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Everything posted by f16jockey_2

  1. Wow, except for Schiphol, that’s my setup as well. Just one thought: some airport scenery installers give the option between “Static traffic” and “Airlines”. Do you remember if you had that option and if so, did you choose “Airlines”? Personally, I can’t remember it from my install... Wim
  2. a) what AI package(s) are you using? b) what addons are you using for the airports? c) is “Aircraft casts ground shadows” enabled? Wim
  3. I’ll see it when/if it gets there. All the fuzz based on a promo video reminds me of MS Flight. Have other nuts to crack ‘til 2020. Wim
  4. AS16 uses Simconnect, not FSUIPC. Wim
  5. There's a paintkit at SOH https://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/101605-Paint-Kit-for-Jan-Visser-Manfred-Jahn-C-47-zip Wim
  6. Further elaborating on MrZippy's post: the model you need is model.16 in the CS_EX2_C133 folder (expansion II) or Model.1 from expansion I The refueling probe is pretty prominent, definitely not retractable and therefore model dependent. Picure is RAF Lockheed C.Mk.3. The J C5 has a different looking refueling probe, on the LEFT side of the plane, and some other external (and also internal) differences (I can't post pics 'cos of copyright). Can't find the C-130J C5 in my install or in CS product description. It's not modelled by Captain Sim IMO. Wim
  7. Could you clarify "showing up"? From my own clumsy start with AI Traffic I recall the main culprit was mostly badly installed AI aircraft or repaints. I took the habit of assigning a panel to the AI aircraft, so they show up in the Selection Menu. I even have a pre-made panel folder (an alias to the default B738) on my desktop for that purpose. Once you can "see" the AI aircraft in the Selection Menu, you've eliminated 75% of possible errors IMO. If they check OK (no black textures for example), you can remove the panel folder to clean up your Selection Menu. Wim
  8. No real reason why it shouldn't work. Tried it with the AIG 757, runways are a bit short but it works. Just set UTC time to +/- 5' before UTC scheduled departure time (from your fp), then watch and wait. Arrivals are a bit more trail and error, you may have to set sim time up to +/- 20' before scheduled arrival time. Wim
  9. What I mean: as a test make it STAY THERE for a week. Then you’ll know your plan is working. Wim
  10. Whenever I doubt the timing (or something else) of a flightplan, I add an obvious airplane that should "always be there" (given the flightplan), but "not supposed to be there" (given the environment). For example an Airbus Beluga, which does a one-hour per week flight flight on saturday night at 02:00am. When I see that aircraft parked, I know the flightplan was loaded and I go looking for other errors. Wim
  11. Not to mention the fact that (as you've mentionted several times in previous posts) a plebeian like me isn't allowed to even buy P3D, as I don't have any "academic" use for it :rolleyes:. Wim
  12. 112 downloads

    FSX Aeroperu Lockheed L-1011 TriStar. Aeroperu N-10112 livery for the Captain Sim Lockheed L-1011 TriStar. Textures only. Repaint by Wim Demeyer.
  13. 124 downloads

    FSX Luxair Fokker Friendship F27-100. Textures only for the Just Flight Fokker F27-100 in an early Luxair livery. Repaint by Wim Demeyer.
  14. 150 downloads

    FSX Luxair Fokker Friendship F27-200. Textures only for the Just Flight Fokker F27-200 in the final Luxair livery. Repaint by Wim Demeyer.
  15. Not true. Not aware of any gauge which does that automatically. Some rare ones (with digital display) may have their own lbs/kgs selection toggle. It's pretty hard to program for gauges with an analog dial plate BMP background IMO. Never seen it. Wim
  16. For the FSX Fuel and Payload Screen: go to Settings -> General -> International - Unit of measure : Hybrid or Metric If otoh you mean some onboard panel in a specific aircraft, it depends on that aircraft, which you should then specify. Wim
  17. From what I see on this page (I didn't actually try them) the A320 Sharklet model never got upgraded to FSX. So a merge with the default A321 VC isn't possible yet. Wim
  18. That was someone else https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?307094-WOAI-issues! @ColR : he did mention the "normal winglets 737s" worked OK @OP : maybe try adding a panel after all, just so we can abandon the "bad aircraft" route ? Wim
  19. No. AI mostly has a sound or soundai folder of it's own. And it's not critical for AI to show, it can work without a sound folder. In fact, when programming AI from scratch, I always test all used aircraft by adding a panel, even before coding the flightplans. That way you can check the textures, see if the propdisc isn't black, etc... Wim
  20. Same here, but I just add a panel to the AI aircraft's folder. If everything's OK, it should show on the aircraft selection screen. Wim
  21. texture=texture.flatline is wrong, should be texture=flatline Wim
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