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Everything posted by flightsimg

  1. Yes, that was that! Always useful (I always save the flight enroute in case of crash :) ) For the rest, FS may slow by some times, work fine at other and I've never much understood nor much worried. Of use may be the nvidiainspector freeware if your graphic card a nvidia. Allows to tune settings of it to your FS
  2. Fine! :) the FSX function to accelerate time is also of use :pilot:
  3. Dommage! That looked like a great flight! Usually, that's those little gremlins in the machines :):):)
  4. Not minimizing. Thought it was about two teens murdered. But two murderers, I think grown up U.S. guys like they are, they will neutralize them easily. Two murdered teens, that would have been hard to ressuscitate them :):)
  5. When I read first the title, thought it was two teens murdered! But as long they are the murderers… :cool: :cool:
  6. Yep! Second heat wave that year there. But we overcame! Evidenced with my balcony gardening! Less damage than late June! In Burgundy however. The most of the heat was from Paris to Belgium That didn't spare me however to maintain my health with good cocktails :):):)
  7. RIP And yes, much of people passing worldwide! A generation, or? (French POV)
  8. Thanks for those details! Looks like I've some want in the history of French Navy aviation (I'm not that bad for the years until 1940, but those ones likely were used after 1945, I think. I will check)
  9. Landscape around looks great too! The airport at 7,800 ft… :cool:
  10. Fine plane! Didn't know much about Grumann (but that's those who built the Apollo LM)
  11. Great. Add more, or others :) !
  12. No problemo! :):) as you already paid for the first batch of drinks on your account :):) So, my next cocktail recipe will be that one: a cocktail-prone glass, rocks, pieces of peach or whatever fruit a hand, whisky, Sarento lemoncello, filling with Coke, mixing. A straw, relax, and drink. Best to drink by afternoon's end :cool:
  13. Looks like pics now displaying. The troubles mostly were likely due to my internet connection (and lack of luck that occurred with your lengthy post :):) )
  14. Fine! We're visiting a lot of U.S. places with your flights!
  15. Oshkosh great. What holds me back of such arial meeting is the too much sun during too much time :)
  16. Great! Never been to New Zealand, nor met people from there. Looks fine!
  17. Much detailed flight :):) Fine views! On the other hand, I got trouble to display some of your pics
  18. Didn't know that what of Sinatra :) (I listen sometimes to the swing period of him)
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