the moving tank targets is the perfect area to drive my tanks. I use your scenery in P3d 3.5 and I do not know one scenery in my FSX with such a realistic surface. It is real fun do drive here in Oksboel tanks and off road cars. Erwin Welker
  15. Hallo Michael, now after many years this great old stuff works with a complete 2D plus VC cockpit in FSX. Great job, thanks! Erwin Welker
  16. Attention P3d (v3) users: Since I have now P3d I realized a non functioning for the RAM launcher and Exocet launcher hatches. Just edit the aircraft.cfg / search for: wing_fold_system_type Then replace 1 by 4 wing_fold_system_type = 4 //P3d //wing_fold_system_type = 1 //FSX Have fun Erwin Welker
  17. Attention P3d (v3) users: Since I have now P3d I realized a non functioning Wingfold option to prepare for diving. Just edit the aircraft.cfg / search for: wing_fold_system_type Then replace 1 by 4 wing_fold_system_type = 4 //P3d //wing_fold_system_type = 1 //FSX Have fun erwin Welker
  18. Attention P3d (v3) users: Since I have now P3d I realized a non functioning Wingfold option to swivel the ASROC launcher. Just edit the aircraft.cfg / search for: wing_fold_system_type Then replace 1 by 4 wing_fold_system_type = 4 //P3d //wing_fold_system_type = 1 //FSX Have fun Erwin Welker
  19. Attention FS2004 users: My models works also in FS9. But I forgot to include special FS2004 textures. The FSX textures "Rumpf_Aufbauten.bmp" are 2048x2048 bit in 256 color. For FS9 the has to be saved as 24 bit. Then they has to be converted with DXTbmp-tool to a extended bitmap. In the next days I will make an upload of a pure FS9 version. But in the moment I have Internet problems. Erwin Welker, 22 November 2017
  20. Hi bebeflusi, of course you are right! My finger was too fat for the small keys of my keyboard :-)
  21. How to remove the water/spray effects when diving: Remove the [EFFECTS] of the current aircraft.cfg and replace it with that config: [EFFECTS] wake =none water=none waterspeed=none startup=none That's it! Have fun Erwin Welker
  22. For all those who do not see the red camera text in the upper right corner, which explain each camera including the key commands for the dramatic sinking: Sorry, for my Addon I have forgotten to explain the animations for the sinking freighter. Optional you can choose in the menu bar VIEWS, then click Window Titles. And this are the key commands: 1. Shift E: Starts the sinking for few feet only 2. Shift E then 2: Captizing 3. Wingfold: Final sinking You also can try each other order Have fun and pray for the sailors Erwin Welker
  23. A marriage on the Disney Magic sounds phantasticly! The best for you and your wife. Regards to her! Erwin
  24. Thanks to Michael and all the other involved authors to bring the AVRO Vulcan back to life for FSX and maybe even P3D. A great improvement with a quite convincing cockpit makes that amazing bomber ready for many more years of flightsimming.
  25. Hi wcraigw Look at my other ships! Of course you can copy such a smoke entry from the bottom of the aircraft.cfg and add it to the SMOKE system of the Artania. But such a modernisized cruiseship does not have black smoke and therefore I did not configure one. Sorry! Erwin
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