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Everything posted by jorgen.s.andersen

  1. I had FSX, P3D v. 4.5 and P3D v. 5 all installed. I removed the first two because of the workload of keeping them all updated was too much. But my P3D, now v. 5.3 HF2, runs like FSX, no blurring whatsoever, and beautiful scenery, mostly freeware. Jorgen
  2. Well, P3D (v. 5.3 HF2) flies pretty good on my rig: i7-7700K @ 46. GHz, 16 GB RAM, nVidia GTX 960 graphics card. And a 750 W power supply. Jorgen
  3. When you get a better computer, make sure it will run P3D. I might be stirring up a flame war here, but P3D runs rings around MSFS2020. Even more so if you put some work into it. Jorgen
  4. It looks like you are also finding out that MSFS2020 is all about glitter, and not about substance.... Jorgen
  5. Donald, Try to go here: https://www.freewarescenery.com/fsx/czech.html Several to choose from, and with that price you can afford to try them all out. Jorgen
  6. P3D is short for Prepar3D, which, as the two gentlemen have explained, is a flight simulator just like FS2004/FS9, FSX or X-Plane. Versions 1, 2 and 3 of P3D are 32-bit, and many add-ons for FSX are compatible with those versions. But versions 4 and 5 are 64-bit, and that limits the backwards compatibility severely. In addition, all versions are more demanding of the computer hardware than FSX, especially the later versions. More information here: https://www.prepar3d.com/. Plus, on this site there is a Prepar3D forum. Jorgen
  7. Dhlair, Windows 11 is, for all practical purposes that concern us, a Windows 10 with a changed user interface (Control Panel removed etc.). Install as under Win 10 - that is all. Jorgen
  8. Why don't you try FreeMesh? As the name suggests, the price is right.... and it has not messed up my airport elevations. Jorgen
  9. Glad that you got things resolved and that it is running now. What you have there is Deluxe, Gold is the pack of FSX with Acceleration. Jorgen
  10. Pcwildman, No one had accused you of making pirate copies. That you bought one is another issue. Jorgen
  11. And the ONLY version of FSX that was ever legally downloadable is FSX:SE..... Jorgen
  12. Allow me a quote: "I was told NOT to use "Scenery Config Editor v1.1.9" in P3D v4.5" Who told you that? When you use SCE, then that is the only scenery configuration editor you should use. No notepad, no nothing else. Jorgen
  13. To calculate the AffinityMask correctly, use this calculator: https://www.gfsg.co.uk/affinitymask.aspx?SubMenuItem=utilties And, to allow the CPU time enough to build the picture correctly and completely, limit the frame rate to 30. FSX and other flight simulators are not frame-rate chasing first-person shooter games, but simulators where smoothness is important. Jorgen
  14. For all these PMDG-related questions, have you tried asking PMDG? Jorgen
  15. Finally got my act together (this here so-called real life seems to get in the way always) and checked Just Flight. Those sceneries from ACG are also available on MAIW. Jorgen
  16. Thanks, Brian, I just knew I had missed something :confused: Jorgen
  17. I don't know if I am getting blind or something - I click on the link provided, and everything there seems to cost folding money, including on page 9? Jorgen
  18. I have the Thrustmaster HOTAS-X joystick/throttle combo. In addition to being relatively inexpensive, the throttle also has a rudder bar on its front, really neat. And it works great! :D Jorgen
  19. Plus the landing gear is fixed, 4-bladed props, cooling air intakes in the engine nacelles much too narrow... Jorgen PS: Aviation may not be an exact science, but aircraft recognition is...
  20. Have you posted this in the L-M support forums? I know there are guys flying off carries there. Jorgen
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