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Everything posted by raimondo2

  1. Good day; For those who are interested to see bit more water bodies in the form of lakes we made an addon to do just that. Make flight bit more interesting and cover a bit more some Alaska orthos Defects adding native msfs water into the sim. From : Alaska Water Bodies MSFS - FlightSim.Com Store there is also a video available to show how exactly look and function in msfs: If you have any questions; feel free to post and will be answered. have a good day Ray
  2. they vanished ! .................
  3. good day the problem is that msfs sometimes do not recognize new scenery installed i found the best way to fix this problem is to take a scenery out and restart msfs to rebuild the content.xml file when started come and loaded at any location come out again and add the other scenery and it will refresh. is a msfs problem
  4. 376 downloads

    MSFS Scenery--Shoreham Docks and Lancing College UK, free addon. A complete reconstruction of the Shoreham docks on the area of the power station, including houses around the area. Vegetation is now depicted in photogrammetry also. This package also includes a complete reconstruction of the iconic Lancing College complex; all its buildings have now been replaced with photogrammetry data from Google. This photogrammetry is built using Google data of which they own the copyrights of such data. The photogrammetry is embedded and blended into MSFS as far as possible to provide a seamless transition between the different terrains; it can be used with our Shoreham Airport scenery to complete a realistic flight experience. If you like to further your experience Our Shoreham airport is available from FlightSim.Com Store here. Made by Raimondo Taburet.
  5. 580 downloads

    MSFS 2020 Scenery--Hulett and Devils Tower, Wyoming (WY), USA. This scenery pack updates the airport of Hulett Municipal Airport (W43) with additional static aircraft, a few buildings and painted parking lines on the ground. The Devils Tower is updated with a more realistic representation of the iconic mountain. By Raimondo Taburet.
  6. the locust are working hard to keep the sound going on the new msfs sim !! even at night do not give a break.
  7. 329 downloads

    Condor--Denmark Photorealistic Scenery (freeware version). Photorealistic scenery for Denmark, now depicted in photorealistic style for the Condor Soaring Simulator. This scenery also includes fully landable surface for Danish airports, detailed waters and forest maps. By Raimondo Taburet.
  8. Hi;


    yea i understand - take some time to get the grip on it.

    ive not use it for some time as i use the manifold - but ive used in the past - and past versions of it - but right now i do not have it installed -


    hovewer - microdem it is created by professor guth - and he also run a forum - where you can ask any question you want regarding microdem - he is very kind and always happy to help !


    here you go : http://forums.delphiforums.com/microdem/messages/?msg=1186.1



  9. 2,761 downloads

    FSX Scenery--USA 10 M Terrains Project - West Coast Version 1.1. FSX USA 10 M Terrains Project is a freeware mesh terrain add-on for FSX. It is designed to replace elevations all over the United States, enhancing terrain from 38 m to 10 m, providing you a far more detailed terrain to fly over. It is designed using the latest Ned 10 m elevation models and compiled using multilod and a slight compression to keep files to a reasonable size. This first release provides you complete coverage for the west coast, split into six zip files. By Raimondo Taburet. Public Domain. File 3 of 6.
  10. 7,697 downloads

    FSX Scenery--Alaska 38 Terrain Mesh. Replacement terrain mesh file for the whole of Alaska (AK). File 2 of 2. Assembled by Raimondo Taburet.
  11. 2,130 downloads

    FS2004 Lwm - Vtp - Boston Area Scenery. A complete rebuild for the Boston area using Lwm Vtp techniques. This scenery adds new layout for coastlines, roads, land class, water class, rivers and lakes. It also provides spectacular night flights with fully illuminated roads with moving traffic. Includes a 19.2m USGS Ned terrain mesh. This is a shareware package, registration U.S. $14.99. The zip is password protected. By Raimondo Taburet.
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