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Everything posted by DAVIDSTRAKA

  1. Nice view of Mexico City and scenery on a hazy day. Was headed to KDTW but had a CTD on approach to KDTW. 3 hours this time. I'm taking the advice of the experts here and will be saving my flights along the way. I updated and increased my scenery and autogen. Pretty sure that's the issue. But I do like the better scenery. Passing the hurricane again :cool:
  2. Thanks Larry. I agree, the Orion would have been a better choice
  3. It got bounced around quite a bit. This is real time weather using Active Sky 16 and Active Sky Cloud Art (payware). Personally I find it really great! I tried others and the timely and smoothness of the injection was not good. Active Sky also comes with the radar. St one point on my approach I was at 85 knot ground speed. Thank for the comment!
  4. Crazy is a good word for it! So, that’s why there is a Yaw Damper? :cool:
  5. Part 2: Approach and Landing Not an easy landing at all
  6. It was time to check out the hurricane in the New Orleans area. Check out that wind sock :D Into the eye Low pressure From 40,000 feet
  7. The humble beginnings of peerhoven Aeronautical Academy? :D
  8. Great shots and narrative as always! Thanks for posting!
  9. Very much nice work. Yes, the cooling towers in the background make for great scenery! :cool:
  10. WKRP. “I had no idea that Turkeys could not fly.”:D
  11. Oldies but goodies for sure! Thanks for posting :pilot:
  12. I really like that paint scheme! Really awesome :D
  13. Our winters don’t look like that! Beautiful shots! :cool:
  14. Have fun. Visit Lunken, the home of Sporty’s Pilot Shop :D
  15. Awesome looking to say the least! What is that twin? Don't think I've seen one before. :pilot:
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