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Everything posted by davidc2

  1. I use Little Navmap, Skyvector, and the one built in :)
  2. Two things come to mind-contact the after market developers of the product that is now broken, see if they have any forums and/or wait for them to fix their add on 3rd party add on's frequently break after updates
  3. Thanks for the link, will check it out. I had forgotten that MSFS has POI's that are clickable. I've created a "rough" one, it gets the job done. I am impressed with London :)
  4. Based on other Orbx products that I have bought, I can say that they are good! I used their Florida HI-Res scenery and it was worth getting!
  5. Have not tried Rex yet. My strange behavior came back, and I am hoping I got it figured it out, lol. I was using the shortcut program FS JumpStarat. When I use that program to launch MSFS the strange behavior starts. But, if I start MSFS using the designated icon, it works.
  6. Does anyone have a London flight plan that takes you over the city and the ALL of the POI's? Hoping not to reinvent the wheel :) I know you can take off from Heathrow and go east, but I like to have it on autopilot and enjoy the views :D
  7. You are correct (as I found out). I took the old one off, saw that there was indeed paste on it :) Then I installed the NH-L9x65 low profile cooler, fired up the sim, took the same flight through London, temps got up to 87 (spike), but that was it. Hoping this continues to work :)
  8. Ok, got it sorted out. I fired up another machine wiht MSFS on it, same behavior which lead me to the conclusion that it was NOT my machines. I updated Xbox and the installer, logged out, shut down, came back in, relogged in things are back to normal.
  9. I was able to get it flying, but started off in the air over Scotland, not starting out at London on the ground. The strange behavior continued while in the air as well, with the instruments turned off and the entire panel bouncing up and down. I have since uninstalled, now in the LONGGGGGGGGGGG process of reinstalling.
  10. Thanks Steve, will check it out, after I get the sim back running.
  11. This started last night after my flight around London. I attempted to pick another airport and the mouse cursor keeps moving all around, and the spacebar keeps bringing up the load flight plan menu. I thought it might be my wireless keyboard and mouse, so I disabled both of them, took out the receiver, plugged in the wired keyboard and mouse and rebooted. Edit-joystick is also unplugged Same behavior. Thoughts?
  12. To help me get from point A (airport) to a location I want to visit. Example-got the UK expansion up and running. Went to Heathrow, did not know the direction to fly to see the sights of downtown London. Finally got that sorted out and had a blast looking around London. Would not using Google Maps be useful when flying from one POI to another? Yes, they show up, but (unless I am doing something wrong, which is very possible) the name does not pop up until you are close to it! And London has a LOT!!
  13. When I went to install the Tower Cooler (along with help) we found out that it would not fit. Did not even make it to taking the old one off. I am sending the new rig back. I am not sure where the problem is. As far as the temps being accurate, I was also using C.O.R.E. as well, the results were identical.
  14. I agree 100%, in fact, that PC is now shut down and I am going to be sending it back. I wonder if there is ANY paste on it. I am on my older PC, hoping the views of London will still be good.
  15. Well, I have a BAD heat problem. While flying over London today, in drone mode, I hit 115C I immediately got out of the sim. Scared to go back. Not sure if the drone/camera mode is what caused it
  16. I do appreciate ALL of the replies/advice/links given. :) When I tried to put the new cooler in, I feel that the height was not the only problem, it was also the width, no matter which way we turned the cooler, it would hit the RAM. And for the fan to work properly, there was only one way it could fit in the case. I am going to look for a low profile cooler. Not as good as the tower cooler (by a long shot), but, a LOT better then what I have installed right now. I wonder if, when the computer was being built, if they forgot to apply thermal paste ?? I did try a fan blowing onto the chip, did not make a difference. Edit-based on reviews that it will fit my mini-ITx case, I am trying this one out-https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VB3Y89E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  17. I did check out and customized the fans in the BIOS. They were on Standard, but I put them on Performance. I could not tell if the CPU was getting too much voltage. Not sure what it should be at?? Tried to find some information, all I got was how to overclock, lol (something I do NOT want to do) Thanks for the tips on the low profile fans, there are SO MANY choices!!! Not even sure which one is best?
  18. Thought it would fit, it does not. Right now, I am thinking of leaving it as is. It will spike to 90c, but not stay there. I am keeping the cover off, and considering have a small desk fan blow onto the CPU. Would that work, or would it mess up the air flow?
  19. That’s what I had thought, but, from what little I have rad it may be working on MSFS
  20. I read about this small program which would allow one to use Google Earth while flying. However, I am running into a roadblock. I have gone to the Github site, attempted to download the program and cannot. I am also having problems finding out if I have to use a downloaded copy of Google Earth or the web version. I know I have to use SimConnect as well. Any help is appreciated. I used Google Earth to explore Japan, found Mt. Fuji, attempted to fly there but could not get high enough. Ending up crashing, but, was able to use the drone and fly all around that beautiful mountain. Looking forward to doing some more flying around the country of Japan and looking at the POI's on Google Earth
  21. This is what I am getting installed today, Noctua NH-D15S, Premium Dual-Tower CPU Cooler
  22. I've noticed my individual cores are getting very hot (at times) sometimes hitting 90 C, but the overall CPU temps are in the 70's Should I be worried about the cores or the entire CPU? Was using the CORE app
  23. I am NOT going to be OC the CPU :) I am a touch worried, the case height is 160 and so is the cooler. I am hoping that there might be a few MM's left over :) I am also having one of our computer wizards install it for me :) I am an excellent paramedic, but when it comes to doing this, I will let someone else do it :D
  24. Thanks Loki, that has helped!!! I have now purchased the one that is slightly smaller :)
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