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Everything posted by jorgen.s.andersen

  1. A world-wide mesh like FreeMesh might also help with the flatness. Jorgen
  2. At the time I had 3 1 TB HDDs in my system: Windows on C:, optical drive D: scenery mainly on E: and FSX on F:. I used a commercial cloning software (forgot which one), and cloned E: first, worked perfectly. Then F: and last C:, everything worked just fine. It was much easier than I thought, and absolutely nothing to change or reinstall afterwards. Jorgen
  3. I will add this to what Larry said: Changing from HDDs to SSDs is one of the best things I have ever done to my system. Not only to my flight simulators, but to the whole system. Jorgen
  4. Len1940, what is in the Windows Event Viewer at the time of the crash? To find the correct entry in Event viewer, do this: Note down the time of the crash - it doesn't have to be totally exact, but good if you can isolate it to within an hour or so. Then right-click on your Windows Start button and select "Event Viewer" from the menu. In the Event Viewer, click on the little arrow to the left of "Windows Logs", and then click on "Application". You will now, in the top center pane, see a lot of entries with time-stamps, most of which will be titled "Information" - ignore those. But scroll down the entries until you reach the time that you noted down earlier, and then around that time look for an entry titled "Error". When you see that, click on the entry, and you will see the crash information we need in the big centre pane. Copy that information and post it here. This is not meant to override airernie's response above this. It is all too easy to run out of VAS in FSX, especially on long flights. No matter how much RAM is on your system, FSX can only operate in its own 4 GB VAS (Virtual Address Space). Jorgen
  5. To find the correct entry in Event viewer, do this: Note down the time of the crash - it doesn't have to be totally exact, but good if you can isolate it to within an hour or so. Then right-click on your Windows Start button and select "Event Viewer" from the menu. In the Event Viewer, click on the little arrow to the left of "Windows Logs", and then click on "Application". You will now, in the top center pane, see a lot of entries with time-stamps, most of which will be titled "Information" - ignore those. But scroll down the entries until you reach the time that you noted down earlier, and then around that time look for an entry titled "Error". When you see that, click on the entry, and you will see the crash information we need in the big centre pane. Copy that information and post it here. Jorgen
  6. I think it would be a "Good Ideaâ„¢" to find out what the cause of the CTD is FIRST, before we blindly do anything else. Mefaz, what is in your Windows Event Viewer at the time of the crash? Jorgen
  7. Also a welcome from here, although I don't have FSX any more. It was taking up too much time to maintain both FSX and P3D v. 4 and v. 5 at the same time, so now I have only P3D v. 5. I would recommend, as the first thing you do, is to clone your HDD to a SSD. Everything will run so much faster! Next up would be your CPU. If possible, look into overclocking it some, every little bit helps. But if your budget allows, look into getting a new motherboard with a faster Intel CPU. But that also means a graphics card, where the possibilities are almost endless, again limited by budget... Jorgen
  8. I have not seen any issues on my system., under Windows 8, 8.1 or under 10 in all its sub-versions. Jorgen
  9. I have not seen any flight simulator that would not run under Windows 10. Jorgen
  10. Are they meant to be installed in UT Live - in other words, are they compatible with UT Live? The reason they do not show up in the aircraft menus is that they are NOT supposed to be user-flyable, but for AI use only. Hence they have no sound and panel lines in the aircraft.cfg files. Jorgen
  11. You should not have two photosceneries covering the same area, only one or the other. And that may be a tricky thing, figuring out where one covers and not the other.... Jorgen
  12. Actually, I don't think it's called a heliport, but a waypoint. And the "stub" is the xxx_xxx_ALT.bgl file. The .ad4 file is your project backup file. Jorgen
  13. In ADE, when you created the heliport, did you elect to make a "stub", as Jon calls it, with the altitude, and then stick the "stub" in \Scenery\World\Scenery? Jorgen
  14. How would you compare Win 10 vs. Win 11 performance-wise? And user-friendly-wise? Jorgen
  15. I don't use any of the products mentioned. I am maybe old-fashioned, but I install my flight plans "manually", compiling them with AIFP. That way, even FS9 flight plans will work in P3D (and FSX). Jorgen
  16. If you have really lost the disk, I would recommend you get the Steam Edition as a replacement. Jorgen
  17. For what it is worth: Until about a year ago. I had FSX and P3D versions 4.5 and 5 installed on my system, now only 5.3. I have never seen any issues after any Windows updates. Jorgen
  18. None of the above seems to be Windows 11 issues..... they all seem to have been covered in other threads. Jorgen
  19. In Win 10 you can rename drives to give them any letter you want, except for the C: drive, which by definition is the OS drive and must be present with Windows on it. For some reason, it seems the Windows is most comfortable with the optical (CD or DVD) drive being D:, so just give the "other" disk drive the letter E: and install there. Jorgen
  20. So, maybe a dumb question - why haven't you updated to Win 10 already? Jorgen
  21. On my Windows 10 the screenshots goes to \Pictures\Screenshots by default, Windows 7 should be the same, but since I have never run 7, only 8, 8.1 and 10 I cannot be sure. And if you are a MS Paint user, you should try out Irfanview. IMNSHO Irfanview runs rings around Paint, and at least the price is right. Jorgen
  22. You can also hold down your Windows key and then press "Print". The screenshots will then be in \Pictures\Screenshots Jorgen
  23. There is a little freeware program called Irfanview, that will do everything that Paint does, only better. My computer cannot live without it. Jorgen
  24. What you have to do, both in FSX and in P3D, is to adapt its configuration file to your particular system. As this file (fsx.cfg or prepar3d.cfg) comes out of the box, it is pretty much a one-size-fits-all. There is a sticky on the top of this forum by Kosta, for FSX, and for P3D you go here: https://www.prepar3d.com/SDKv4/prepar3d/getting_help/advanced_configuration.html and here: https://simmershome.de/prepare3d-v5-einstellungen/ For P3D's AffinityMask, go here: http://izn-flightsim.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/affinity.html Jorgen PS: Sorry, a little off topic for the forum....
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