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Everything posted by mallcott

  1. Global adds nothing to system load - it's a texture replacement. Vector is s different kettle of fish. Then for the ORBX freeware you need the ORBX libraries up to 2 gigs of additional textures (never less than 650 meg). And kerrycorcoran your system is an order of magnitude beyond what the OP presents with... you should start your own thread.
  2. Not with any semblance of performance, no And certainly not if you add any ORBX addons.
  3. I said make a clean install of the latest driver. DDU and a clean install. You may have remnants of a previous driver from the basic Win 10 reinstallation.
  4. As I said: Nothing to do with the sim and don't bother to search on FSX for that error, it's to do with the shell extensions for the cards Nvidia Control Panel. You don't mention whether you've tried a driver update, but now you should. Make it a clean install of the latest driver - 372.70
  5. If no error message, this implies a hardware issue - power supply, memory or DirectX. Start there As this is on a default installation, the issue won't be with the software.
  6. There is more than one SimConnect module. Sounds like you installed less than all of them.
  7. You don't delete the shader files, you delete the shader cache.
  8. Of your story maybe, I've successfully flown the aircraft for around 200 hours, fixing most thing as I go along, then the occasional full maintenance hangar reset. The most common cause of `not random` failures are: 1: Idiot owners who don't know how to fly the aircrfat without breaking it or 2: Idiot owners who don't have their sim setup precisely as recommended by A2A in their extensive manual. Then there are a statistically small number of idiot owners who didn't install it correctly, as Bill says. Spot the common cause?
  9. I can tell you its not the product. It's your use of it, You've obviously got something wrong in your handling of the aircraft, or your setting up if the sim for it. If you don't understand what the persisten damage model does in A2A aircraft does then you need to learn. But you can't pursue this by repeating the half-baked version of what you are actually providing over in the correct forum, so frankly I don't know what you expect from us? It is not a problem with the product so perhaps the best solution is that you delete it. I suggest this topic is locked as its clearly going nowhere now that you have done so.
  10. Thre is nothing wrong with the autopilot . So there MUST be something wrong with either: 1: Your operation of it or 2: Your installation of it. As you have an support topic loaded and running on the developers website, and are adding info over there you are not putting in over here, I'm unsure what you expect of us? Anywho, we've identified the source of your problem, now we can leave it to A2A to fix it.
  11. Like most simmers, I keep things interesting by buying and installing stuff, then complaining about it. :p
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