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Everything posted by lifejogger

  1. Excellent night flight David, enjoyed looking at your shots!!!!!!!!!
  2. Thanks Larry. You are not to far from the San Juan Mountains which are my favorite.
  3. Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment!!!!!!!!! I spend a lot of time in the Colorado mountains in real life, a great place to visit.
  4. A flight from 20V Kremling, Colorado over Rocky Mountain National Park and landing at KLMO Longmont, Colorado.
  5. Nice paint on that jet and good views of the airport!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Very nice shots and good looking clouds.
  7. Enjoyed the flight David, the screenshots were very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Enjoyed the flight. Got to see an area I never fly in!!!!!!
  9. Glad you like the B-17. I new there was an aviation museum at Duxford. that us why I picked it.
  10. I love seeing shots of the oldies, these are excellent.
  11. Strange looking plane Adam, excellent shot!!!!!!!!!
  12. I have never see that plane before!!!!!!!!!! Looks like a lot of fun to fly, nice shots of it and the scenery.
  13. Thanks and it is from. Aeroplane Heavenhttps://www.aeroplaneheaven.com/index.php#products
  14. Thanks Larry, glad you like the shots!!!!!!!!!!
  15. My favorite WWII bomber. I spent many happy hours flying the airshow circuit in CAF Fortress.
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