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Posts posted by andyjohnston

  1. I went from Hiroshima to Seoul, and then on to Shanghai.


    Then I flew to Hong Kong.




    Son I landed and exited the runway...


    "The Program has Stopped Responding"




    So I made the flight again. While I was coming in towards the field, my co-pilot grabbed a few pics (full disclosure, my co-pilot is also me...)





  2. From Alaska I headed out over the water to Russia. Luckily, I had stored some extra fuel so that when I ran out I could pump it into the tanks.



    Ya...that's it...


    Then from Russia I turned south and into Japan where I eventually made my way to Tokyo




    And then on to Hiroshima.




    I took a break from my trip to rent a helicopter and go visit the Peace Memorial.



  3. I waited until a few hours before dawn (sim time) to leave Vancouver. I headed up the coast to make a landing at the add-on airport of Mountain Top, which sits right on the Canada-US border.




    I didn't need to refuel but did it anyways. From there I headed west toward Anchorage, but as I was approaching it I realized I had all sorts of fuel left, so I pushed on toward Hooper Bay, and even when I got there I had lots of fuel left.




    Next I'll be crossing over to Russia where there aren't a lot of nav-aids to use to guide myself, it'll be one of the more dangerous parts of this endeavor.


    See you in the next post!



  4. I had an idea this morning, so I'm trying it out.


    My Cessna is severely damaged, I can't afford to fix it all at once.


    I failed one aileron, one flap, all instruments, both brakes, the fuel tank, all but one comm radio, etc. I'm going to have to "fly passengers around" and each flight will earn me just enough to fix one item, meaning not only will I need to fly a bunch of flights to fix everything, I'll also have to decide which items get priority.

  5. I'm the one who should consider myself honoured. That someone dug out that model which is over ten years old! I actually took one of my old FS-2004 models and turned it into the Transformer. Interesting to see how it works, let me know how you progress.
  6. From thee I flew direct to KLAX.


    Part way through the flight, my number four engine blew out. I was about halfway across, so I decided to push on rather than turn back.




    Visibility got pretty bad as I was getting close




    And didn't improve much on final




    I was able to land, only to learn that the passengers need to be delivered to a facility in New York. They were able to repair the engine, but discovered that the explosion that damaged it also damaged my right aileron, which they couldn't repair. So I'll need to make a stop in Seattle for them to fix it.

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