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Everything posted by DAVIDSTRAKA

  1. Same here. It’s the default with a Delta paint
  2. Thought I would throw in a 3.5 hour flight in a Piper Cherokee 180 while I got some groceries and cut the grass. (Olive BRANCH, Misspell in the title.)
  3. Thanks Rick. I only had a flight change there one time.
  4. I thought I would stay out of bad weather for a change. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Rick. I got bounced around quite a bit near the T-Storm
  6. That’s pretty cool. When I was stationed at Wright-Patt, I would rent a plane at the Moraine “Airpark” to go cruising around the area.
  7. We had a thunderstorm roll through in the Detroit area so I decided to take a little flight to Ohio giving this little plane a few jolts :cool:
  8. It’s sitting right there by the fuel pump fully Avgassed and ready! Enjoy :cool:
  9. Thanks Larry. I had some nice memories of that little vacation
  10. On my trips I was going through some home slides and remembered in about 1978 my Mom bought me a ride on a flight to check out the city. This is kind of a throw back of that day. A view of the beach side. Unfortunately, the sim does not show the boardwalk. Nonetheless, This flight did take off and land on the same runway from that day.
  11. Long story. A lot going on with a family member. Also been out of town.
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