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Everything posted by jring2

  1. I have an unstable flight model in a lot of the aircraft. The Cessna group seems the most stable but some of the others are totally unrealistic in my system. I see a lot of simmeres speak very highly of the program so I am wondering if the issue is unique to my system. I fly real planes and am very glad they don't suddenly roll right or left as some in this sim do. Their ability to fly straight and level just doesn't seem to be there. Also their response to atmospheric conditions seems over the top in most. I have not had that issue in other sims aircraft. (I have used all of the sims through the years.) This is the first I ever have had an issue with. It's worse even than any bad freeware I've tried in FSX or P3D. I have a couple of questions. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there settings that I might have ary? (I am flying in default settings of the install though I adjusted my joystick settings trying to compensate. No joy.) Are there any places to adjust the flight model sensitivity of each default aircraft? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. Actually in P3D V5 if you land on water with winds 15 knots or above, you stand a pretty good chance of capsizing in a smaller aircraft. Waves do lack the whitecaps however. You need to set your water at "ultra". That is what mine is set at.
  3. It seems MS2020 aircraft are unaffected by the graphics. Even in real world weather it barely notices the wind. It floats on the 30 foot seas as if it was calm. When I landed the waves would totally cover the aircraft and then the aircraft would hang 10 20 feet above the trough. I manipulated the pic by waiting when the waves and aircraft were coinciding. Still and all the waves as whitecaps were quite well done. I wish their aircraft were more involved. Crashes were not disabled. Still it took no notice of the waves.
  4. Panning is poor with the mouse and the program automatically programs the Thrustmaster hat to internal/external snap to. Would love a smooth pan to the hat and not one that has little smoothness. I did like the fact the switch to view and touch was so seamless with the scroll button.
  5. I doubt this was about FSX or flight sims, but you did mention airplanes! lol :D
  6. Looks like I will put this one on the shelf for awhile and go back to P3D v5. I have gone back and forth with this sim. Liking it, then hating it, then liking it again, and finally realizing that as gorgeous the scenery and weather and the smooth streaming of its graphics, the issues turn me off on it. I am guessing they will finally resolve enough issues to make it a decent sim. It doesn't need a lot. It just needs to be finished. Obviously it was released knowing it was glitchy and unfinished, but hoping the anticipation and scenery would make it a viable sell. The ability to calibrate joysticks would be a definite plus. Panning needs to be reworked. A lot of their aircraft lack a real flight model and are left on the shelf by me. I am a Cessna 172 fan since it is the only real aircraft I've flown in RL, but trim and rudder adjustment seem way too sensitive as do reaction to aileron input. Still it's flyable but with joystick inputs very touchy. Just flyable. since flight sims are about flying as much as looking at the scenery, problems with that area are a big turn off. Love MFS2020's look but it's too frustrating flying it with all it's other issues. I did report a bug to microsoft. Beacon tower in the middle of the runway in New Zealand (NZOU). It was an easy bug to fix but reporting it was quite a process. You really need to be committed to giving them a heads up on something. I'm glad I bought it but wish I had bought it a few months from now. The parts that are great are quite great. Since the graphic engine is solid, I am hoping they correct the obvious peripheral problems. When they do I will take it off the shelf again. So it's back to P3d for me.
  7. I'll Kibitz on this too. My specs on the bottom. No stutter. Smooth as silk even when frame rates drop.
  8. Their weather and scenery so great one can overlook some obvious engineering errors :) New Zealand's South Island well worth checking out. Especially around Milford Bay. This new sim takes some getting used to, but I'm gradually learning the changed interface. It has some bugs, but less bugs than I first thought. Scenery and weather very realistic! I am beginning to really like this sim! Is there a forum for the developers where bugs can be posted?
  9. I am totally disappointed with some aspects of this sim. The inability of their planes to fly a natural flight model being the worst. (Yes the Cessna 152 isn't bad.) I do miss my Cessna 172 that I fly in real life and which flies quite realistically in the other sims, but the rest of the aircraft I've tried in MS2020 bounce around like bobbers on rough waters with very unstable flight characteristics on my system. Prepar3d V5 is still my favorite, though even with OrbX it lacks the impact of the amazing terrain in MS2020. I still fly Prepar3d V3 to enjoy some of the aircraft that won't fly in V4 and V5. Sadly FSX Steam gathers dust unused waiting for when I need the hard drive space. X-11 I uninstalled some time ago. I will continue to enjoy the other flight sims as well as this new one until the new one gets its bugs worked out. I also hope it adds some of the things it's missing. i.e. doors that open, replay and analysis, ground service that's functional, A better camera function. (even with the mouse pan the view is choppy. I long for the hat pan again and not just a snap to). Some of the things I find absent are perhaps in there somewhere as their UI is not the easiest to decipher. So it gets an overall rating from me of about a 6 out of 10 atm. However they might even get it together on the missing stuff and poor flight models making it a definite ten in the future. Some pluses are the amazingly smooth visuals in their low frame rate ares. Not sure how they manage it but the presentation is smoother than all the other sims even when the frame rate drops. Also it works out of the box, which FSX and those before took a lot of tweaking. Oh, and their active pause which is supposed to hold everything until you unpause drops speed and other things so don't let it sit too long.
  10. Thanks for your clarification. Gotcha. Though I will say my panoramic view has no noticeable distortion. Though of course it doesn't do what you want it to do.
  11. Yup. That's how a windowed program works on multiple screens. Perhaps you missed the point. Alt. / enter causes the view to stretch across all three screens giving you a more panoramic scene. Hit alt/enter again and it returns to windowed mode.
  12. Not sure your issue as I never had one. Alt Enter puts it in non windowed mode and uses the three screens to display it for me. My graphics card is a Nvidia GTX 980 Ti. My screens are set as "surround" with my resolution set at 5760 x 1200. Pops in and out of that resolution with no difficulty, though it does have a tendency to make it's window mode difficult if I haven't started in a single screen window mode before I hit Alt/Enter. Check your full screen resolution under "general /graphics." Should be set for your three screen size and display mode as windowed. That should get it all fixed for you as those are the settings I have without difficulty. Enjoy the view. :) It's nice.
  13. I have 3 21" monitors. Alt. + enter works if you are in surround screen setting on an Nvidai card.
  14. When I tried downloading mine, it continually went past the install screen. I had downloaded the installer, but found that I must have missed something as after I pressed "any key" the new screen would just sit their and look at me while it used all sorts of resources doing nothing. Turns out there was a choice that had to be validated before I could "press any key" and actually get any results. The installer would sit there and use up a third of processing and video but accomplish nothing. I can't remember the item I forgot but I think it was validating after I picked my install location. Anyway, look at the screen that says press any button carefully to see if you missed anything like I did before you press any key.
  15. Though I am disappointed in their lack of a smooth pan for their cameras, they nailed an area I fly in real life (KAPV). No flight sim has gotten close to getting the look and landscape accurate in my area. FS2020 does, however, even down to showing the Mojave River accurately, which runs under the sand in most places but does surface here and there. Anyway, my local flying just got very realistic in appearance. Good job! Also their 3D look is more accurate. Most other sims flatten the elevations some in my area. This flight sim has some issues but definitely worth the money.
  16. Having flown a few aircraft and looked around FS2020 this is my initial reaction. Nice graphics. Decent flight dynamics. Short on instructions. Camera definitely not set up for video or screen shots. At least I haven't discovered how to do smooth transition views. Disappointed in the airport environment immersion. Haven't discovered how to get airport vehicles to function with the aircraft or any of the ground freight/fuel vehicles not to mention sorting aircraft openings. I was given a bozo name and image for my x-box profile and have yet to figure out how to get rid of it for something more appropriate for someone over ten. Someone mentioned getting rid of the funeral music. Where and how? If anyone has found solutions to my disappointments, please educate me.
  17. Quick looks have their use but an external camera that can slowly examine the aircraft and zoom in and out seems like a necessity. i have yet to discover it. anyone else discover a slow smooth external view?
  18. Sorry to be so long with an update to this issue. Here's an update for those who had followed this post. The issue on the top hat was with A2A's P-51. If it was set as the default aircraft in a start-up scenario. it destroyed the use of the hat. This would extend to any aircraft loaded after that. I guess it is necessary to use a less robust aircraft as a default and then set the scenario up once the default loads. Pain in the neck but the P-51 is too sweet and too expensive to just junk. Discovered this by accident but also found it on the A2A forum after the fact. Seems it's a problem one just has to live with. Updates to the aircraft haven't solved the issue.
  19. Just go to ORBX\User Documents\Versions and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT. Then run FTX Central, the libraries will show as not installed. Click on install product and the correct files will be replaced. Source: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/138956-wave-effect-after-sa-land-class/
  20. Knew I had gotten the idea somewhere. This image is from the Steam screen. I wasn't able to find the post I read here that the beta involved atmosphere and rendering engine, but it made sense. This and my tests in it seemed to substantiate that. See attached image.
  21. Hmmm. I had heard they were testing a few of the things which will show up in 2020. I stand corrected. However I agree it is nothing like the one coming.
  22. A beta version is available on Steam. If you have FSX SE you can download the beta at no cost. However it should be downloaded and installed as a clean install. Also don't get too excited. It has created better atmospheric conditions which are decent, seemed to have improved the flight model, and given it better frame rates in how it processes the graphics but its nothing as spectacular as what they're promising and you saw in the videos of the actual which is supposed to come out sometime this year. I tried leaving my original FSX SE in place and it wouldn't load the program after the beta was installed. Ended up uninstalling my original, deleting all folders and installing clean. It worked fine after that, but not sure which addons to reinstall so installing one at a time. The atmospheric stuff is as nice as the current REX stuff so no need to reinstall that. The rest of the graphics is pretty much the same, as the beta is only testing the atmospheric graphics and rendering engine it seems. Anybody want to correct that impression, feel free. I haven't researched the beta to any degree. I am happy with its rendering speed and look however.
  23. vgbaron and jethron, I would like to thank you for your input into the hat problem. Your responses were well thought out, addressed the existing problem and well articulated. They were positive responses with actual suggestions for correction and gave me a starting point and direction to solve the issue. Thanks again for your help.
  24. Precisely! You are starting to get it! :)
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