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  1. I understand the reasons, but they are irrelevant to how I feel about the changes. This isn't a combat situation, so I don't feel too bad about it. One either likes something, or they don't. I don't. The only reason I posted as I did was so the powers that be (not Nels, apparently) know that their changes were not appreciated by everyone. A quick search shows that I'm not the only one. That said, for all those who like the changes, I'm happy for you. Enjoy! Out.
  2. Well, I guess it's time to go. I have been a member since 1996 or so, and used to come here every day. Now, this is the first time I've been here in a month or so. Sorry, Nels, but IMHO you have completely ruined the site and I probably won't be back. I'm sure no one out there really cares, but I thought you should know. Thanks for the memories, though.
  3. Wait, what? What new owners? Did I miss something?
  4. Chattering is usually a good sign that there is a conflict of some sort...
  5. I have a few files on your site. What do I need to do?

    1. MSgt


      The files are:















      Thank you.

  6. 133 downloads

    FSX/Prepar3D Piper PA28R Arrow N4335T. Textures only for the payware Piper PA28R Arrow III from Just Flight. This repaint is a fictional PA28R with the registration number of a Piper Cherokee 140 once flown by the author. By Russ Sisco.
  7. 1,521 downloads

    FS2004 Zenith CH601XL Light Sport Aircraft. Update to fix FS CTD problem. A two seat ligh sport aircraft powered by a Rotax 912 100 hp engine. Includes a 2D panel and a full VC with animated controls. By R.L. Sisco.
  8. 699 downloads

    FS2004 FDG P-51B Mustang of Capt. Richard E. Turner's "Short-Fuse Sallee", 356th Fighter Squadron, 354th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force. Textures only. Repaint by R.L. Sisco.
  9. 1,913 downloads

    FS2004 USAF Lockheed T-33A 58-0510 (textures only), 49th FIS Griffiss AFB, NY circa 1986. Developed from Lockheed's F-80 Shooting Star fighter, this rather simple trainer conversion went on to be one of the most successful jet trainers in history, with over 5000 made. License production in Canada and Japan added a few hundred more. It's hard to find a nation who didn't fly the T-Bird at one time or another. This T-Bird is in the markings of 58-0510, assigned to the 49th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Griffiss AFB, NY circa 1986. Crew Chief: TSgt R.L. Sisco Pilot: 2Lt Paul Lockhart (now Lt Col and two time pilot of the Space Shuttle.) By R.L. Sisco, MSgt, USAF, Retired.
  10. 2,046 downloads

    FS2002 USAF F-15A Eagle Of The 49th FIS, ADTAC at Griffiss AFB (fictional). The 49th was slated to receive F-15's but at the last minute the unit was deactivated instead, in 1987. High-vis markings with lights, contrail, smoke and afterburner effects. Gmax aircraft by Kimitaka Nishida. Flame and afterburner effects by Paul Davies. Adaptation to this aircraft by Paul Barry. This repaint by Russ Sisco.
  11. 4,256 downloads

    FS2002 Pro Lockheed T-33A Shooting Star, T-33A-15-LO serial number 58-0510, assigned to the 49th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Griffiss AFB, New York circa 1983. Model features full moving parts, airbrake, recessed wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. File contains also a panel. Visual model by Massimo Taccoli. Original textures by Gerardo Taccoli. Repainted by R.L. Sisco. Air and panel file by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot.
  12. 1,095 downloads

    FS2000/CFS2 Fireball Junior from the Gerry Anderson TV Series "Fireball XL5". This is the nose section of Fireball XL5 which would detach from the main part of the ship for missions to a planet's surface. By R.L. Sisco. Flight dynamics by Shane Pickering and Austin Tate.
  13. 538 downloads

    FS2000 Zombite Fighter from "Thunderbirds" fix, for use with ZOMBV30.ZIP. This update fixes a tendency for the aircraft to appear above the runway and fall to its doom. By R.L. Sisco.
  14. 1,403 downloads

    FS2000 Zombite Fighter from "Thunderbirds". By R.L. Sisco. Flight dynamics by Shigeru Tanaka. (See also ZOMBFIX1.ZIP)
  15. 1,289 downloads

    FS2000/CFS2 Fireball XL5 v2.0, from the Gerry Anderson TV show of the same name. Visual model by R.L. Sisco. Flight dynamics by Austin Tate.
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