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Posts posted by napamule2

  1. Got to Edwards AFB. It's flat (desert) and you can use GPS to hand fly it in/out. I believe you don't use pitch trim (...180 kts). If you use + pitch trim you can reduce your speed and still be able to fly level (but descending). I know... not intuiative..but once you learn to use pitch trim you will wonder WHY nobody told you sooner. Get a panel that shows the pitch trim number (1.00, 3.00, 4.00, etc) so you can get an idea what '+1.00' versus what '+4.00' does. One example of vital use of pitch trim is carrier landings of the F-18. If the C-17 is real sensitive to inputs the pitch trim will allow you to practically let go of your controler (joystick/yoke) as you approach runway. You won't be pulling-then-pushing joy to where you are all over the place. Stay calm, use pitch trim, let it settle on runway, etc. Do it again.

    Chuck B


  2. There are no lakes, rivers or ponds, so therefore no fish, in outer space. At any rate, when it hovers over water here on Earth the fish get stunned and float to the surface. They open the center hatch and just grab (with their 'hand') whichever fish they like. But it gets flash frozen and taken back to their labs. The 'germs' on/in the fish are not tolerated by aliens. :-)

    Chuck B


    PS: I have video clips of panel showing 400K ft, at 180K and at 10K (2 min 30 sec?). Delted the rest as it was 50 Gbs!

  3. It seems that MS did not TEST FLY the default planes and if they did they did not make the required changes. Why? I don't know. I only know they droped the ball on dynamics for default planes.


    The FS9 and the FSX Cubs both have identical cfgs and air files. FS9 always requires more MOI than FSX. So increaseing FS9 yaw moi is correct. I would of used 1500. I would also change a couple of things in the air file for both FS9 and FSX. I would also make braking no less than 1.000. I also prefer differential braking to be 0.800.


    In air's 1101 (Flight Dynamics) I would change 'rudder' from 7 to 30. 'rudder control factor' from 48 to 128. Also I would change 'Yaw Stability 1' from 70 to 128. 'Yaw Stability 2 remains the same. And I would change 'rudder effect on roll' from -85 to -128.


    Back up both cfg and air file before editing. Use ONLY notepad for cfg and ONLY AirEd for air.

    Chuck B


  4. OK. FYI. Took 2 min 30 sec to climb to 400K ft. Tried to make it dive, etc (10 min) but nothing - had NO control. Shut enignes off and used slew to descend to 180K ft (took 14 min 30 sec (so now 17 min total). Got controls back and descended to 10K ft (took 3 min 30 sec to get there (now 20 min 30 secs total). At 10K set course back to start (used GPS) and landed where I started from (Rnw 26). Trip up/down took 24 min 25 sec total. Made a video (24:25 total) but I doubt anyone is interested.

    Chuck B


  5. Looking at model from behind: If the rudder is pointing toward your left does it turn left? If the ailerons (on left wing) is pointing up does it turn left? So, does it turn? If it does then it's just the ANNIMATION that is the (visual and not function) problem. That may be the reason why it's freeware?


    So NO you can not fix it as it's MODEL related so you can't fix with a change of cfg or air file.

    Chuck B


  6. John,

    Sounds like you use 'luck' to fly and then land your aircraft. I am curious as to WHEN you started flying in sim. There is a learning curve but the ONLY way to learn is by lots of practice. Not knowing what to do is what leads to crashes. Luck has nothing to do with it. Getting and using a check list will make you aware of WHAT needs to be done and HOW to do it. There are a lot of variables involved that must be taken into cosideration to achieve what you want to do: Take Off, Fly, then Land an aircraft.


    So now: WHICH C-17 do you have? There are UKMIL, AlphaSim, Area 51, Mike Stone, POSKY, Owen Hewitt, and FSD models. And DON'T blame the airplane when it's YOUR fault (lack of knowledge, etc).

    Chuck B


  7. Here is a video showing NEW flight dynamics for the AlphaSim UFO (circa 2008). Radical, radical, radical cfg and air file values allows for 'out of this world' performance, including climb to 200K ft in 3 mins at Mach 4.33, hover capability, and VTOL take offs and soft landings. Water landable. Not sure what altitude it is capable of climbing to - did not test yet. This is definitely the best looking UFO I have ever seen in Flt Sims.


    Model by P. McDonell & P. Perrott, Textures by J. McDaniel & P. Perrott, Nav Lights by Bob Chicilo. NEW flight dynamics are meant to be used for ROCKETS (ie: long tube versus small disc) but they still work good. YouTube Link:

    . 20May30.

    Chuck B


  8. Quote: '...when the Tail wheel is WRONGLY positioned...'. EXACTLY right! If you would move the tail gear or skid from -15.800 to -14.800 and then -13.800 you would SEE the difference. That simple. It might 'look' funny when it turns but this adjustment will get the job done.

    Chuck B


  9. So, you need to tell us what your specs are. Do you have 1 Hard Drive (ie: C)? Do you have 2 Hard Drives (ie: C and D)?


    If you have 2 Hard Drives it is best to install FS9 and FSX on D drive.


    C drive will contain your Windows installation. But, FS9 and FSX both put files in C drive (automatically), to 'work' with Windows (required) even if you install FS9 and FSX in C drive or D drive.


    Primarily you should AVOID installing to 'recommended' folder (ie: X:\Program Files) to avoid problems with UAC (Window's 'Permissions' restrictions). You will still need to read and understand intructions.


    Then we can walk you through on how to do the installation using pictures or 1, 2, 3 instructions.

    Chuck B


  10. I just went to PCGamer site that points out that there was a fix Feb 2020 for Ver 20.2.2. It disables the SuperSync in settings. But, AMD admits that some will still get the black screen and hangs anyway and are working on it. Disable SuperSnyc and restart your pc and see if that fixes it. Good luck.

    Chuck B


  11. Just in case: When you do your GW install, go to GW folder and drag the GW.exe to your desktop and when menu pops up choose 'Create A Shortcut Here'. That will place the GW Icon on desktop. The original install icon NAME should be 'FS9 exe' so change GW icon NAME to 'GW exe' and you are done. Then all you have to do is double click on which ever install you want to start by clicking on it's Icon. My 2 cents.

    Chuck B


  12. You need to go on control panel and on regional settings and change the type of keyboard. On Windows 10 it's under Control panel / Time and Language / Region and language (IE: UK -vs- USA) or European -vs- American).


    There are also key press to switch. Hold both Shift keys and then press Alt. Or hold left shift key for 5 seconds then press right shift key for 5 seconds. You can also switch by hitting simultaneously Alt + Shift combination.


    Need to type the '@':

    On a laptop with a numeric keypad, press Ctrl + Alt + 2, or Alt + 64.


    On an English keyboard for the United States, press Shift + 2.


    On an English keyboard for the UK, use Shift + `.


    On a Spanish keyboard for Latin America, press Alt Gr + Q.


    On an international Spanish keyboard, press Alt Gr + 2.


    On an Italian keyboard, press Alt Gr + Q.


    On a French keyboard, press Alt Gr + à.


    Chuck B


  13. Well I imagine you (like others that don't know) would tell him to 'Try it and see what happens - let us know how it went'. Never mind that 'Realism' slider does NOTHING. Some people's objetive is to give irrelevent advice, and are, in effect, just 'pretending' that it's relevent. Pointless. But, after all it's a simulator and not real, so what's the harm? Right? Wrong! I don't care if you don't LIKE it (the truth).

    Chuck B


  14. All you had to do is click 'OK' and the installer would look for and find the next file needed to continue.


    You could of checked the 'Properties' of the files on Hard Drive and see it they are 'Blocked'. Then try install again.


    But now you will get an error, or it will say 'Already Installed' due to installer putting entry into Registry. You would have to do complete uninstall and start over.


    And if you install to 'Program Files (x86)' then you will then have additional problems editing any FSX files.

    Chuck B


  15. It is better to tell somebody the TRUTH than to pretend about UTILIZING something that is pure FICTION. It's called horse sense. Has nothing to do with how smart you are. Although some of us are more smart that others.


    Perhaps you would like to SHOW US the flight analsys data of a flight on 'EASY' compared to a flight on 'HARD' realism setting? (Pssst: They would be the SAME as flight on MEDIUM realism settings, but that would have to be a guess as I ain't a flight engineer like you). But do show me the data if you got it.

    Chuck B


  16. You could super glue a DASH CAM under the nose to give you an un-obstructed view of the runway. You would only need it for a couple of minutes while landing. The monitor could lay flat on dash. Prop up for landing (use Velcro would hold monitor upright). They make 24 volt cams now. And they get smaller all the time. $40? You would then have a CUSTOMIZED Mooney (ie: re-sale value). Q-Tips and alochol will clean the lens of dust, bird doo, etc. Waterproof? Of course! IP65. :-)

    Chuck B


  17. Sorry. All of that is for FSX only. Big mistake by me. Did not spot it 14 years ago. In fact I don't even remember posting that. I also don't remember what I had for dinner yesterday either. No, it's not the virus, it's old age (ha).

    Chuck B


  18. If you installed FSX in 'Prgram Files (x86)' then that could be the problem. Windows protects all files under that folder. FSX should be installed in root of hard drive (C\FSX or D\FSX or ...) to circumvent the Windows UAC 'feature'.


    You did not expect Windows to tell you 'you installed in Program Files (x86) ...' did you? It says to 're-install flight simulator to repair or restore' that is what it says. (IE: WE DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR FLIGHT SIMULATOR..).


    We made the flight simulator installer to install flight simulator files to Program Files and then we made Windows to not allow any edits to the files in Program Files. (MS is PROUD of their expertise and knowledge of technology and programming).

    Chuck B


  19. My question is: WHAT CAN YOU POSSIBLY EXPECT TO ATTAIN by changing the realism settings when you are already flying? As it is, the 'Realism' effect (IF ANY), was never truly developed by MS and that alone would not ADD anything to your flying 'experience'. Recommended setting: MEDIUM ... AND LEAVE IT THERE. Hard and Easy 'settings' are BOGUS (no effect) so why pretend. Get real.

    Chuck B


  20. The way I do it when doing flights that I want to record is to set tower view when I first load aircraft. I then do the flight. Do 'Instant Replay' and record that. You can change views when doing replay if you want but I usually only use tower view and locked spot view (that I can pan with joystick to get a side or nose view). Or zoom in and get the gear from rear on landing by zoom and joystick. I never used it but with EZdock you can preset views and just click on ezdock panel to go to that preset view. Cheers.

    Chuck B


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