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Everything posted by JSkorna

  1. I don't have an X-Box account and MSFS works just fine for me since Day 1. I do however have a Microsoft account.
  2. Do you realize that AS 6.5 real time weather does not work any longer?
  3. Some of us also remember god rays, cloud shadows, ocean waves, and we got only 2 updates.
  4. Your altitude divided by 3 usually tells you when to descend,
  5. People without issues do not post about how great their sim is working, people with issues do, people that like to complain about anything do, and people that exaggerate do.
  6. AS 6.5 worked with public data and when that shut down it was time to move on. It is not coming back to life. ASE works with private data and will not stop working. VATSIM weather will still continue to work with both programs.
  7. Have you moved FS around your hard drive/system since you installed it? Sometimes add-ons look at the registry to find out where FS was installed to.
  8. MSFS is a great sim and has worked for me from day 1 and every update has not caused any issues. Do not believe everything you read on the Internet.
  9. It's not up to MS to fix problems with add ons. It's up to the developer to fix it. And it's sure not up to the point of purchase to fix it.
  10. AS16 comes in 3 versions: One for FSX, one for P3D, and one for XP11. You need to make sure to purchase the FSX version and not one of the other two.
  11. Unzip the downloaded folder and place it in your MSFS\Community folder. There is no installation needed.
  12. Not if you did a Custom Install. Then it is in the custom install path, ex. C:\MSFS and the Community folder will be in the tree right below MSFS.
  13. Maybe e-mail REX and see what they suggest.
  14. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/error-1722-when-reinstalling-flight-simulator-x-de4cfd63-4900-874d-5fc5-020555e62be2
  15. You have to do it as scenery objects not as an AI plan.
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