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Everything posted by JSMR

  1. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?337760-Looking-for-the-RFP-747-paint-kit Same! I have zero painting skills or the right programs. I love the RFP 747-200! I've also been tweaking the RFP air file to fly a little better for each engine type. I've done the -3A, -7A and -7Q. Not perfect but each has its own characteristics, fuel burn a little closer to the real thing. Not 100% accurate but reasonably close I feel.
  2. Yes incredible scenery once again from Greg! A shame the France VFR La Reunion scenery isnt available any more as it would look fantastic I'm sure. Awesome job!! Sydney, Auckland... wink wink, nudge nudge. :p
  3. Agree. I prefer 2D as for the most part, panels look better. More photorealistic as opposed to a graphic artwork display. Feels kinda plastic. And as in a real panel, you don't need much head movement, its all eye scan. We almost do a 'snap view' in real life, a quick head movement and eyes lock on the new view in an instant. Like a 2D view change. I don't feel it's any less realistic with a 2D panel. Especially on my monitor on my desktop with my 2 cats walking all over the keyboard putting flaps and gear down at cruise altitude messing up my VA points. :D
  4. I think the walk up drinks bar is the best part but each their own. :p
  5. Not scary??!! I walked into a bar recently, all eyes on me. Got to the counter, the barman said "what'll it beee, stranger?" I asked for my usual go to beverage..chocolate milkshake with a double shot of full cream milk. The barman asked what I was doing in town. I said I'm planning on deleting some scenery AP9xxxxx.bgl files. Well.. The piano player in the corner stopped, the few patrons were aghast and moved back away from me. The barman slowing walking backwards also with his hands raised and gently said "just..easy stranger. Easy.No need for that". True story.
  6. Sounds scary!! Doing a search I may be able to do an exclude etc for the airports I want removed.
  7. The only thing i don't like is that all the existing airports are still there. It takes away a little having a nice 1920-1930's airport right next to the modern international airport. Does anyone know how to remove those modern airports?
  8. I was slowly getting there. I have a lot of the calclassics stuff. I love flying my Connie and DC-6. Did. 7+ hour flight in the 6 the other day. That’s where I spend most of my time. But I’m enthralled by the prospect of zooming around at 80mph in a biplane in the ‘1920’ and 30’s. :) It’s also still on my radar to fly the USA - Australia route that Charles Kingsford Smith did in the Fokker VIIB in real time. No auto pilot. No gps. Disable ctrl-s look down view and ctrl-z so I can’t see lat / long positions (flew the Atlantic like this in the Connie with only the bubble sextant and the ship reporting stations. Love it). GW3 is definitely worth trying and experiencing!
  9. I’ve had it but never installed it,,,until a coupe days ago. Slowly adding scenery - from the Ford Tri Motor site, SOH etc. I’ve added a few aircraft by D. F. Molyneaux such as the DH83 Fox Moth. So much fun to fly!! I’m planning on doing some flights around India since I have that scenery package as well from the Ford Tri Motor site. I’m always slow to get around to doing things like this. But already I’m finding it more than worthwhile!! Absolutely NOT superseded…by any sim available. My Stupendous Full Sight 20/20 vision is assured of this fact. ;)
  10. Now revealed? I’ve been doing this for a long time with zero issues. Depending on hardware I’ve hard that maybe isn’t up to scratch. Some scenery - airports - just suck the fps away. But I find I gain more by switching of ground shadows and or removing static objects, aircraft, trucks/cars or trees etc. Usually I gain some back that way. I still don’t get what you’re trying to do and why. I know you said earlier why on this but is it a problem at all airports, or just some? What hardware do you have?
  11. Having tons of scenery shouldn’t add much in the way of loading times unless you have basic hardware running your machine. I found deleting vatsim / ICAO ai if you have any, or unused ai the biggest difference to loading times for me. Although 1024 x 1024 32 bit textures at airports with a GPU using high SGSS etc doesn’t help either. So loading times as in textures loading? Poor FPS? Stutters? Pauses? Freezes? Lockups? CTD’s? BSOD’s? (
  12. Out of curiosity, what textures are you resizing and why?
  13. I’ve always used this one and it works perfectly fine. Missing alpha thingys? Use the missing alpha program thingy to whack em back in. It doesn’t affect windows not starting up either! :)
  14. Disregard everyone. v2.0 DOES indeed work. I didnt notice that in the files created after doing some landclass WAS a BGL file. It works!!
  15. V2 doesnt work in Windows 10 I believe. 1.4B may...hope so.
  16. I've used it in the past and didnt have any issues. I'v etraied it again some years later and the files saved arent BGL's so I cant use it on the sim. I get these files : EZL LC RAW file But no BGL. Any help appreciated.
  17. I have the DC-4/DC-6 and Connies from CalClassic. They do work but you need to follow the procedures exactly otherwise they wont start. Its a beautiful thing to fire them up each time.
  18. Time to learn to do it properly. ;)
  19. :D Seems ok to me. :p
  20. That’s cheating!!!!!
  21. It’s before the 1. Boom! Ahhh…comes in late but still worthy surely. :p :D
  22. JSMR

    Canada scenery

    I installed in order, parts 1-4, then 4a I think it is. Every install I found the same. The low FPS seems to be coming from the dock area. I did remove it and confirmed it was FPS intensive. But of course it doesnt look as good. Turning off ground shadows makes a difference as well.
  23. JSMR

    Canada scenery

    Thanks Rodger. I download as much of your stuff as I can. Love flying in Canada and Alaska. Some really good scenery out there. I had a question regarding your PAKT scenery. I find it quite hard on FPS which I think comes from the dock area. Lots of objects I guess. Any suggestions as to ways to reduce the impact on fps?
  24. JSMR


    YAY!!! So happy for you. :p
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