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Everything posted by f16jockey_2

  1. The ORBX Global airports are in the folder shown below (not retyping that! lol). It also contains a _CVX.BGL file, which is a common name for a landclass update for that local airport. In theory it should remove the trees. Did you move this folder's priority above UTX as well? If you already did this, I'm lost as well. Sorry. Wim
  2. FSX (and also FSX-SE in suppose) keeps a copy of a "virgin" scenery.cfg in the main FSX program folder. I would copy/paste this file into C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX (or whatever it's called in Steam) and see what gives. When doing this, you will need to add yr addons to the Scenery Library again, but I think it's less drastic than a complete reinstall. Wim
  3. The purpose of this post in relation to your original question is unclear. Just wanna say that with these entries, the title on yr selection screen will read ”Boeing 737-MAX8 BRITISH AIRWAYS BRITISH AIRWAYS”. No big deal, but for me that would be a no-go :cool:. Wim
  4. Maybe a little video will clear this out (in combination with the text in my previous post). Not a pro, but here goes: @CRJ: I tried to recreate your window config from yr pic at the start of the video Wim
  5. There are several references to non-existent files or folders, like panel=pax model=JT8D sim=DF_722 The latter seems to be for Dreamfleet, not TDS btw. Almost every added [fltsim.x] section has one or more of the above errors. Too many to correct without getting hands-on with the TDS, which I don’t plan as I’m happy with my Captain Sim. I suggest you document yourself on how to add extra liveries, and the meaning of each line in the sections. There’s a good article in the “How to ...” section of this website. Wim
  6. The separate Windows within the Main application Window can be grabbed and dragged around, just like normal "Windows"-windows :rolleyes:. Sometimes a bit annoying, I confess. Click and hold your mouse in the zone(s) I've coloured pink/red, then drag to place. When positioned, a splitter icon will appear over the windows separators/borders, so you can resize. Wim
  7. Did you try the scenery order I suggested in your post about 3 (can be 4) weeks ago? Again, I don't have UTX, I don't know how to line it up in the scenery library to get it to work with ORBX. One thing I know for sure: UTX can't cause ORBX objects to go black. Wim
  8. It was a calculated guess. Internal Graphics is far from the best option for FSX. IMO in yr case, it's struggling to get your graphics on-screen. More technically knowledgeable people can drop in, but a "budget GPU" (like a 1050Ti) could help a lot. Not only with the Font problem. Wim [EDIT]If your computer allows it. As said not I'm not a technical genius, far from...
  9. Connected to the Internal Graphics Port? Wim
  10. Doh... I had them unchecked for some reason... When I enabled them again: Apart from the objects that aren't black anymore, I see other differences between your and my pic (trees on the apron for example). I wonder how you installed the scenery in the first place. It should be done through FTX Central, and let OrbX handle things. So I'd reinstall the Global Airports Pack, check if the OrbX Libraries need updating, then see what gives. Wim
  11. A tool that might help you to locate the offending scenery is LittleNavmap. https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap.html Amongst other very useful features it can be used to determine which scenery BGLs are active for a given airport, and which one is topmost. In the below pic for example you can see I have only default scenery for CYHM. [EDIT]I have Orbx Global Freeware airports installed as well, so no need to search that way. Wim
  12. Correction: the command is called "Eyepoint reset", the default keystroke is . Wim
  13. There’s a View Center command, by default assigned to Ctrl Space or Shift Space IIRC (not at my sim computer). You can assign it to a joystick button as well (joystick 1 or 2 by default IIRC). . Wim
  14. Check the sim= line [fltsim.0] calls for Boeing 787-800 RR.air. [fltsim.1] calls for Boeing 787-800 GE.air. Check if you have those files in the main TDS 787 folder. Just an observation btw, I don't have the aircraft, not planning to install it either. So here is where I leave you. Wim
  15. That's new to me, always eager to learn. Please elaborate. I also don't see any difference in MrZippy using the strobes and you the taxilights, as both seem equally "normal and common" to me. But who cares? Wim
  16. I guess we must assume THE country is USA? Must be some scenery you've added lately. Or AI traffic. Wim
  17. High time you learn something about fuel and payload planning. Not only your weight should be below MTOW when starting the flight (unless you plan a really long taxi), but you also need to consider that, at the end of the flight, you also need to be below Maximum Landing Weight (which is considerably lower). Don't change anything in the config files. If it's HJG, they're most likely correct. If going into the fuel and payload menu before every flight is already too cumbersome, you might consider flying GA aircraft. Or consider another hobby. Wim
  18. If I understand correctly, it worked on my install NOT 'cos of Accel, but because of some previous hocuspocus I did for other downloads? I DO have a GaugeSound.dll in my main FSX folder. Wim
  19. You'd be surprised once you get it working. Bad news is I'm not smart enough to solve IT problems. Wim
  20. +1. Tried the download mrzippy suggests OOB in FSXA. No problems at all. Wim
  21. Never liked the idea. The sim might save settings you're not aware of, and therefore compromise your next flight. How hard can it be to write down an ICAO, stand number and time-of-day? Wim
  22. ??? You'd be better off with tweaking IMO ;) [EDIT]Sorry... good luck Wim
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